Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:36 AM

Chapter 259

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Red Dog returned to the Navy headquarters with a bunch of defeated soldiers. Because heaven gold was robbed, it was a very serious mistake, so Mary chiaya of holy land immediately removed the red dog's marshal.

While red dog was preparing for the task of transporting gold from heaven, the world's political Fu issued an order to recruit top experts from the people to serve as the new general. Tenghu and lvniu became new navy generals because of their superior strength.

The current three generals are huangape, lvniu and Tenghu.

After the recall of red dog, the commander-in-chief of the Navy, gang Gukong, was temporarily appointed as the new marshal and stationed in the Navy headquarters, marinfando.

As soon as he took office, he received a report.

Lieutenant general Huoshaoshan and lieutenant general stocaberry, and six major generals were attacked in the new world. Among them, Huoshaoshan and stocaberry were defeated, and three major generals were killed. All these were done by a guy named Darius.

Darius, captain of the sound emperor Pirate Group, committed a heinous crime and was offered a reward of 720 million Bailey.

Not only that, his army of nearly 2000 people, with their own strength and power, defeated no less than five big pirates with a reward of more than 500 million, and became famous for a while.

In the new world, he is also known as "the latest rising star".

A day ago, new world, a sea area.

Five pirate ships were sailing on the sea. A man with strong physique and strong muscles, nearly 1.9 meters tall, stood on the bow of the largest ship in the middle, commanding his ship to speed up.

"Captain, that guy is a former Navy General. Recently he defeated red dog and robbed Tian Tian Jin. Are you sure we want to go?"

Jianshuo man said with a smile: "he is only two years older than me, but he can do such a big thing very well. However, no matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than white beard?"

"White... White beard? Do you mean that if we defeat him, we will also challenge white beard?"

the strong man, who is called "Captain", glanced at the talking minion, "there is no end to human strength. If we defeat him, I will be the new fourth emperor. Furthermore, if I defeat white beard, I will be the strongest in the world! "

the minions shout, but the captain looks forward confidently, as if the new four emperors are waving to him...

however, compared with this matter, the Navy headquarters and even the whole world now focus on Lei Yin.

Robbing the gold in the sky and burning one of the Marshal's arms is absolutely appalling!

in addition to killing the Tianlong people, defeating the Yellow ape, making a big stir in the propulsion City, defeating bigumam and occupying all countries, he is also the former general of the Navy headquarters. These, no matter which one, are the great evils that shocked the world.

The world government officially announced that munch-d-long, the leader of the revolutionary army, is still the number one criminal in the world.

And [rebel general] Lei Yin is the second criminal in the world!

therefore, the world political Fu issued a reward order for the important figures of Lei Yin Pirate Group.

[rebel Intelligence School] Kelvin, offering a reward of 215 million Bailey.

(the former marshal of the Warring States period was known as the "wise general", and Craven was a captain before he defected from the Navy)

[rebel swordsman] Bolen Liuma offered a reward of 318 million Bailey.

[sky monkey] swift, offering a reward of 82 million Bailey.

[golden sniper] Sauter, offering a reward of 185 million Bailey.

[mr.2] von Kley offered a reward of 91 million Bailey.

[mr.3] gale Dino offered a reward of 85 million Bailey.

Sandusonia offers a reward of 220 million Bailey.

[flame snake] Mary godlow, offering a reward of 215 million Bailey.

[weapon woman] baby-5, offering a reward of 48 million Bailey.

[empress] Boya hancook, offering a reward of 480 million Bailey...


the rebel general and the world's second criminal Lei Yin, offering a reward of 2.65 billion Bailey!

now, no one in the world does not know Lei Yin. His name is as famous as munch-d-dragon, white beard, shanks and KEDO.

News and reward orders were published all over the world, and of course, all countries were also affected.

She bought a pile of reward orders from newsbird. The little mouth of baby-5 pouted. She said to Lei Yin, "look, why is my reward the lowest in the Pirate Group?"

Seeing baby-5 like this, Lei Yin couldn't help laughing, "because now you have a baby, of course you can't fight."

Of course, baby-5 is not stupid: "even if I have children, how can the world politics know?"

Baby-5 knows that Lei Yin is comforting herself with her pregnancy.

"This..." for a moment, Lei Yin could not say.

"And..." the more baby-5 said, the more angry she became. "Why does she (Hankook) get ten times more reward than me? It's not fair at all!"Lei Yin took the reward list from her hand, which was 480 million yuan for Hankook and 48 million yuan for baby-5.... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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