Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:35 AM

Chapter 324

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In fact, with Lei Yin's strength, he could defeat the seven armed forces and naval officers who besieged him earlier, but he has been training with them all the time.

The ability to defeat the demonized red dog of Sihuang level is enough to show that he has this ability.

Now, he focuses on the pacifists and goes straight away...

at this time, there are pacifists in almost every corner of the battlefield. They are constantly sending out dazzling light waves to disperse the pirates.

"But... Damn it!"

"if it goes on like this, we won't be able to fight the Navy at all!"

"are we really going to die here?"

The eyes of some pirates gradually became sad and desperate. Seeing so many humanoid weapons constantly sending light waves across the battlefield, they felt that they had gradually lost their confidence in resistance.

At this critical moment, Lei Yin flew up into the air, and his left and right fingers crossed. Hundreds of Mu Fen bodies rushed to every corner of the battlefield like beans.

Every mufen who meets a pacifist, under the influence of Lei Yin's thoughts, seals one after another...

[release this strange giant flaming bomb, burn up heaven and earth, and there is no place to escape!]

"Xianfa Huodun Dayan bomb!"

Lei Yin's mufen, including himself, opens his mouth one after another, and bursts of fire curtain smash against the pacifist one after another...

Saint Buddha ridge, beaver Temple.

The civet cat Buddha moved his mind, temporarily withdrew his divine consciousness, and slowly opened his eyes.

The civet Sword Fairy, who had been protecting the Dharma, saw the difference of civet Buddha and asked, "what happened again? Buddha

Buddha's voice was like a bell: "it's amazing that he has been fighting with such high intensity for four days, but he still has a lot of chakras."

"How much did it take?"

"According to my observation, it's less than half."

The civet Sword Fairy, hearing the words, couldn't help but widened his two round eyes: "no, less than half, it's too..."

Buddha: "I was surprised to see it when I first saw it. If he continues to develop like this, it will be amazing."

Civet Sword Fairy thought for a while, then asked: "well, this boy... Will surpass Buddha in the future?"

Buddha: "this... I don't know."

After that, civet cat Buddha starts his divine power and throws his divine consciousness into the distance again...

on sligny Island, pacifism covers almost every corner, but so does Leiyin's Wooden separation.

"Xianfa Huodun Dayan bomb!"

each wood spits out a big fire and only attacks the pacifists. Pacifists are attacked, but they are either cracked or burned.

The pacifist forces, which were originally fierce, have now turned into a pile of debris or ruins.

Leiyin Jieyin, those wooden parts also disappeared in the battlefield.

"Good... So strong..."

"this ability is just like God..."

"that kid is really good."

Seeing that all the pacifists were destroyed by the thunder, people sighed again.

The pacifists were destroyed, and the great advantage of the Navy disappeared again.

Defeat the demonized red dog, defeat the seven armed sea, and destroy all the pacifists in one breath. In people's hearts, Lei Yin has almost dominated the battlefield.

Commander in chief, surveillance room.

A bald elderly see this scene, some angry slapping the table, suddenly stood up: "Damn, it seems that this time, we have to come forward."

And another bald old man is more calm than him: "don't worry, old man, don't forget, we still have secret weapons."

Bald old man a: "also, now that No. 2 has been completely destroyed, it's time to dispatch No. 1."

The bald old man B nodded slightly and agreed...

on the battlefield, less than one seventh of the people who can fight in the hundred beast Pirate Group, while Leiyin and red hair Pirate Group became the main force of the Pirate Group.

In the west, the blue orangutan army led by raqilu, a cadre of the red hair regiment, and the giant army led by lvniu, a great general, were almost equal.

In the north, Darius developed the ability of shock wave in the battle by using the sound fruit, and gained the upper hand in the battle with Tenghu Yixiao. Because of physical strength, Tenghu could barely resist.

In the sea front in the north, although the speed of kaiduo, who had been trapped in a bitter battle, was getting slower and slower, with the help of red hair regiment cadres, he was also equal to Huang ape, Huoshaoshan, Doberman and other senior generals.

At this time, the strength of the Navy and the pirates were almost in balance.

Lei Yin broke through the siege of qiwuhai and naval officers and flew to the main battlefield.

However, an unidentified figure slowly rose to the surface near the main , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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