Published at 25th of May 2022 08:39:00 AM

Chapter 297

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Bill couldn't help but widen his bear's eyes when he saw Mary godlow in animal form.

He didn't expect that the team of leiyintuan was also full of Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger.

"The people who beat the thunder sound Pirate Group don't have your good fruit to eat!"

Mary godlow almost yelled angrily, put up her tail behind her and stabbed bill like a thick black spear:

"snake protruding!"

looking at the dark streamer, bill put his arms around his chest and attached armed color, and Mary godlow's snake tail stabbed bill Bill could not help but retreat from his arms and ploughed two deep marks on the ground with his feet.

Bill saw this and flew back dozens of steps to avoid Mary godelow's spear like tail.

Then, the earth was shocked "Dong Dong" sound, black bear bill that strong and strong body on the impact.

It seems that the black bear came to play with her this time.

Those who are able to bear fruits are strong in physique. Bear fruits not only have great strength, but also have rough skin and thick flesh, which have certain defensive power.

Seeing the impact of the black bear, Mary godru knew that she could not be vague, so she was furious. Her orange hair stood up like an orange lightning, and her whole body seemed to have a light fire floating around:

"snake hair possessed the God of fire snake!"

suddenly, Mary godru's erect orange hair gradually turned into a red color, such as fierce The flame is burning. Suddenly, a breath like fire devil pours on bill. Bill is immediately hit by the breath and his fur is gradually burning.

In the beating fire, Bill's scream became smaller and smaller until he lost his voice.

Mary Gertrude breathed a sigh of relief, changed into the original shape, feeling a little tired. Feng Cray and gardino, who have been knocked down, are secretly congratulating themselves when they see the situation here.

But then, seeing the scene in front of us, people of leiyintuan on this side of the Western battlefield were tense again.

This time, hundreds of uninvited guests came to the Western battlefield.

These people, roaring and drinking furiously, entered the crowd of Leiyin Pirate Group. It was like a hard rock meeting a group of eggs. The people of Leiyin group were beaten like chopping melons and vegetables. Fengkele and Galdino were injured again. Mary godru, who had just been tired of fighting, was knocked to the ground by a "standing yak" with a few punches. Lei Yin group had almost no fight.

Many cadres and soldiers of Leiyin regiment in the West were beaten by people with panic on their faces. Their faces were completely changed and they were black and white.

The hundreds of people in the hundred animals group are of different shapes, including elephants, lions, tigers, leopards, crocodiles, yaks and hippos. Some of them are all animals, while others are half animals. The battlefield in the west is more like a living zoo at this time.

It is said that there are more than 300 people offering more than 50 million Bailey and more than 110 people offering more than 100 million Bailey.

This is probably the most terrible army among the four emperors!

from a distance, the scene is very spectacular. A group of fierce birds and beasts wantonly kill the people of Leiyin group, and the situation is overwhelming!

"hundred... Hundred beasts group! This is the real hundred beasts group!"

I don't know which thunder group's soldiers roared fiercely, as if the spirit of some collapse. Looking at the beast army which is getting closer and closer to the hinterland of Leiyin Pirate Group, the people of Leiyin group are all in fear.

It's hard to imagine that Mary godelow is fighting as hard as a bill of the five hundred beast Legion. It's even worse than three major disasters!

seeing the gradually attacking legion of beasts, some people in the thunder group even tremble with their legs. What's more, they are even afraid to throw away their weapons and prepare to run away, But I was killed by a bear's paw or a tiger's paw.

"You're not allowed to do anything recklessly, beast group!"

a woman with green hair and head twice as big as her body was spitting out snake letter, and her face was very ugly.

Boya sandazonia, one of Gore's three sisters, is the second sister of the former nine snake emperor, and now the leader of the sixth team of Leiyin Pirate Group, offering a reward of 200 million Bailey!

without hesitation, sandazonia is just like her sister. Her hair is like a sword and twisted into eight boa constrictors, like the return of life.

"Snake hair clings to the body - Baqi snake!"

in the face of the fierce army of beasts, sandasonia did not dare to be a bit careless. As soon as he came up, he used his best trick. His eight strands of hair, like a real snake, met the fierce army of beasts...

the snake was so fierce that he could not be careless , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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