Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:17 AM

Chapter 279

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Seeing this, Baxter drank a low voice, stepped up in the air, held the big wine pot like a sword handle, and waved it down with a strong force: "drunk immortal's chopping!"

with this wave, the wine in the pot spilled out like sword Qi, and people from afar could feel the extraordinary power. The thunder made the sword horizontal, and chakra and energy attached to the sword body. Unexpectedly, the sword Qi formed by the wine condensed into essence, like a huge transparent blade cutting on the sword body.

There is no general trend in war, but water is changeable. However, no one could have imagined that the wine was a solid almost the same as the hardness of straw razor sword.

Holding the sword grid in his left hand to block the huge blade made of wine, a ball of blue chakra ball on his free right hand is spinning...

"fengdun - spiral hand sword!"

just after it was launched, Baxter realized that he had no time to dodge. He surrounded his right hand with an armed color bully, and made a volley towards the [spiral hand sword] which was launched. That group of chakra Carat exploded in his hand.

"Is... Successful?"

"That guy's hand was hit head on by the captain."

As the dust from the sword in spiral hands gradually dissipated, Baxter was intact and unhurt.

However, the translucent blade turned into liquid wine again and was put into the wine pot.

"You're better than I thought, drunkard." Lei Yin pointed at him with the blade of the grass shaved sword.

"We're just like each other," barksjott said

Although Baxter always looks drunk, he looks sober every time he talks. I don't know whether he is really drunk or not.

Then Baxter held the jug high, not sure what to do, but it felt like "I'll call you, do you dare to promise?" It's the way you look.

Lei Yin had a premonition that this blow must be extraordinary, so he also made a gesture to meet it.

Barksjott's wine pot shakes violently. As soon as he shakes it violently, a strong atmosphere comes to his face:

"the mystery of wine technology - the shock of the atmosphere!"

seeing this, Lei Yin bites his thumb and draws several spells on the ground. Then he presses his whole palm on the ground:

"the art of eight Qi!"

suddenly, eight giant snakes attack with open teeth and claws The past, as if to swallow everything. But all the wine in barksjott's jug turned into steam, and the steam exploded in the void, like a chain of mines.

But the deafening sound didn't make Baqi snake step back. The snake angrily attacked. Seven of the eight snake heads were blown up by the steam made of wine. When the sound of explosion gradually weakened, the last snake head suddenly hit Baqi CHOT.

Baxter fell to the ground when he was hit by the attack. He raised his head and said: "this is my best move, [rebel general], these four little ghosts really deserve the reputation..."

Baxter's fall to the ground didn't reduce thunder's anger. His hands and fingers crossed, and two "thunder sounds" appeared, which almost lost his fighting ability Barksjott kicks.

Leiyin's attack didn't end. Then, more than 5000 Leiyin splits were separated from the open space and attacked Baxter together:

"shadow splits - 5000 bullets in a row!"

the five thousand splits gathered chakra on the right fist and called Baxter from all directions in the air.

Boom, boom, boom!

the more than 5000 parts that hit the target together were like a golden flash in the universe. Baxter had no fighting power. He vomited several mouthfuls of old blood and fainted directly.

In this way, he could not eliminate Lei Yin's hatred. The forefinger and middle finger of his finger gathered a white light, ready to use [silver knife flashing] to understand the life of the uninvited guest. At this time, craven suddenly ran out and stood in front of Leiyin.

Lei Yin's face was a little livid: "what do you mean, craven?"

Cleven: "Captain, you can't kill Baxter!"

hearing this, Lei Yin couldn't help but widened his eyes: "are you teasing me? He asked me not to be with my wife when she gave birth, and he seriously injured Darius, the vice captain. How could you not let me kill him? "

Craven said with great sincerity:" Captain, calm down. If you leave him, maybe it will be more beneficial to our regiment. "

Klein is the military adviser of the Leiyin Pirate Group. All along, Leiyin trusts him very much. When Klein says this, he naturally has an idea in his heart.

Lei Yin sighed: "well, in your face, I'll spare him first, then he will give it to you first. I have to go and see baby-5...

in a hurry , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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