Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:43 AM

Chapter 315

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Three days before the war between Leiyin and Kato.

In mid air, a figure is flying at a high speed. He maximizes his sense of what he sees and hears, perceives all the breath he can catch in the range, and looks down with his right hand in the center of his eyebrows.

This man is Lei Yin.

On a small island in the new world, a group of people are resting there. When Lei Yin sees this, one of them flies down...

"Hey, who are you and why can you find this place?"

A thin boy with a goatee, holding a long machete, watched the thunder sound on his face.

Before Lei Yin could speak, a fat man with a beard beside him said, "this... This guy... This guy is [rebel general] Lei... Lei Yin, the youngest four emperors in history..."


the fat man with a beard almost cried out in surprise. When the pirates beside him heard him say this, they were all shocked and could not help themselves He raised his sword and spear to thunder.

One of them, a brave one, took two steps forward with his sword and asked, "Hello, Lei Yin, what are you doing with my captain?"

Lei Yin didn't answer, but just a smile. A great air suddenly came out. All the pirates felt dizzy and fell to the ground one after another. Some of them were still foaming.

Seeing this, Lei Yin continues to go deeper into the island...

the center of the island.

Lachrough carried over two barrels of wine. Ben Beckman saw it and said, "Hey, the captain had a hangover yesterday. Do you want to persuade him?"

Lachrough shook his fat head and put two barrels of wine on the ground. "However, this is what the captain asked. He said that as long as he is happy, he can drink whenever he wants..."

while they were talking, shanks, the Joker, sprang out of nowhere and startled lachrough: "Hey, don't be stingy with these wine God, there's a guest coming. "

Ben Beckman took a puff of his cigar and looked at shanks: "distinguished guest?"

as soon as his voice fell, he felt a strong breath. Ben Beckman suddenly turned his head. Shanks and rachlu also turned around almost at the same time. A young man stood tall and straight in front of them and looked at them with bright eyes.

It's thunder.

Shanks stood up and said with a smile: "Leiyin, you just knocked down a large area of people on the periphery of our island. I'm afraid you didn't come here to have tea and chat with me?"

Leiyin also said with a smile: "we're even now?"

previously, shanks also visited Leiyin (for the arrival of Leiyin, it seems that shanks is very happy I didn't feel any accident, as if I had expected him to come: "what's up? After thinking about it for a long time, do you still want me to help you fight back Kato? "

Speaking without a twist, shanks was directly in charge.

"It's for your help, but it's not to fight back Kato together." For shanks' frankness, Leiyin is also straight to the point.

Shanks: "Oh? Not to beat Kato? Is it...

Ben Beckman took a puff of his cigar and said slowly," I know what you mean. "

Ben Beckman, the vice captain of the red hair Pirate Group, is shanks's most trusted crew member. He is also known as the man with the highest intelligence among the pirate king.

Before Lei Yin spoke, Beckman knew his intention.

But shanks didn't know.

"We four guys get together, maybe we can wipe out the Navy at one stroke..."

next, Leiyin and shanks talked for a long time, and then Leiyin left the island...

therefore, the arrival of shanks was agreed with Leiyin in advance.

Back to the present.

Sleyne Island, west of the battlefield.

The general, green bull, is killing in the crowd with the ability to use fruit. He is beating the blue orangutan army and the kaiduo 500 regiment to pieces. Suddenly, a fat figure flashed by and beat the green vine summoned by green bull to pieces.

The man was plump, wearing sunglasses, and gnawing chicken legs with his right hand...

lachi Lu, a cadre and combatant of the red hair pirate regiment.

"Oh, it seems that there's something wonderful coming..."

Green bull is joking. He takes out his right hand from his pocket, spreads out five of them, and rushes to rachlu with the palm of his hand. Suddenly, there are five steel like vines, spreading towards lachru, like five sharp spears, as if to pierce it. Unexpectedly, lachrough disappeared in the same place in an instant and punched green bull on the back. Green bull was caught off guard and was hit by a stagger...

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