Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:51 AM

Chapter 307

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Yellow ape a flash, the body turned into a streamer, and the thunder distance.

He has strong physique, but he has no confidence when he meets Lei Yin.

All of a sudden, the Yellow ape radiated dazzling golden light from all over his body and folded his hands into a circle:

"eight foot mirror!"

a round light column suddenly shot out of his hands. Seeing the thunder sound, the hand suddenly gathered an energy ball several times larger than himself:

"super large jade spiral pill!"

the light column suddenly collided with the energy ball in the void There was a deafening burst of sound in the middle of the explosion. At the same time, the light column also turned into a little photon and dissipated in the air.

After counteracting the attack, the golden light on the Yellow ape was brighter. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, and his fingers sent out more dazzling golden light...

are you going to launch that move again?

"It's so dazzling! Get off me!"

before the Yellow ape was in trouble, a huge body flew out of the sea, and the black fist the size of a millstone hit the Yellow ape with one blow. The Yellow ape was caught off guard and hit the deck of the warship with one blow.

"Oh, it's really painful ~" the Yellow ape said slowly, rubbing his head with his hand.

The man who beat the Yellow ape was the one who had just been beaten down by xuzonengru.

Kaiduo, known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, is also very water-based.

Needless to say, at this time, Kato also knew the situation here. He suddenly jumped out of the sea and yelled at his subordinates on the island: "little boys, don't mind the thunder sound Pirate Group, and join me to destroy the Navy!"


Kato's hand is to announce the outbreak of war between the two four imperial regiments and the Navy! " After being surrounded, I advise you to find out the situation and surrender as soon as possible!

the Navy's words are by no means false. I don't know when these hundreds of warships have formed a encirclement situation and surrounded the Isle of sligny!

looking at the hundreds of thousands of enemies in front of us, Lei Yin didn't feel a trace of despair. Instead, he was excited and excited. The Navy's strongman, how many It's all here.


are you kidding?

in Lei Yin's life, there is no such word.

Yellow ape polusalino and Tenghu Yixiao bear the brunt of the battle, while yellow ape has been fighting with kaiduo.

With a smile, Teng Hu still feels the location of the thunder sound with his seeing and hearing color: "gravity knife impact!"

after confirming the direction of the thunder sound again, Teng Hu waves his stick knife again, and a purple shock wave rushes away. When the thunder sound is about to fight back, a sharp sound wave collides with the shock wave.


"sound laser!"

after a deafening roar, the figure of the person who emitted the sound wave gradually appeared.

It's Lei Yin's vice captain, Darius.

"This guy... Give it to me!"

seeing this, Lei Yin patted Darius on the shoulder and disappeared again.

"Ha ha, don't I deserve to be your opponent?"

Sensing that Lei Yin had gone elsewhere, Teng Hu could not help laughing at himself...

at this time, the Navy gradually landed and surrounded the pirates completely.

"This is a great opportunity! Eliminate these pirates! This battle will be forever recorded in history!"

"take out the backbone of the pirates and destroy the Navy! Rush out of the encirclement!"

"woo Hoo!"

the two sides screamed and killed, and the whole isle of sligny collided with swords and guns!

although the momentum of both sides was high, the pirates were obviously at a disadvantage in terms of number.

When Lei Yin flickers to a place, he suddenly feels a dark breath...

"dark water!"

a strange substance that can't be seen is coming like running water...

is this?!

Lei Yin is a little shocked, and then turns around...

[Blackbeard] Marshall D. teach, former member of the second team of the white beard regiment, is now the king's seven armed men One of them!

"has he killed the leader of the fourth white beard team?" Seeing him, Lei Yin couldn't help thinking.

"Leiyin, give me your head on your neck! The thief ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Blackbeard laughed wildly, revealing the uneven teeth in his mouth. He looked like a big man who was laughing.

But now fire boxing ace is still safe in the white beard Pirate Group.

In other words, Blackbeard didn't catch fire fist to become qiwuhai, but through other ways.

With the dark fruit of Blackbeard's ability, it's not difficult to mix seven martial arts.

That is to say, because of the existence of Leiyin, the history of the pirate king has been changed; because of Leiyin, the former qiwuhai hall, Quixote doflamenco, died, which could have been the moonlight of qiwuhai, Moria died; ace was not caught in the propulsion City, but Blackbeard became qiwuhaiThis is the butterfly effect. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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