Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:08 AM

Chapter 289

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Finally, it's time for a decisive battle.

The elite of Leiyin group gathered in sleny island to wait for the arrival of the enemy.

Not everyone can keep calm. Most of the pirates under Lei Yin's command are very nervous. After all, what they are going to face is Kato, the beast known as the strongest creature in the world!

"Captain and cadres are coming!"

The herald gave a loud shout, and the rear side of the pirate consciously got out of the way. Everyone looked back. Leiyin, with the "three main forces", followed by the captains of all the teams, walked towards the front.

These three main forces are the three strongest cadres in Lei Yin's account:

vice captain, Darius, deputy chief of staff, Bacchus chott, team leader, Bolen Liuma.

Their appearance, let the pirates a lot of peace of mind, but also to ease the tension of some.

Lei Yin led the three main forces to the front of the troops and ordered the artillery troops to push hundreds of guns to the forefront of the battlefield. Lei Yin and the three main forces were close to the artillery positions, followed by the team leaders, then some low-level cadres, followed by the pirate soldiers, with swords, muskets and other weapons in their hands.

On sligny Island, the troops have been arranged. Leiyin has a deep vision and looks far away at the other end of the sea, waiting for the arrival of Kato.

Just during the waiting time, the tense atmosphere rose slowly in the Leiyin Pirate Group, and the air seemed to solidify...

with the passage of time, some of the pirates became more nervous, and even their palms began to sweat, while some were impatient.

"Captain, is CADO really coming?"

Lei Yin looked at the boundless sea and said, "he will come..."

sure enough, after a long time, the sea was full of flags, and dozens of huge warships were coming to the island in black as if they were going to cover the clouds and the sun.

The city is threatened by black clouds.

Here comes the Pirate Group of beasts!

a huge black warship bears the brunt, followed by mammoth, one of the three major signs of beasts. It's drought Jack's ship.

"Fire, fire for me!"

on the island, with an order, the prepared artillery troops pushed the shells into the gun bore. With the order of the starting officer, a hundred and ten cold shells were fired from the dark muzzle.

Although kaiduo is thick skinned and can completely ignore the attack of the shell, not everyone in the group is kaiduo. Even if it is the three disasters of drought jack, the shell will not be affected. If these shells were to be bombed in the past, at least a small part of Kato's troops would be damaged.

Unfortunately, things are too simple.

Suddenly, a monster flew up from the third large warship. He (she, it) gently waved his left and right wings, and suddenly a strong wind came up. The wind was so powerful that it blew the shells that had been launched back to the direction of the Leiyin Pirate Group!

Leiyin saw this and finished the seal with his hands. Against the strong wind, Leiyin also waved Out:

"fengdun - Beast wave gale palm!"

with the thunder, a strong wind rises, trying to push the shell back again, but I didn't expect that the wind of [beast wave gale palm] is not as strong as that strange wind. Although the momentum of the shell's retreat weakens, it doesn't stop.

In this way, the shells blown back destroyed Leiyin's artillery position. If [beast wave gale palm] didn't offset part of the wind, I'm afraid it would explode in the crowd of Leiyin Pirate Group.

Lei Yin holds the grass shaved sword in his hand, looks at the monsters floating in the sky, and clenches his teeth. A close look reveals that the monster is actually a woman with wings.

That woman is long, cherry mouth light faint slightly red, bamboo shoots hand half shunenyu. The waist is curly, and the body is light. Face heap in March delicate flowers, eyebrow sweep early spring tender willow.

Is it snow girl Monet?

"Wind disaster! This woman is a wind disaster!" someone in the thunder group told everyone.

Typhoon queen, one of the three major disasters of all animals and pirates, is the captain of the Archaeopteryx. He is an Archaeopteryx fruit breeder. He offers a reward of 1.25 billion Bailey!

it's better to see than to hear. Unexpectedly, one of the three disasters turns out to be a charming beauty!

Lei Yin doesn't care so much about it. He suddenly draws his sword and takes the wind disaster Queen, just at this time, but I don't know where a figure sprang up, jumped up, rushed to Lei Yin, waved the big fist of Qiu Jie, and smashed it down hard...

"your opponent... Is Lao Tzu!"

a roar of crazy tyrant resounded through the sky.

Lei Yin was caught off guard. After being smashed, he fell on the ground by somersault. It was kaiduo who smashed him!

the two four emperors stood opposite each other, announcing the full outbreak of the war between the two sides!

the war between the two sides broke out , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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