Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:32 AM

Chapter 328

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The light green fluorescent flame exploded on Blackbeard's chin. Blackbeard's head hummed, spitting out a mouthful of old blood and a tooth.

"Damn it! What the hell is this?"

Blackbeard fell on the ground and finally showed his anger in his eyes.

Seeing Blackbeard's embarrassed appearance, ACE said calmly: "firefly - firedamp."

Although the dark fruit of Blackbeard can almost control all the fruit's ability, now he is injured after all, and ACE is full of blood.

It can also be seen that the thunder sound caused him a lot of damage before.

"Damn it! I'm going to kill you!"

Blackbeard drank and put his palm to the ground. The thick black curtain surged away like a tide...

to the East.

[diamond] joss tried his best, but he couldn't hurt Ares.

Seeing that Marco, who was tightly held by Ares Red's claws, had no resistance, joz also felt a deep powerlessness. Seeing that Marco was about to be swallowed by Ares Red's chest...

"shock crack empty fragment!"

at this time, a tall and strong body suddenly emerged, with a circle of white halo in his hands, which would shatter his claws.

Marco fell and was saved.

The man who saved him was [the strongest man in the world] white beard!

"thanks a lot, Dad!"

Marco, who was free from the shackles, regained his fruit ability, opened his blue wings on both sides again, and flew to lvniu, the general who was fighting with the five hundred beast regiment and the blue orangutan army not far away.

At this time, the God of war red is still reluctant, its hard iron arm raised high, once again launched an attack on Marco, Marco turned around, a blue fire bomb fired in the past, burst open on the iron arm.

However, there is still no effect.

When Marco was about to fall into its clutches, an empty shock wave reappeared, shaking the big guy's body back several steps.

"Your opponent... Is Lao Tzu!"

white beard holds a razor and looks at the big guy in front of him with a dignified face. Taking advantage of this gap, Marco moves to another place.

Just a few waves of attack, has fully proved that the first team captain Marco is not the opponent of the robot aresc, this, even Marco himself is very clear.

So the big guy in front of us can only be dealt with by white beard...

warships, in the general command room.

There are two bald old guy's eyes have been staring at the monitoring screen, watching the war outside, eyes refused to leave half a moment.

Mustache bald seems to be unable to sit still. Seeing the situation of the Western battlefield, he looks a little anxious. "The guy with white beard has come, isn't he? It's time to take the last step?"

Another bareheaded shoulder carrying a sword, but it is a calm look: "that old guy is tough, but, after all, he is old. What's more, you can see the power of Ares. People of such grades as Malko and jotz have no way to use it. Do you think white beard can defeat it so easily? What's more, we have two such machines... "

when we heard that bareheaded swordsman said, bareheaded mustache turned to the other side of the screen, looked at a young figure and said," you're right, but... On the battlefield, white beard is not the only monster... "

with that, bareheaded swordsman also focused on the position where bareheaded mustache looked," speaking Come... How terrible that guy is... "

battlefield, Southeast.

Lei Yin's [sword in spiral hand] in immortal mode did not cause damage to zhanshenqing.

Ben Beckman, who is behind Leiyin, raises his gun and shoots at zhanshenqing. In addition to delaying his attack, the effect is also negligible.

Seeing this, Lei Yin crossed his fingers into a "cross" and said softly, "the art of multi shadow separation!"

at this time, nearly 10000 "Lei Yin" were covered on the sky and ground.

All the people happened to look at this side, and they were so surprised that their chin almost fell to the ground.

At this time, it seems that even the God of war Qing, who is a machine, is moved. His mechanical eyes are suspicious, and he finally focuses on one of the "Lei Yin":

"[rebel general] Lei Yin, the former Navy General, the fourth emperor, and the world's second criminal, offers a reward of 2.65 billion Bailey..."

after the mechanical voice has said these words, Lei Yin and his friends are happy The Separatists attack zhanshenqing all over the world:

"leiyin-8000 bullets!"


the shouts of the eight thousand separatists attack in unison are endless. As the Separatists attack zhanshenqing one by one, the roar and burst sound are also constantly coming. Finally, zhanshenqing has been buried by the overwhelming separatists, and its body can't be seen at all It's too late...

it's too late , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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