Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:49 AM

Chapter 309

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Although sligny island is a barren saline land, its area is comparable to that of marinfando, the headquarters of the Navy.

At this time, the island is almost full of people, most of the world's strong fight each other here.


Queen flapped her wings and sent out wind blades, which were sharper than knives. With the screams and bursts of scarlet blood, some of the Navy were cut into two sections, while others were cut off.

"Ah ha ha... Blood, blood, let me be more excited!"

Seeing that the blood is almost converging into a stream, and there are some miserable naval positions, Queen shows a distorted and excited color.

This bloodthirsty excitement seemed to make her forget the fatigue of fighting for three days.

Seeing the blood gushing out from that position, Queen flapped her wings more desperately, and the more intense and dense wind blades scattered into the Navy...

"you can stop it! Wind disaster! "

there was a break of drinking in the void, and the two swords came along with it, offsetting all the wind blades.

A man and a woman appeared in front of the naval position.

Admiral mole and Admiral peach rabbit, the two swordsmanship just now were from them.

He put the mole's hand on the hilt of the sword and yelled: "queen, I advise you to make clear the current situation. If you don't take it easy, I'm afraid you'll die awkwardly!"

after the wind disaster, Queen's sharp birdsong changed from Archaeopteryx to half human and half bird, because after three days of fighting, her pretty face was slightly haggard, "hum, you two generals also want to sing Let me surrender? Let's see how good you are! "

" cut! "

when the mole heard the words, he suddenly pulled out his sword at his waist and jumped up. The blade of the sword came straight to Queen. The wind disaster queen's wings are wrapped with armed color, like layers of steel blades, and beat the mole fiercely. With a clear and sweet sound of "Dang", the mole is slapped down from low altitude again...

"no... no... ah!"

first, she suddenly feels the figure of the person behind, and then the wind disaster queen sends out the sound of pain There was a groan, a deep sword mark behind her, blood light splashing, but there was still a flame on the wound...

needless to say, it was the peach rabbit who hurt her. Known as the "sexy powder keg", taotu, the alternate general and lieutenant general of the Navy, has already mastered swordsmanship.

In order not to be aware of the storm when the mole attacked, she first hid her breath and quickly walked around behind the storm. When the mole was blundering in front of her, she quickly cut a knife behind the storm.

Why is there a flame on the wound?

This is also the sword technique developed by taotu. She can wave the sword blade at a very fast speed in an instant to form a fierce friction between the sword body and the air. In an instant, she can create a high temperature and ignite the oxygen in the air to form a fire attack.

Queen was put together by the mole and the peach rabbit. She quickly rotated her body like a top, forming a strong wind pressure, and soon put out the flame behind her.

After it was extinguished, her wound gradually healed...

West of the battlefield.

The giant General armed with a giant stick, a giant axe, a giant sword and a big gun, dashed to kill the pirates.

As the giant axe and blade swept by, it was like cutting wheat, offering a reward of less than 100 million zoological pirates, almost all of them fell in pieces.

Leiyintuan's blue orangutan army one by one armed Tomahawk to the giant impact, but, the diameter of seven or eight meters of fist down, blue orangutan army was smashed down.

Kaiduo's hundred people regiment is almost the same. A giant with a huge gun pulled the trigger, and a heavy-duty artillery shell was even bigger. It exploded in the group of pirates, killing and exploding.

Like chopping melons and vegetables, another giant with a huge sword sweeps towards the crowd again...

"you damned bastards, please restrain me a little bit!"

One of the members of the animal Legion suddenly jumped out and caught the sword with one armed hand, making it impossible for the sword to move further.

"Mr. Thyssen, good job!"

"Mr. Thyssen! This is the way to defeat these damned giant navies!"

the name of the man who only blocks the sword with one hand is Thyssen. He is the head of the 500 member Animal Department of kaiduo Baishou regiment, and the ancient crocodile fruit emperor crocodile morphological ability of the animal department, offering a reward of 680 million Bailey!

"don't underestimate us, asshole!"

< br As he said, his whole body turned into a beast, and his body expanded rapidly. His whole body was full of crocodile's strong scales. His body was more than 167 meters long, two ends lower than that of the giants.

With a big fist, the beast like Tyson crocodile hits the giant with a huge sword into the sea...

the crocodile's big fist blows the giant with a huge sword into the sea , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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