Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:46 AM

Chapter 312

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Sleyne Island, Northeast battlefield.

Queen's body spins like a top and extinguishes the fire on the wound. Then the wound heals and recovers.

"Hateful, it's been three days, and she still has such a strong recovery ability. Does it mean that... Her fruit ability has awakened?" the peach rabbit, who is not reconciled, stares at the typhoon queen suspended in the air with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"From the intelligence point of view, except for drought jack, those two are the awakeners of the ancient species of the animal family."

After hearing the mole's words, peach rabbit bit her silver teeth: "hateful!"

at the end of the speech, she drew her sword and rose up, "break the army - draw the sword to chop!"

a white energy ripple spread rapidly in the air, the wind disaster saw, her wings turned back, suddenly a fan directly offset the sword.

Still using the old routine, at this time, the mole appeared behind the wind disaster and chopped her back with a knife...

this was what the two generals had already discussed. One man feinted in front, and the other man attacked in the back when the other man feinted, which produced an unintended effect.


"Ding", when the mole's sword cut up, it was like cutting on a shield.

I don't know where a drunkard came out, holding a wine pot in one hand and controlling the atmosphere in the other hand, blocking the edge of the mole's sword, "you... Don't move that woman..."

this man is barksjott, the great wine man!

he uses the ability to inflate the fruit to compress the surrounding atmosphere into a solid, forming a shield to protect the wind disaster.

"How could it be you? ! "

seeing the wind disaster, a pair of beautiful eyes stare at the boss. Before the arrival of the Navy, Bacchus was beaten by himself. He beat him like this, but he still protected himself?

although the two pirate groups are now a temporary alliance, the previous storm really beat Bacchus badly, and Bacchus is almost defeated by himself.

Is this drunkard man getting good for bad?

"Forget it, forget it. The priority now is to defeat the Navy. " Typhoon queen took back her thoughts and turned her eyes to the two generals again.

Barks stretched out his five fingers, and the air around him surged: "drunken technique - atmosphere breaking... Whoa!"

"barks, be careful!"

there was a warning of the wind disaster. Before barks made a move, he suddenly fell to the ground with a punch and an iron head behind him.

There were two more, two of them, lieutenant general Maynard and stroeberry.

In this way, barkeshott, typhoon queen and the four members of the headquarters will fall into a bitter battle.

What the pirates don't know is that several warships along the coastline have been installed with video phone worms to broadcast the war situation here all over the world.

Holy land, marjoria.

Three old five stars are sitting in front of the screen watching the image of sleyne island.

Five stars with white curly hair watched the video with great interest: "it seems that it has already started."

Five golden stars: "hum, they are very tired. It's a real war of annihilation. It's really good for cats to eat mice."

Five old stars with long white hair: "it's strange that the man hasn't come yet, otherwise, he will be annihilated together."

"Well, if he comes, it's best. If all four of them get together, it's even better."

"All four? Hey, it's impossible. There's absolutely no such unity between them."

"That's what I said. But then again, even if we do get together, we are not incapable of dealing with them. However, we still have several trump cards to use, such as the new weapons of Berger punk, such as sa... "

" Hey, look, Kato and the cadres under the three disasters and Leiyin are almost unable to support them. "

"However, how could Lei Yin be as energetic as he is..."

shampooland islands.

There are two huge screens on the square, playing the war situation over there, and many reporters and residents keep their eyes on it.

"Well, there are some news reports in the past two days." A reporter excitedly took notes while taking pictures of the screen.

"The navy has surrounded the four emperors..."

"maybe they can be completely eliminated this time."

"If these ferocious pirates are eliminated, the world will be completely peaceful."

A handsome old man with silver hair and glasses found a higher place, drinking wine while watching the war, thinking.

He's ray Lee.

"That kid, it's a huge wave."

With a murmur in his mouth, the underworld Raleigh drank the last sip of wine in the bottle and jumped off the high platform. He didn't know where he had gone...

sligny island.

At present, there are less than 5000 people in Leiyin army and less than 15000 in kaiduo army. And the Navy, the regular army alone, sent 150000 troops!A real war of annihilation.

Lei Yin and kaiduo are in danger!

the world is in danger , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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