Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:13 AM

Chapter 284

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"No matter what forces are involved, it's the five-star's order to capture the two four emperors at one time!" steel Gu Kong said in a loud voice, with an irresistible tone.

General Huoshaoshan: "but at that time, we may face more than two four emperors."

General Lu Niu put his hands on his chest and said in a flat tone: "when the kid and Kato are fighting, they have become the end of the storm. As long as we fight with all our strength, even a four emperor can deal with it."

Steel hollow words: "lvniu is right. All along, the four emperors are like cancer growing in the world, so it's one to kill one. This time I want to take part in the decisive battle between Leiyin and kaiduo, but the holy land has issued a death order. "

"So, this time we want to?"

"you guessed right..."

Leiyin territory, the central island of the world.

"What did you say? Are you going to fight with Kato? "Baby-5 holds the baby and looks better, but she frowns when she hears the thunder.

"Well, don't worry, Kato. He is by no means...

" don't worry, that's Kato, the most powerful creature in the world! In case, in case...

"in case I die, right?"

"don't say such unlucky words to me. As soon as we have a baby, you have to do such dangerous things. What do you want us to do? ”

seeing that baby-5 was so nervous, Lei Yin couldn't help laughing: "why do I listen to what you mean? I'm not the opponent of Kato anyway? You forget, he's the fourth emperor, so am I

"Anyway, I just don't want you to go... By the way, you can tell him that you are sick, or you don't want to fight with him, in short, find a reason to push it off..."

hearing the naive words of baby-5, Lei Yin laughs even more: "ha ha, isn't that ridiculous? Don't worry. Even if I can't beat him, he can't help me. "

Baby-5 held the child to persuade him, but Leiyin insisted on going and kept comforting him. At last, they hugged each other and went to sleep with the child in their arms...

while the whole army was preparing for war these days, a big event happened - Hankook was pregnant too!

however, Hankook and baby-5 had opposite attitudes.

"This time, you're going to take me." Hancock said softly and Leiyin.

Thunder sound smell speech eyes stare boss: "little sister, you are pregnant, can not follow together to make trouble."

"It's just less than a month. It doesn't matter. People want to fight so much. Take me with you..." hancook grabs Lei Yin's right arm and shakes it back and forth, just like a little daughter asking her father for sugar.

Lei Yin touched her pretty face: "no, you have a baby, and it's not convenient to move, let alone fight. Just stay at home with baby-5 and don't go anywhere. "

"Well, if I don't fight after I go, I'll see how you fight with crazy Kato. Is that ok?"

Lei Yin suddenly laughed and nodded hancook's forehead: "I didn't expect that you were quite slippery. Take you to say that it's watching the war. When it's time to fight, it's a mess. Who can watch you? I said no, just no, stay in the central island for me, and don't go anywhere!

Hankook: "Leiyin! You're so overbearing, I'm going to be killed by you...

before Hankook finished, Leiyin took her Yingying's little waist and whispered:" Hello, wait for me to come back Here, I'll take you to the shampooland islands, eat chocolate, go to the amusement park... Just the two of us...

Hankook was startled by the sudden action of Lei Yin, and Lei Yin's words somewhat influenced him, "just the two of us?"


"Well, I'll wait for you to come back safely..."

with that, their mouths stuck together...

these days, in addition to preparing for the war and deploying troops on sligny Island, he also went to shanks. No one knows what he did, and he came back in less than half a day.

The prelude to the war started, and the news spread all over the world...

East China Sea, Windmill Village.

A strong old man looks up at the sky and thinks a lot.

In his hometown, he learned the news of the decisive battle between Leiyin and kaiduo.

This old man is because of the defection of Leiyin, and was ordered to retire by the holy land of the former Navy headquarters lieutenant general Kapp.

"Smelly boy, you've come to the level you are today... If only you could still be in the Navy... Now it's useless to say anything. I'm an old man who has been eliminated by the times. Anyway, good luck... "

shambaldi islands, area 8.

An old man with silver hair and beard and glasses, who had just finished coating the hull, was sitting on a rock drinking wine alone. He opened the latest issue of the newspaper and saw the headline at a , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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