Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:01 AM

Chapter 296

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"... this boy" if he really practices [immortal body], then no one in this world will be his opponent. However, judging from his speed, it is only a matter of time. In this case, after he has fulfilled his wish in this world, I plan to send him to another world... "

" another world? "Civet cat Sword Fairy heard the Buddha's words and couldn't help but stare his eyes wide:" you mean...

"yes, that's what you think. That world is more powerful than this one. I also want to see how far this guy can grow. " Buddha said with a smile on his face.

The civet cat Sword Fairy muttered in his heart. Buddha said, the divine consciousness went to Leiyin again and observed his next move...

sligny Island, the battle field of leikaiduo.

Thunder and lightning gathered on the hundreds of points of Leiyin's skill, and Qi Qi went to kaiduo.

Stabbing! Stabbing...

hundreds of blood lights appeared, and Kato's body suddenly became full of holes, and blood flowed from all parts of his body.


This time, each body only cut a few layers of skin on Kato's body, causing no substantial damage.

When many parts of Lei Yin disappear, you can see that Kato's body has become dark and shiny.

Kato, wrapped in armed colors, is probably the hardest creature in the world.

However, although the injury is not deep, Kato's body is still full of holes.

However, the body full of blood sores is healing as quickly as ice.

This is still within Lei Yin's expectation...

in the west of the battlefield.

"Follow me, everyone, we must win this victory!"

"ballet boxing · luokui Swan Dance!"

a genie got up quickly, and the remnant of the Swan appeared behind him, and the minions of the hundred beasts were beaten to pieces with one blow.

Rushing in front of impressively is the thunder sound group's second team leader Feng Cray.

Galdino made a large candle fist, which broke up six or seven minions.

"I said Mr. 2, can we not rush so far ahead, if we encounter three major disasters, we can't cope with them."

"Oh ~ mr.3, if you don't lose heart like this, we are members of the Leiyin Pirate Group now."

Feng Cray said, a record of [human demon knife cut] and knocked down another.

All of a sudden, in front of them, a powerful guy appeared. With only one hand, he beat gardino out.

"Three boys!" seeing Galdino's flying, von Kley yelled and put on an offensive posture, "human demon Boxing - three hundred and twenty thousand circles kick!"

I don't know how many turns, with a fierce wind, he suddenly kicked the man in the face with an empty wave, and the man's hand was armed to catch the powerful kick of von Kley.


fengkeli looked at the man incredulously. Unexpectedly, the man punched fengkeli's stomach with a fist as big as a sandbag. Fengkeli spat out a mouthful of old blood and was shot off. He rolled on the ground several times before he stopped.

"But... Hateful..." Feng clay, who was beaten to fly, looked at the man who hit him.


the subordinates of the second team all launched a fierce attack on the man who had just shot him when they saw that fengkeli had been shot off.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.

Seeing more and more people around, the man suddenly roared and turned into a big black bear who was more than four meters tall.

His name is bill. He's a member of the hundred beasts regiment. He's a bear bear and black bear. He's offering a reward of 152 million Bailey.

"Don't be rampant, people of the hundred beasts group!"

a fat orange haired woman with a sword in her hand cut bill straight. Although the big black bear was bulky, he quickly jumped away with armed color on her feet and broke the orange haired woman's sword with one foot.

The bear's strength is amazing. With the cultivation of human beings, Bill's arms have become a great strength.

Looking at the broken sword, the orange fat woman can't help but get angry. She roars and grows bigger. Her orange hair looks like a devil beating and turns into a king cobra almost as tall as bill. She breathed the ferocious snake letter and looked at the black bear in front of her eyes.

Boya Marie godru, the third elder of Gorgon's three sisters, the third younger sister of the former nine snake emperor, is the snake fruit king cobra morphological ability person of the animal department, and now the leader of the seventh team of Leiyin Pirate Group, offering a reward of 215 million Bailey!

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