Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:23 AM

Chapter 273

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This move [Xianfa Huodun Dayan bullet] is based on Leiyin's [Huodun Dayan bullet] and injects the immortal skill chakra, which is even more powerful than the strongest move of [Huoquan] ace [Yanjie Dayan emperor].

Like the scorching sun, the fireball hit shanks. But xianggs didn't dodge. He just waved his sword left and right, and two wind like swords suddenly came out. The fire just met the wind, and then it suddenly decreased. Finally, it quietly died out.

It deserves to be the world's first-class swordsmanship. This kind of fire can almost destroy an island, but can't hurt it at all.

Xianggs put his sword on the ground and murmured: "is this ability to exchange fruit just the ability to exchange fire? What's the difference between that and the captain of white beard's second team? "

While shanks is pondering, Leiyin is ready to launch the next attack.

"I don't think it works for him." Lei Yin thought, the body slowly desertification, the body even appeared violet clear lines, "in this case, then try the new ability."

Lei Yin's face changed, and his body seemed to have sand flowing. When people looked at him, he looked like a yellow sand ghost.

"A man's pillar - the crane of the sand!"

seeing the scene in front of him, Xiangs was even more puzzled. "It was just the fire, and now it's the sand. How can two kinds of natural abilities...

" armed sword in the hand of the sand! "

while Xiangs was a little stunned, hundreds of dark swords in his hand pointed at Xiangs from all directions Gus shoots and encircles him. This attack is unavoidable.

It turns out that before releasing the sword in the hand of sand, Lei Yin divided eight parts of the art of multiple shadows into eight parts to surround xianggs, and then attacked xianggs with ten swords in each hand.

But the essence of the sword in the hand of sand is at least five times harder than that of the ordinary sword in the hand, and it is even harder because of its armed color.

However, xianggs was not slow. He just drew a beautiful circle around him with his sword. A sword like a full moon suddenly came out. After a burst of "dingdingdangdang" clear and loud, the swords made of sand fell to the ground one after another, and the sword spirit dissipated.

"Sand bound coffin!"

of course, Lei Yin didn't think that he could defeat the four emperors with such a move, so he stretched out his right hand and the ground around him quickly became Sandy. Then Leiyin's right palm gradually became a fist, and the sand around him soared to the sky, and quickly surrounded xianggs.

The sand is like a prison. It immediately surrounds xianggs in the core. Seeing that xianggs is doomed, it doesn't expect that a big hole will break in the east of the sand and xianggs will fly out.

This time, xianggs took the initiative to launch an attack. He drew his sword and got up straight to thunder. Thunder quickly pulled out his grass shaved sword to defend. Xianggs had great strength. The collision between the two swords was not only a strong clang of gold and iron, but also sparks. Lei Yin was caught off guard and suddenly flew out...

the flying Lei Yin didn't lose its balance. After a beautiful somersault in the air, it landed on the ground steadily.

Looking at his opponent, Lei Yin thought to himself: with swordsmanship and physical skills alone, he can dissolve almost all attacks. This man is really strong.

And xianggs thought: this guy, as it is said, will use all kinds of strange abilities. I don't know whether it is fruit ability or anything else. If this fight goes on, it's really hard to predict the outcome.

Lei Yin drew out the grass shaved sword behind him again, and the light white light was on the sword. Although the white light looks insipid, xianggus's seeing, hearing and color feel its extraordinary breath.

In fact, just now xianggs wanted to stop, but it was too late to find out.

It's not that shanks is afraid, it's that he wants to end the fight. He didn't come here to smash the scene, but he said something important to Lei Yin.

Since the other side is extraordinary, it's impossible to stand here and wait for death. We can only fight with them in the same way.

Lei Yin's grass shaved sword is shining with extraordinary white light. At the moment of wielding the sword, a huge sword gas comes out with overwhelming momentum...

"grass shaved silver knife flickers!"

this grand sword gas is like a white dragon, which is not only magnificent, but also frightening...

this move is made by Lei Yin on the [white teeth] of Qi Mu Shuo Mao, Kakashi's father Another improved move, powerful S-level ninja. Originally, the thunder only gathered it between the middle finger and the index finger. If you attach it to the sword and add the wind and thunder attributes to chakra, it will become a powerful sword Qi chopping attack.

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