Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:15 AM

Chapter 282

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On hearing this, barks also had a big smile on his face: "if I can have a good drink every day, I can do anything I want."

According to barkers, he agreed.

Hearing this, Lei Yin was overjoyed: "very good. Now, I'll appoint you as the deputy chief of staff of our regiment. Would you like to?"

"I'd like to help you very much, but now you have to give me a bucket of brandy like this...

in this way, Baxter chott became a member of Lei Yin's Pirate Group and the deputy of clavin.

Why does barks like drinking so much and drink so much? As time went on, it was later known that Baxter was born into a very poor family in Nanhai. And when he was very young, both his parents died early. Moreover, as he grew up day by day, he also found himself suffering from a strange disease - extreme drinking, and once he drank it, it seemed that he would never get drunk.

Fate seemed to surprise his life without restraint. A very accidental opportunity, he ate the devil fruit called "inflation fruit", which is a superman fruit. The person who has acquired the ability can change the shape of the object he touches at will, for example, liquefy or even solidify the air, and change the liquid such as wine into gas or solid.

This also shows that in the war between him and Leiyin, he could turn wine into countless solid needles and small ball shaped bullets to launch an attack.

When Baxter realized that he had the strength of others, he went to rob as soon as he had no money. Other people robbed money, but he went to rob wine. However, they often steal money, but the money they steal is still to buy wine.

In this way, I live a life of robbing money and wine day by day. In this way, I gradually improve my strength in the robbery, and gradually become a ferocious and powerful pirate. It is said that once, in the new world, he saw a giant pirate ship with very good wine, and the captain of the ship was not a vegetarian, so they started to work together. Finally, Baxter chout killed the whole Pirate Group with his own efforts. Later I learned that the captain of the ship was a big pirate with a reward of 960 million, who was going to challenge the fourth emperor's white beard.

Through this war, the world knew the terror power of Bacchus, and the world government offered a high reward of 1.185 billion, regardless of life or death.

After Baxter joined, the Leiyin Pirate Group further expanded, and even some small pirate groups came to join the Leiyin Pirate Group one after another. For a time, Leiyin's troops reached more than 30000, plus his family members, no less than 700000 people. These people worked for the people in peacetime and soldiers in wartime, and the long silent world gradually prospered. The degree of safety and comfort here is even second only to that of marinfanduo, the headquarters of the Navy.

However, this sense of prosperity did not last long. Before long, the arrival of a person broke the peace here.

One day at noon, a vulture flew over the sky of all countries and came straight to the central island where Leiyin was located.

Seeing that something was wrong, the sentry rushed to report to Lei Yin.

At the same time of the report, the vulture arrived almost at the same time. When it landed, it became human.

Lei Yin understood that this guy should have been sent by that man. He waved to let the sentry down.

The "vulture" is also a vulture, a fat vulture.

Next to Lei Yin, Craven said, "who are you? What are you doing here?"

the fat bald man touched his shining forehead, and his tone was a little arrogant: "kid, listen up, I'm the messenger of all animals and pirates, bald ah San, who came to you to declare war on the order of Lord KEDO!"

Craven said: "declare war?"

this day is coming.

Lei Yin said with a smile: "is that guy Kato still looking for me to fight? I know. Go back and tell him I'll be with you any time. "

Hearing this, bald ah San snorted with disdain on his face: "I don't mean to say that we, Lord kador, have been running across the sea for many years and haven't met enemies. We are all called the strongest creatures in the world. Although you are the same four emperors, you have only been a little devil for a few years. Do you dare to compete with my adults? I advise you to beg for mercy and surrender to Lord kador early, maybe you can save your life."

Bald ah San's tone is so arrogant that he can't even watch the one side of craven.

still has the final say on his face. "Can you beat him?" he said. "Then you can't beat him." and then, the thunder changed and a great momentum arise spontaneously. "If I'm arrogant here, believe it or not, I'll twist your head down to sacrifice our pirate flag!"

Seeing this, bald ah San felt inexplicable fear in his heart and shivered all over his body. For a moment, he could not speak...

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