Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:54 AM

Chapter 304

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Holy marjoria, Parliament hall.

Important officials of the Navy headquarters have been here.

The five old stars with white curly hair sit in the chief position. The other four five old stars sit on both sides. The commander in chief and marshal of the headquarters, gang Gukong, sits on the left and hands down. The chief of general staff, he, sits on the right. The new three generals stand on the tail side.

Personnel have arrived, white curly hair five old star slowly opening: "how about the troop concentration?"

Yellow ape, rattan tiger and green bull all said together: "all have been assembled!"

the white curly hair five old stars turned their heads to the commander-in-chief of the whole army, Ganggu Kong, and Ganggu Kong immediately understood: "the spy agency, Qiwu sea and new weapons are all ready. Just...

"just what?"

"There is a serious shortage of personnel in qiwuhai. Although all of them have applied this time, they can...

" the war is just around the corner, and the qiwuhai issue is no longer important. Moreover, we still have Mr. Berger Punk's new weapons, and the combat power of the Navy will certainly be enhanced a lot. "

Then, the golden five asked, "now, how far are the two sides fighting?"

Zhonghe: "it's been three days and two nights. From the surveillance images, the guys above the cadres on both sides have consumed little physical strength."

"Good. Now, it's the best time to get rid of them and order the whole army to get ready to go! "

" wait a minute! "

at this time, a man in the uniform of a naval inspector and with one arm broken broke into the conference room.

"Sakasky, what are you doing here?"

"I'm going to... Avenge..."

sleyne Island, northwest battlefield.

Earthquake king was mercilessly shot to fly out, Darius looked at him, his face was dignified...

"you bastard, unforgivable!"

suddenly, earthquake king got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his whole body muscles expanded rapidly, and the broken nail of his right claw also grew rapidly, restoring its original shape.

After a while, the earthquake king had been transformed into a saber toothed tiger more than twice as big as the gorgeous tiger.

"Boy, no one can force me to such a degree except Lord Kato. Next, I'll show you how powerful it is..."

King's voice is just like a bell. Just listening to his voice, Darius can feel the endless fluctuation...

"sword tiger earth fissure!"

the next moment, King raises his two front hooves Pounding hard on the ground, with him as the center, half of the Isle of sligny swayed, and a huge crack appeared on the ground, extending directly to Darius.

Not only Darius, but also many soldiers were affected by the earthquake. The ground was shaking, which made many people unable to stand. Darius was no exception, following the violent shaking of the ground.

Unlike others, the crack which was stepped out by the earthquake king only went towards Darius. Although it was intentional, many members of the beast regiment were also affected. The crack gradually separated and formed a huge gully of more than 100 meters. The strike of the earthquake king made many people fall with it.

Darius was quick in eyes and hands. He also struck the ground with his feet and flew to the low altitude with the ability of sound.

"Do you think it's OK to fly up there? Besides, don't think that you are the only one who will attack with sonic wave... "

earthquake king thought, opening his mouth, the roar of the tiger resounded through the air:" sword Tiger - death seismic wave! "

the huge noise went towards the low-level Darius. When Darius saw the situation, he stretched his hands to his chest and made a defensive gesture:" arm of sound! "

" earthquake Lord, don't

All the people touched by the earthquake King sound wave have become flesh and blood blurred. Some of them are far away, and their eardrums are directly broken, or they are injured in different degrees. When they rush to Darius, they seem to hit a solid wall, and the shock wave is scattered in all directions...

[wall of sound], Darius's [fruit of sound] 】The developed unique defense system moves use sound waves to make shields to protect themselves.

This is indeed the style of the hundred beasts Pirate Group, which is so cruel that almost no one knows it. Earthquake king also knows how powerful his shock wave is. No matter whether he is one of his own people or not, as long as he can kill the enemy's vice captain, what's the relationship between him and who will die or not?

Darius also understood why he was called earthquake disaster through the "earth fissure" and "earthquake wave" attacks just now.

Limbs can shatter the ground, roar can shatter the air.

It is worthy of being the strongest of the three disasters!

however, there is still a certain gap between his shock wave attack and [shock fruit]. White beard can shatter the atmosphere and cause a tsunami with only one empty wave. Compared with white beard, earthquake king is a little bit of a big deal.

However, even so, earthquake king is close to the top in this sea.When Darius saw the amazing strength shown by the earthquake, he still didn't care about it and continued to rush forward , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!