Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:27 AM

Chapter 333

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North of the battlefield.

General Teng Hu kept waving his sword and exerting one gravity field after another, while Darius solved his attacks again and again with the power of sound shock.

"Gravity chopper!"

attached with a strong gravity field, it is like the sword Qi of purple lightning suddenly.

When Darius saw this, he waved his right hand, accompanied by a strong harsh sound, and the shock wave in his hand suddenly burst out, "sound wave - air shock!"

the purple sword Qi suddenly burst out on Tenghu's sword, and then quietly disappeared under Darius's shock wave, as if it had never been sent out.

Then, the shock wave of Darius' left hand came and scattered to Teng Hu. Teng Hu seemed to be caught off guard and waved his sword to resist, but he couldn't do it. He vomited blood and flew out.

"Is this guy the real white beard II?"

At this time, Darius was already in a state of overload, and he was panting in the same place...

to the East.

The five old stars holding the sword first gently waved the first generation of ghost torches, and a red color full of evil spirit attached to the sword body. Then, a sword spirit suddenly shot away towards the white beard not far away.

Before the sword Qi arrived, I only felt a strong evil spirit. Then, the red sword Qi came to white beard with a sea of corpses and blood.

It is said that there is an evil sword spirit in the sword, which can gradually deprive the individual of consciousness. So it's only stronger than this that the soul can control the sword. If ordinary people take it, they will be cursed by Guiche and die.

This is the most evil sword in ghost torching. Because they are all the most powerful swords of twelve kinds, the hardness of this sword is no less than that of black sword night.

In addition, the five old stars with swords have this strong evil spirit, which makes their killing spirit even heavier.


His current opponent is generally recognized as the strongest in the world. Just standing opposite, you can feel his invincible feeling of dominating the world. This momentum seems to be above everything else.

It was as if he was born with the air of a king. He just stands up with a knife, giving people an invisible sense of oppression.

For the evil spirit of the five old stars with sword, white beard had no fear in his heart and was not affected at all.

When the red sword came, white beard suddenly waved his razor and said, "shock knife - Chop!"

white beard gave a loud drink, and the shock wave came out of the razor with the air of looking down on all sides. When he met the red sword, it sounded like all kinds of thunder, and even cracks appeared at the foot of white beard.

After this almost equal blow, the five old stars with the sword took a deep breath and formed a blade as thin as a cicada's wing as blood amber on the ghost. On the blade, there was also a black armed color domineering, "hell blood chop!"

the bloody sea full of evil spirit attacked again, and the white beard was full of strength, waving a razor to meet the "boom" With a sound, the afterwave of the specific gravity gun was tens of times stronger, and the energy of the sword Qi sent out bursts of sonic boom on the shock wave. Unexpectedly, a gully abyss about 100 meters long was formed behind white beard.

With this blow, white beard frowned and felt a little timid...

in the East.

The black air from Blackbeard's body was getting weaker and weaker, while the ace soldier was in full swing, and the burning flame of his arms fell down.

"Woo Hoo!"

"boom", I saw a big fire on Blackbeard, and the whole person was surrounded by the fire.

As Blackbeard rolled on the ground, he released the black air and absorbed the fire. His embarrassed appearance could not be described in words.

Seeing Blackbeard like this, ACE didn't feel compassion. He was even more angry when he thought that the former brother four team leader Sachi had been killed:

"since the establishment of the white beard Pirate Group, everyone has respected each other as a guest and surrounded his father like a family, but you are killing your family for your own ambition. Such a person is not worth the same until he dies "Love!"

after finishing his final confession, ACE spun his arms at high speed to form a brighter flame, then hit the ground with his right foot and jumped into the low altitude:

"people like you are not worthy to be our family, let alone the white bearded Pirate Group. Go to hell and reflect! Marshall-d-tiki! "

" fire ring pillar! "

ace's whole body exudes a hot breath, and then the temperature around him suddenly rises, and then turns into a brilliant flame, and a red pillar of fire suddenly falls!

the flame on Blackbeard's body has not been put out completely, and his eyes are full of despair when he looks at the terrible flame...

the fire on Blackbeard's body has not been extinguished yet www.mylovenov , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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