Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:40 AM

Chapter 319

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Sligny Island, East.

"Thief ha ha ha... Lei Yin, I've got your head!"

"secret cave way!"

Blackbeard's palm is close to the ground, and the black air immediately covers Lei Yin. Gradually, Lei Yin disappears into the black fog.

"Beat... Beat him?"

Even Hawk Eye didn't believe what happened in front of him and looked around for his trace.

These people all started seeing and hearing, but they didn't feel the thunder.

Is it dead?

Red Dog clenched his fist, and his face was very unwilling: "hum, he died like this. It's too cheap for him."

"Ah, Blackbeard, in the rags you made... It's not so black."

What? !

before the red dog's voice fell, a voice rang out from the void again. Suddenly, a figure flashed out of Blackbeard's black breath and hit Blackbeard's chin with a fierce hook.


Blackbeard howled with pain, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and one of his sparse teeth was knocked out.

Because of the fruit, the cost of double pain made Blackbeard roll all over the ground.

It was thunder that beat Blackbeard all over the floor.

Leiyin is really absorbed by Blackbeard's ability. After being absorbed, Leiyin feels as if he is in a dark nothingness that can never find the end. Here, he can't see his fingers. It's so dark that he has no sense of direction.

Leiyin has the space mobile Ninja [flying thunder II], and also has quite powerful power of seeing and hearing. In addition to Blackbeard's ability to control the fruit, it can't close the black hole immediately, so it can't let Leiyin fall into the dark nothingness he created.

The reason why people can't feel the breath of thunder is that he is in the darkness released by Blackbeard, and he also says that his strong breath deliberately hides a lot. So at that time, he was almost imperceptible.

Of course, these are also calculated by Lei Yin.

Lei Yin just wants to see what the darkness created by the dark fruit looks like.

"You son of a bitch! It's killing me!"

Blackbeard was in an indescribable embarrassment as he covered his chin and wiped the blood from his mouth and nose.

Eagle eye held his hands in front of his chest, looked at Lei Yin thoughtfully with a dignified face...

while the major general on one side, some could not help shouting: "Hello! [dark fruit] doesn't it make the ability of other fruits invalid? This guy, what's going on? ! "

when major general said this, many people have come back.

Right. Isn't Lei Yin a fruit changer? In the case of "dark fruit", which can restrain almost all fruits, it will not be affected at all.

Is this guy really invincible?

This strange ability can't help but make everyone here take a breath...

of course, only Lei Yin knows the reason.

Red dog didn't seem to think so much about it. His left arm continued to grow, and magma dropped on the ground, burning holes in the ground: "lava Yanlong!"

his left arm soon turned into a red hot fire dragon and went straight to the face of Leiyin, while Smog's right arm also turned into smoke and hit the other side of Leiyin Qiwuhai also showed their own magic power, blocking the way of Leiyin in all directions...

Leiyin saw this and quickly made a seal, and a wooden dragon almost full of thorns suddenly appeared:

"Mudun - the art of wooden dragon!"

at the end of the speech, a huge wooden dragon came out of the ground, roared like thunder, and went straight to Chigou.

In this way, red dog's Yanlong and Leiyin's Mulong collided, and the Mulong was less destroyed. At the same time, the momentum of magma Yanlong's impact also weakened.

Taking advantage of this gap, Leiyin's idea moves, and another "flying thunder god two paragraphs" moves out of the public's sight.

When the thunder sound appeared again, it was behind the red dog, and the armed colored black hand immediately hit the red dog's flank.

Red dog seems to have sensed something, suddenly turned back, but it was too late, a scream, was hit by thunder in the side of the abdomen, was hit back seven or eight steps.

"Stinky boy, you give me enough."

The red dog who was hit by the thunder has become a little pale. He looks at the kid who is almost under the pressure of the crowd. His body gradually becomes bigger and red, and gradually becomes a monster with high temperature and red color. Although he is a little far away, he can still feel the burning gas from him.

"Lava - fire devil!"

like a ghost baptized by the fire of hell, the red dog comes to the thunder with teeth and claws , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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