Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:28 AM

Chapter 33

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Then, civet Sword Fairy released the sword behind him and put it into Lei Yin's hand.

Lei Yin took the sword and was surprised.

What is this?!

"This is one of the eleven [grass shaved sword]. Your ninja knife is too broken. I will cut it off at once, so this [grass shaving sword] should be regarded as compensation. " Civet cat light way.

The grass shaved sword in the fire shadow is a magic weapon made by the grass shavers. It is tens of thousands of times stronger than the ordinary nindao.

The grass shaved sword is not a simple sword, but a kind of sword. There are eleven of them. In Huoying, there are three clear statements.

One is big snake pill, which can be lengthened and shortened at will with his secret skill.

One is yuzhibo weasel's ten fisted sword, which can be used together.

Another one is in the hands of yuzhibo Sasuke. With the Ninja skill of [Leidun] qianniao, the body of the sword will become extremely sharp.

Lei Yin looked at the newly obtained grass shaved sword in his hand in disbelief.

It is a straight body of the best sword, sword body also exudes a light blue, looks very gorgeous.

Is this the grass shaved sword of the big snake pill?

If it's compensation, it's too heavy, isn't it?!

The civet Sword Fairy seemed to see his mind: "don't be so surprised. If you can reach [Saint Buddha ridge], it means that you are predestined with us [civet fairy family], and it also means that you are our [civet fairy family] disciple, so this is a small meeting gift for you."

Lei Yin thought about it and didn't refuse: "well, next time I meet again, I will become stronger."

Civet Sword Fairy way: "well, I also believe that it will be like this."

After saying goodbye to tiger cat and civet cat, Lei Yin returns to the world of the pirate king with "grass shaved sword".

Back in the world of the pirate king, Lei Yin was still practicing in an open space.

Sure enough, it's just like what the civet Sword Fairy said. During the period of Shengfuling, the world here was still...

Leiyin turned on the system again to check his personal information:


gender: male

age: 16 years old

Ninja level: Zhongren (high level)

blood inheritance limit or renzhuli: shulunyan (now double gouyu)

Ninjutsu: Leidun qianniaoling (level a), leijian qianniaoling (Level B), white blade (Level D), spiral pill (level a), Dayu spiral pill (level a), Huodun haohuoqiu (Level C), Shuidun shuiluanbo (Level C), Leidun Dizou (Level C), feileishenzha (Level B), Shizi Liantan (Level C), fengdun great breakthrough (Level C) , tudun Tulong bullet (Level B), tudun tuliubi (Level C), tudun tulue spear (Level B), Shuidun Shuilong bullet (Level B), Shuidun shuizhenbi (Level B)

item list (forbearance and weapon): Seal scroll × 2, kuwu × 10, grass shaved sword (used by dasheban)

Tongling beast: cat and tiger beast

immortal mode: not opened

chakelaoliang: 1550015500


looking at his personal information, Lei Yin is a little surprised at his growth speed. In less than half a year, he has already mastered so many Ninjutsu and learned to write wheel eyes. Moreover, his level is about to be upgraded to Shangren. If he reaches Shangren (middle level), he can practice the immortal mode...

Lei Yin has completely made Beck middle class with his strength Even if he didn't do the daily training, Beck didn't dare to say anything.

However, the rank of sergeant is not the only rank in the Navy's officer system...

if you have time, you can code. This book has a minimum of 600000 words and is expected to have 600000 to 1000000 words. Although it is slower, it will not be TJ. Please rest assured. If the book gets better, Xiaofeng will write full-time and update a lot.

also thanks to the old fellow of the QQ bookstore for their reward.

Finally, ask for a Bo ticket (^_ ^)。 , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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