Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:52 AM

Chapter 306

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"All artillery listen to the order, aim the muzzle at the island!"

"shell loading, preparation..."


before the Navy landed, under the order of the commander, thousands of shells came to attack the people on the island...

Lei Yin saw this, took out a sword from the system, sealed it, and then suddenly launched: "sword shadow separation technique in hand!"

voice As soon as it fell, thousands of swords went to meet the shells. When they met the shells, the swords burst in the air.

However, Leiyin's counterattack did not eliminate all the shells. There are still thousands of shells whistling.

"Fierce storm!"

before the wind disaster of Archaeopteryx was relieved, Queen flapped her wings and blew part of the shells back...

Darius launched a sound wave, and the earthquake King roared loudly. The Pirates of Leikai and Leikai regiment showed their magic and pushed most of the shells back...

just when the pirates thought that the Navy had lifted a stone and smashed their feet, several of them were killed The golden bullets flew away and burst all the shells that came back...

"Yo Yo, ray kid, long time no see, are you ok?"

An obscene voice slowly rings out, the golden figure flickers to the low sky, and meets Leiyin.

It's the Navy General Huang ape!

seeing him, Lei Yin smiles: "Mr. polusalino, after the first World War of shampoo, what did you do to Pluto?"

Hearing the banter of Lei Yin, Huang ape didn't answer. Instead, Huang ape put his fists together, and then with a virtual hand, a dazzling lightsaber appeared in his hand: "tiancongyun sword!"

with a slow voice, Huang ape headed for Lei Yin, while Lei Yin just wrapped his arm around his right arm to block it.

"When" a loud, Tiancong cloud sword and Leiyin's arm unexpectedly hit the spark, but Leiyin's arm has no damage.

Lei Yin started to smile at the corner of his mouth, his right arm blocked, and his left fist suddenly hit the Yellow ape...

however, before he punched, he felt a huge suction, and his body suspended in the air dropped down quickly.

"Although it's lucky that you don't look at things, I really want to see what the youngest four emperors look like."

Teng Hu laughs. Superman is the fruit of gravity. He was recruited from the people by the new world, and was promoted to the new general of the Navy headquarters. He is extremely powerful.

Just now the thunder sound was absorbed, which is the ability of rattan tiger to gravity fruit.

"Falling gravity knife!"

Leiyin felt that the gravity on his body was stronger and stronger, and he fell faster and faster. He directly used a flash of [flying thunder II] to escape from Tenghu's gravity field.

The escaped thunder is still floating in the air. He takes out five kuwu from the system and shoots them at Tenghu. Although Tenghu can't see anything, he just waves a knife and hits several kuwu into the sea.

Like the original katakuli, the head of the four generals, this is the proof of the extreme cultivation of seeing and hearing color and domineering spirit!

although we can't see the color of the world, we can also listen to the voice of all things.

It seems that he doesn't want to give Leiyin any breathing opportunity. Seeing Leiyin escape, Tenghu changes the direction of his sword again:

"left gravity knife!"

Leiyin, who has just escaped from Tenghu's vertical gravity field, feels huge pressure from the left. In this regard, Lei Yin is still using the second paragraph of Feilei Shen to escape.

Rattan tiger still does not give up, but also applies a gravity field to Leiyin...

rattan tiger's fruit ability can freely change the direction of gravity, but only one direction of gravity can be applied each time he casts his skill.

"Damn it, it's endless. You're very upset!"

Lei Yin's face was obviously impatient. He was under pressure, and his hands were flying up and down. Suddenly, he had a seal: "fire escape - the art of Impatiens fire!"

a burning wave came to his face, followed by the fire, and the first one was Tenghu. Tenghu saw that, in order not to be burned, he changed the direction of the gravity field again, the fireball fell into the sea, emitting a large amount of steam, Leiyin easily avoided.

Just when Leiyin was about to attack Tenghu, a light column flashed in mid air and kicked Leiyin on the door:

"Leiyin, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

"Speed of light kicks!"

in response, Leiyin encircles the armed color domineering spirit in his right hand and smashes it with one punch, while the Yellow ape sees this, stops kicking out the light column foot, and the natural body immediately disperses a little photons to avoid Leiyin.

Leiyin's strength, yellow ape is very clear, shampoo Islands War, Leiyin but positive beat himself.

Huang ape also knows that if he is proud of the speed of light kick on the fist of thunder, he will not take advantage of it.

However, what the Yellow ape didn't expect was that Lei Yin's reaction and attack speed was so fast.

That's the speed of light.

Is this guy stronger again? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!