Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:30 AM

Chapter 265

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"Xianfa fengdun spiral hand sword!"

seeing that the Buddha is close at hand, Leiyin, who starts the immortal mode, holds up the high-speed energy ball in his right hand and hits the Buddha with one blow.

The unprepared Buddha was suddenly shot away...

did Cheng... Succeed?

Actually beat the Buddha?

just as Lei Yin hesitated, a golden light as thick as the index finger came, which made Lei Yin stagger.

When I look up, Buddha is sitting in front of Leiyin.

It turns out that the one Lei Yin defeated with [Xianfa fengdun spiral sword] is just a part of the Buddha.

It may be the Buddha's strong perception, or the Buddha's prediction of the future. In a word, Buddha seems to know Lei Yin's actions like the back of his hand.

In fact, there's nothing wrong with it.

"You are the Buddha." Lei Yin stood up and patted the dust on her body.

It seems that the general Ninjutsu for the Buddha, almost all scratch the surface.

In that case, let's do one of my best tricks.

Chakra in Leiyin's body surged at a high speed. Suddenly, he put his hands together and opened his eyes again, a huge breath came to his face:

"xianfamudun - real thousand hands!"

suddenly, a lifelike wooden Buddha rose at the foot of Leiyin. When Leiyin waved his arms, thousands of arms behind the wooden Buddha poured down like a storm , straight to the Buddha...

unexpectedly, when the Buddha saw this, he suddenly laughed and waved his palm. The palm Qi condensed into substance. The substantial palm became bigger and bigger, and the last palm pushed all the real thousand hands of Leiyin away. In the end, he not only smashed the wooden Buddha, but also flew away the top of Leiyin.

Lei Yin completely believed that civet cat Buddha is a God worthy of the name. He is not only a God, but also a teacher of Lei Yin. There is still a gap between the strength of master and apprentice.

Or is Buddha invincible and omnipotent?

Lei Yin is not clear.

In fact, when Lei Yin just began to challenge Buddha, civet Sword Fairy knew the final result.

Just as Lei Yin thought about it, the voice of Buddha sounded like a bell in his ear:

"little devil, I know your mood very well. In that world, you can be regarded as a top master. However, there is a strong hand in the strong, and the mountain is higher than the mountain. The opponents you will meet in the future are not only the people in that world. "

Hearing this, Lei Yin couldn't help but stare, "what do you mean?"

a mysterious smile appeared on the Buddha's face: "in the dark, there is destiny, and the secret can't be revealed."

Hearing this, Lei Yin couldn't help sighing: "Buddha, you are really a guy who likes to play tricks."

At this time, civet Sword Fairy said: "Buddha, you are teaching this guy something, otherwise, I don't think this guy will give up."

Buddha: "I know what he means when he comes here. To tell you the truth, I didn't expect you to grow up so fast. In fact, I don't have more to teach you. If you have to say something... "

with a wave of the Buddha's hand, a golden Aurora suddenly appeared, and nine channels with different colors appeared in front of Lei Yin. The nine channels are exactly the same size, and they can just pass through one person's circular tunnel.

Lei Yin looked at the nine tunnels in front of him, and said, "Buddha... What do you mean?"

Buddha: "there are nine roads that can make you stronger. You can choose one of them."

"The road to power?" Lei Yin looked left and right, and could not see any clue at all.

"That's right. Now you've learned about the boundaries of blood, Ninjutsu, Xianfa and Ti Shu. It seems that you're still so far behind."

"Eh?" the more Buddha said, the more mysterious he was, and Lei Yin was even more confused.

"Don't worry about so many. You can choose one of the nine tunnels here. When you come out, your strength will be closer."

Buddha said this, mentioned Leiyin great interest, excited mood can not help but let him mobilize.

"Does that mean you can only choose one of the nine tunnels?"

"That's right."

After listening to Buddha's words, Lei Yin couldn't help turning her eyes to the nine tunnels again.

"What will this be...

"... Nine tunnels... No matter, go in and have a look. "

Determined no longer to hesitate, Lei Yin strides to the first tunnel on the right. A violet Aurora almost blinds him. He resists the discomfort and goes forward. Gradually, the violet light is fading.

Gradually clear, around a vast desert, a creature similar to raccoon dog appeared in front of , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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