Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:06 AM

Chapter 291

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"Lord KEDO!"

KEDO's whole body is burning. He is a living fireman, more like a burning hill.

"It's a success!"

"now, I'm going to burn Keduo to death!"

some soldiers of Lei Yin group saw this scene, and their faces couldn't hide their joy.

"You are so naive." Lei Yin said to his subordinates, then turned his head to kaiduo, who was burning all over his body, "Hey, when are you going to install it, beasts?"

"ah ha ha, this fire is so warm. I really want to bake more."

Kaiduo said, and with a low drink, his body shook a few times, and all the fire on his body was gone.

When there was no small flame left on Kato's body, everyone saw that there was no scar on his body.

"How... How could it be?"

"Hey, even if it's immortal, there must be a limit. It's a fire with hot oil!"

Looking at the scarless kaiduo, people on Leiyin's side can't help but feel some despair. The high temperature of Baidu didn't bring any harm to kaiduo.

Is this guy invincible?

How can we defeat him?

just when everyone felt disappointed, Lei Yin opened his mouth and said with a smile, "Hey, what are you thinking about? Even if he is called" immortal body "or" strongest creature ", it doesn't work here. You know, Laozi is also the fourth emperor. I don't believe that he is really immortal. Don't worry, this guy will be handed over to me, and you can deal with his minions! "

after hearing Lei Yin's words, the subordinates all lit up hope.

If the boss is so confident, are we afraid of kaiduo's wool

They all joined the war with high morale and high guns and swords.

Seeing the morale of the people aroused by thunder, kaiduo could not help humming: "hum, you are very comforting."

For kaiduo's sneer, Leiyin smiles back: "how can you know that I will not defeat you, and I may win in the end."

"Hum, hubris!"

without any more nonsense, Kato the beast swung his long dark hair, which was like a sword, as if to reach the sky.

Suddenly, a crazy bully's breath from Kato, without delay burst out to thunder.

This is the domineering color of kaiduo!

and at the next moment, another breath comes from the direction of thunder.

Boom! CLICK!

for a moment, the whole isle of sligny vibrated with the dark clouds, changing colors, lightning and thunder.

The two domineering colors on both sides swept the whole island, forming a white energy ball between kaiduo and Leiyin, which is the proof of the collision of domineering colors.

Overlord color only in the fierce collision between the two people, and did not affect any one of the people present, but even so, the collision caused a strong wind pressure, rolled up a huge dust fog, so that many people can't open their eyes.

The island is shaking, and the whole island is covered with dark clouds, which makes people feel that the whole Tao seems to be crumbling.

"This is the collision between the four emperors..."

"if it wasn't for this battle, we might not have seen such a scene for 300 years..."

"it's terrible, it's just like the end of the world."

While the minions below were talking, suddenly, the momentum on both sides suddenly came into being. Suddenly, the sky "snapped" and the ground in front of them cracked inch by inch.

The space between Leiyin and kaiduo seems to be distorted. The cracking sound stimulates everyone's eardrum...


another loud noise. A huge body has been shaken back for dozens of steps, while the young one is like a mountain standing still.

At this time, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, the wind was light and the sky was blue, and the Isle of sregny also stopped shaking.

The one who was retreated was kaiduo, and the one who stood still was Leiyin.

"How can it be? The boy's overbearing color is as strong as the red haired bastard!"

kaiduo looks at Leiyin strangely, as if he is looking at a monster more dangerous than himself. He roars and waves his big hand to attack Leiyin again...

on the other side.

"Wind blade!"

the wind disaster queen waved her wings and sent out blades that could hardly be seen by the naked eye, which sent out to the Leiyin Pirate Group. People could not even see the track of the wind blade, so it was cut into two sections.

When she released the wind blade again and scattered it all over the sky, it turned into nothingness and dissipated in the air."Beauty, you've gone too far." A chubby drunkard said slowly... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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