Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:41 AM

Chapter 318

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"White vine!"

the white smoke rippled around like a vine and entangled Leiyin. Taking this opportunity, the eagle eye's chopping and Blackbeard's [dark water] came to Leiyin, and Edward Weibull also raised his knife to chop it...

because Leiyin was tied by [white vine], he couldn't move, and several attacks almost attacked at the same time, all of them Head on.

However, what they broke was just a shadow of Lei Yin.

Lei Yin smiles and his body is already flying in the air. All of a sudden, his eyes lit up and he let out a lot of chakras in his body. A huge shock wave suddenly came out, which affected eagle eye, Blackbeard, Edward Weibull, smog and several major generals, and all of them were knocked down to the ground without exception.

"Damn, what kind of power is this?"

all the people who were knocked down by the air wave were shocked. The strength released by Leiyin just now was so strong that they could not resist it.

Hawk Eye sticks the black sword night on the ground, stands up and pats the dust on his body. His sharp eyes become a little dim: how strong is this guy...

Lei Yin's smile doesn't change. He falls to the ground from low altitude and shows an interesting smile.

In fact, from the beginning, Leiyin didn't take out all the strength, even the immortal mode didn't open.

It's not too much to play with them.

As if he had endless strength, he took back his smile, and his face became more serious. He gathered blue energy balls in his hands...

"lava ghost dog!"

just as Leiyin was about to exert his strength, a red magma, which was quick to react, hit with the just gathered blue energy ball in his hands, and scattered the magma away...

he said: "lava ghost dog!" magma?!

it seems that the temperature is even higher than that encountered before.

"Thunder sound! You are a heinous and extremely blasphemous bastard! Today is the time of your death!"

the man said, the only left arm turned into a bright red color, and the next moment, it shot out, "lava fire!"

this move, not only has strong destructive power, but also has a surprisingly fast speed, thunder sound can hardly be used when it is difficult to dodge In 0.3 seconds, Ninjutsu suddenly burst out:

"Huodun - Haohuo Mie!"

a fire about 20 meters long, like a fire dragon, gushed out and collided with the magma violently...


The magma seemed to have a long mouth, directly devouring the flame of thunder, as if the flame had never appeared, and the momentum of the burning magma was still not reduced by half, hitting on the door of thunder.

This time, Leiyin had a sense of it. He dodged with a flash, and the magma flew directly into the air.

The man who released the magma was red dog sakasky, the former marshal of the Navy headquarters. Because Leiyin robbed him of the gold in the sky, red dog lost his right arm. (this time, red dog repeatedly asked the holy land to fight to eliminate Leiyin and Keduo.

Of course, his main purpose is to thunder.

Even if he talks about justice every day, how can he forget such a great attack and insult?

Now when red dog saw thunder, he wanted to eat his meat and sleep his skin!

the holy land also saw red dog's determination, so he agreed to his request.

In fact, the red dog brought more than determination this time.

Lei Yin found that the magma released by the red dog was several times hotter than before! Even the name of the move changed.

"Lava wulianxing!"

Red Dog spreads out his left hand, and five streams of magma come from the southeast, northwest and upper five directions of Leiyin.

This arrangement is to seal the opponent's action directly with magma.

"Fengdun - whirlwind boxing!"

in a gap, the thunder has been quickly sealed, and the fist brings up a burst of breaking sound, which will knock down and blow away the emanating magma one after another.

However, when Leiyin just disintegrated the red dog's attack, a flowing black water did not know when it "swam" from the foot. The thunder that just broke up the magma was caught off guard. Immediately, his feet seemed to be trapped in the black water, and he couldn't get out. Not only that, but also more and more deep, immediately submerged above the knee position.

"Thief ha ha ha... Be swallowed by the darkness! Leiyin! I've got your head! "

Blackbeard manipulates [dark water] to absorb Leiyin a little bit. In the end, Lei Yin's head was drowned, and the whole person disappeared...

in the end, Lei Yin's head was drowned , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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