Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:34 AM

Chapter 26

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The pirates didn't dare to disobey Crick's orders, so they had to rush over.

In the face of the hundreds of people, Lei Yin just a faint smile, and then his hands up and down between flying, has suddenly sealed.

"Water escape - the art of water chaos!"

Lei Yin's right forefinger and middle finger were placed on his mouth, spitting out a waterfall like water wave, and the pirates were scattered by the water wave. Dozens of pirates were not only washed down, but also became drowned.

At this time, not only the Navy and the pirates, but also Joseph and Johnny, who were watching the battle, dropped their chin to the ground.

"What's the matter with this guy?"

"We're fighting monsters!"

"This guy is not something we can defeat at all..."

there are endless complaints among the pirates.

Spitting fire, spraying water, blinking, facing and blocking shells...

NIMA, even those who are capable of devil fruit, can't have so many abilities, can they?!

The matter is far from over. Next, Lei Yin's ability to show has refreshed people's three views over and over again...


at this time, a large warship stops at the port north of shelz town.

"Why are there so many pirate ships here?" A commander on the warship was full of doubts.

"Lieutenant General Kapp, look, something's wrong in town."

"It seems that he has just experienced the war, and there are fires everywhere..."

after hearing that, KAP took off his dog mask and looked at the town solemnly on the warship: "something must have happened. Let's go down and have a look at it right away...

" yes! Lieutenant general


when klike saw the washed out sea robbers, he reacted for a long time and then continued to launch the order of attack.

The pirates had no fighting spirit. They wanted to escape from this land of right and wrong, leaving a monster like kid. However, the leader's order had to evoke an unobvious arc from the corner of Lei Yin's mouth: "it's better to give you pleasure to see you in such a dilemma."

When we didn't know why, Leiyin's hands flew over and made a seal again, and then he put his fingers on the ground.

"Leidun, go

Then, thunder and lightning scattered along the ground towards the pirates. The pirates didn't have time to run away. They were blackened by electricity, especially those who were hit by the [water chaos wave] or stepped on the water just now.

Leidun - Dizou, level C Ninja spread in the earth, and Shuidun will be more powerful.

At this point, the only one who can fight is Crick.

However, Crick could no longer restrain his inner fear. In a moment, he changed his face...

he put on his sharp [sword mountain cloak], put on his [diamond boxing ring], took out his strongest weapon [war gun], and almost armed his whole body to his teeth.

Crick was holding a [war gun]: "boy, how can you attack me now?"

His [Jianshan Cape] spikes almost covered his whole body, and the hardness was even harder than his original steel armor, which could be said to be invulnerable to fire and water. He thinks that no matter how strong the thunder sound is, he can't hurt himself in [Jianshan Cape].

Seeing the prickly, Lei Yin "puffed" and laughed: "uncle, you have finally put on a magic suit, but it looks the same as durian."

When he heard this, Crick was even more furious, waving his [war gun]: "boy, I'll split you in two!"

At this time, Lei Yin also felt that he had enough to play, and finally pulled out the Ninja knife behind him.

At this time, everyone is staring at the boy who has surprised them over and over again...

the next moment, the ninja sword is twined with thunder and lightning, making a sound...

"Leidun - thousand bird blade!"


As he rushes up, Crick is frightened. The sword mountain cloak is directly cut to pieces by the lightning's knife. His chest is directly cut open. Crick falls to the ground and twitches a few times. He has no life any more.

Looking at klike falling on the ground, Leiyin takes back the power of thunder and takes the ninja sword back into the scabbard.

This move [Leidun - thousand bird blade] was originally created by yuzhibo Sasuke in Huoying, but Leiyin evolved it according to the skill of [Leidun - thousand bird flow], and the level is B.

In fact, at the beginning, Lei Yin was fully capable of killing klike with one move and annihilating the klike Pirate Group with his own strength. The reason why so many tricks are used is to experiment with the newly learned Ninjutsu, and to abuse the soldiers, which can increase the experience value.

That is to say, from the beginning, Lei Yin didn't fight seriously.

What Leiyin doesn't know is that as early as three minutes ago, Kapp had already arrived and witnessed Leiyin's heroic gesture of killing Crick with "thousand bird blade"."Win... Win...

" we...

"we win!"

"This boy is really strong!"

"It's like a dream!"

The remaining Marines of the 153 branch could not restrain their emotions and cheered one after another.

Seeing this, Kapp, who just came here, could not help asking, "where did this boy come from?"

Commander: "I don't know, but it doesn't look like our Navy..."

after the victory, the Navy began to clean the battlefield and pacify the townspeople. Seeing that the navy of the Navy headquarters came, the remaining pirates were all obediently arrested and caught in prison.

It was Leiyin who saw the headlines in the newspaper a week ago that Kapp was ordered by Marshal Warring States to visit the East China Sea, but he didn't expect to come to shelz Town, but met with such a thing.

So, Kapp immediately sent people to investigate the whole story, the most important thing is to find out the identity of the kid who killed Crick.

On the one hand, Kapp sent people to investigate, on the other hand, he personally asked the naval officers of the 153 branch.

153 branch office building.

After listening to the officers' words, Kapp stood up and smashed the desk in front of him with a fist: "come on, find out that Captain short for me, drive him out of the naval base directly, remove him from the post on the spot, and never hire him!"

"Yes, sir

Captain short is really nobody, from the fight to now, has been scared not to show his face. How can Kapp not be angry when a commander in chief of a base leaves his army alone?

Despite Kapp's usual cynicism, he was more serious in handling affairs. How else can we push the former pirate king gore-d-roger into a desperate situation several times? How can he become a lieutenant general?

Not only that, at the moment when the punch smashed the desk, all the 153 branch officers present were silent. They really deserved the name of "iron fist"....

all the officers were silent , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!