Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:03 AM

Chapter 294

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Jack holds up the big elephant hoof, one after another tramples on the stray horse, the ground is trampled "rumble", is trampled out numerous cracks. The stray horse is as agile as a monkey, dodging from left to right, continuously avoiding the attack.

At the same time, Liuma noticed that, as the legend has it, the ground that had been stepped on dried up like a crack until it died. It makes the saline alkali land which is barren of grass even more barren of grass.

Amazing resilience, frenzied attack power. The wandering horse clenched [Longshou], and didn't know what he was thinking...

"drunken skill - wine drizzle!"

Baxter pulled out the big wine pot behind him, pointed the mouth of the pot at the storm queen, and the wine turned into tiny sewing needles, scattering towards her.

The wind disaster queen saw the situation, broke down the moves, waved his wings, "cattle hair wind bomb!"

floating in the mid air of the wind disaster wings, emitting translucent fine hair needles.

Boom, boom!

the attacks on both sides collide with each other, and the small needles collide in midair to form the explosion of shells, which is deafening and incessant in the void.

"Drunk skill - sniper of wine!"

after the attack was counteracted, Baxter held up the wine pot, and a ball shaped bullet in the mouth of the pot was fired towards the wind disaster. The wind disaster flashed quickly, and the bullet condensed from wine was fired in the air. He didn't know where to go.

"It's really a storm. It's incredibly fast. It's three times faster than a bullet. It can even hide."

Looking at the woman floating in the air, Baxter couldn't help but praise herself.

Barks gazed at the woman in the air with a more serious look than ever before.

"Next, I advise you to be careful." Barks said, desperately dancing the wine pot, the wine spilled out of the pot, forming a ripple in the air, toward the storm queen.

When the wind disaster happened, he immediately flapped his wings and wanted to blow away the wine from barks, but as soon as it was blown, the spilled wine turned into a raging flame and surrounded the wind disaster!

"what's the matter?"

The wind disaster queen didn't know where he was, and he flapped his wings more desperately, but he didn't expect that the more the fan fire was, the more prosperous it was.

It turned out that barkstrot used the ability of expanding and pressing fruit to make wine and air friction at high speed. In addition to the wind disaster, Queen's wind power made the wine produce high temperature, so he launched the fire attack.


the storm cursed, and a flash broke through the flame and rushed to barks. She attached armed color to her wings, and the wings became the same as the blade, and cut off barks mercilessly.

Barks seemed to have expected that he would condense the air into a fist solid the size of a millstone, striking it with the blade like wings of Queen. This time, it was a roar from the island, and a fierce attack. The original long-range confrontation between the two turned into close combat...

Leiyin and kaiduo collided fiercely, either Leiyin beat kaiduo away or kaiduo beat Leiyin back.

The two men fought hard for a long time and almost won or lost.

"I can't compete with him. If so, I'm afraid we won't be able to decide for long."

Think of like this, thunder sound is in a gap between rapid seal.

Accept the anger of thunder and lightning! 】

"Leidun - false dark!"

two blasts of thunder "click" out of Leiyin's two hands, so fast that people can only see a dazzling ray hitting kaiduo. Kato was hit head-on without a scar.

"The title of" Immortality "is really not bought with money. It's a lightning that can break through the hardest rock. It can't even cause any damage."

Lei Yin thought to himself, and his hands sealed again.

Ugly Mao Shen.

At the end of his speech, a high density of ray chakra gathered on the whole right arm of Lei Yin, and a bright and dazzling light formed on his right hand.

The right hand, like a golden sharp spear, stabbed into Kato's body, with a "stab" sound, and the blood light splashed everywhere!

"Lord Kato!"


"... Hurt Kato! "

the blood dripping from Kato's chest, and Leiyin's fingers all disappeared.

"This time, I feel a little pain..." Kato's brow wrinkled.

On the other side, the man who opposed Darius looked at him fiercely.

Darius looked at him as if he thought of something. His eyes widened gradually. "Are you... Are you earthquake king?"

the man's mouth lit up a smile: "it seems that you still remember me."

The captain of the three famous saber toothed tiger, who is an ancient species of cat and cat, is offering a reward of 1.5 billion Bailey! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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