Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:27 AM

Chapter 269

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Then, the system prompts again, because you get the power of a perfect human pillar, your strength will be improved again, and your personal information will be updated.

Lei Yin

gender: male

age: 21 years old

Ninja level: ghosts and gods field (above demons)

blood following boundary or pillar force: Eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, whirlpool blood following boundary, one tail shouhe perfect pillar force.

Skills: Xianfa Mudun - true thousand hands, Baqi's skill, most of Shuidun; most of Huodun; most of Leidun; most of tudun; most of fengdun; most of Mudun's Ninja; Lizhi's sword dance and other extended swordsmanship; Lizhi's sword wave and other extended swordsmanship; saber drawn chop and other extended Swordsmanship; feileishen 2nd section (level a); white blade (level a); spiral pill (level a); Dayu spiral Pill (level a); multiple shadow separation (level a); sword shadow separation in hand (level a); channeling thunder sword (Level B); lion's continuous bullet (Level C); six e-level basic Ninja; bingdun icicle (Level B); one knife flow rhino strike; overlord color domineering; armed color domineering; seeing and hearing color domineering.

Item list (forbearance, weapons): Seal scroll × 2, bitterness × 12000, grass shaved sword, hand sword × 7200

psychic beast: cat and tiger beast

immortal mode: civet cat fairy family's Fairy Art in Shengfuling, awakened! Mudun Fairy Art (awakened).

Chakra volume: 1.135.56 billion, 1.225 billion (combat consumption)

money: 2 billion Bailey

take a closer look, my chakra value has increased from 800 million to 1.2 billion.

Sure enough, as the original said, renzhuli will have a lot of chakras.

With the blood of the whirlpool clan, it has become the pillar force after the limit. Now, the amount of chakra of Leiyin is almost exhausted.

Looking back on the battle with shouhe before, why can we defeat shouhe easily with Baqi? Why is shouhe so afraid of Baqi snake?

Originally, Leiyin thought of the ancient tail battle in the shadow of fire.

The battle record of a shouhe is better than that of a rat and a Jiao, and worse than that of a thunder beast, a cat and a Ji. After meeting Baqi snake, he fled without fighting.

It turns out that as early as ancient times, a shouhe was afraid of Baqi snake, just like a mouse meeting a cat.

Once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of a well.

This can explain why shouhe is so afraid of Baqi snake before fighting.

This time also proved that Baqi snake is indeed the natural killer of shouhe.

After becoming a perfect human pillar, Buddha said: "now you can definitely have a place in your current world, but it's not enough."


hearing what the Buddha said, Lei Yin couldn't help wondering. Now she is beating bigumam head-on and becoming a famous figure of the new fourth emperor. There are few rivals in the world. Although Leiyin is also eager to be stronger, the Buddha's saying that "it's not enough" makes people feel exaggerated.

Now, he is fully confident that he is a man with a white beard, which is not strong, so what is strong?

Seeing Lei Yin's puzzled expression, Buddha said, "you will understand what I said in the future."

Indeed, as Buddha said, Leiyin later understood the meaning of his words.

Buddha continued: "I know that your ninja level has not only experienced a lot of fierce battles, but also paid a lot of hardships from [shadow level] to [demon realm], and now to [ghost realm]. Just to remind you, it's almost impossible for you to reach the next level from the realm of ghosts and gods. "

Lei Yin: "I haven't thought about the next level. I just want to be stronger every day."

Buddha: "that's what I say, but you are far away from the next level. Also, after my observation, you are now close to the immortal body. "

"Immortal... Immortal's body?" hear Buddha's words, thunder sound can't help but stare big eyes.

Buddha said faintly: "that's right. Strictly speaking, [immortal body] is also a hierarchy, but the system does not divide it. You can also think that this is a form from the realm of ghosts and gods to the next level. With the immortal body, your body will be close to the virtual state

"Emptiness... Emptiness?" hearing the new words constantly appearing in the Buddha's mouth, Lei Yin was puzzled and excited.

Virtual, the term, Lei Yin in "death" in this animation heard.

Is that what you mean?

With doubts, Lei Yin asked the Buddha.

Buddha: "it's a wonderful feeling. When you reach that level, you will feel light, as if you don't exist, and feel that you have the power to control everything... This is just a general description, the real feeling... Almost can't be described in words...

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