Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:26 AM

Chapter 334

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Seeing this, the five old stars with swords no longer use their swordsmanship. Instead, they hold the first generation of ghost torches in their hands. The clogs on the ground make a sound of "stepping on" and head down at the white beard.

In the face of the strike of the five old stars with swords, the white beard's face did not change. He directly attached shock waves to the whole razor and crossed his head.


This time, the impact did not sound like the clang of gold and iron, but like the dull sound of thunder. Under the impact of the world's top energy, the earth behind white beard was abruptly torn, with a narrow crack like an abyss, as if it was going to spread to the nine sky sky...

in the West.

The Navy giant troops led the Navy and the white bearded pirate regiment to fight with the hundred people regiment of kaiduo, shouting and killing.

"Death entwined!"

The general spread out his five fingers and gave a big drink in his palm. The ground trembled a few times, and then more than a dozen emerald green vines came out from below. They attacked Marco like poisonous snakes.

Marco in the air a gorgeous rotation, a little bit of blue fire, like the day like fireflies, gorgeous and colorful. Then he saw his wings dancing, and more than ten flames were suddenly launched away:

"magic fire green flame!"

More than ten fire bombs hit the green ox's vines one after another. A sound of firecrackers like fried beans came, and all the vines summoned turned into charcoal.

Lvniu touched his head and frowned: "it's not only a rare fruit of the eudemon species, but also a natural ability. It's really amazing...

after hearing the words, Marco suddenly laughed," the key is, my ability is still a little weak, aren't you? "

This statement, but slightly said the heart of green cattle, Marco's release of the cyan flame does cause great obstacles to himself.

"Don't be complacent. Even so, you're not ace. After all, you're still a phantom beast. I don't have to retreat like this."

Green bull said, palms close to the ground, with the ground shaking again, a three hundred years of towering tree rose up, let the Navy pirates both sides stunned.

"Demonization - tree spirit!"

Suddenly, I saw the branches and roots of the tree gradually spread out, the roots like feet on the ground, while the branches like many hands, and two holes like eyes appeared on the trunk.

The tree spirit summoned by the green ox is coming to Marco.

But Marco's face was not confused. He waved his wings and flew up to the low altitude. He was armed with domineering color on his feet. He met him with one foot and kicked the spirit to pieces.

Then, I don't know where to fly five bamboo guns straight to him, all of a sudden, Marco's body pierced five holes.

At this time, Marco's five pierced places were beating cyan flames, and his body healed rapidly with the speed visible to the naked eye.

"What an enviable ability..."

Green bull sighed and launched an attack again...


Lei Yin killed the mighty warlord Qing, which greatly shocked the three armed forces. All the navies were shocked to see this scene. For a moment, no one dared to fight against it.

In this way, Lei Yin rushed around in this chaotic army, like entering a no man's land, and the navy was invincible, just like seeing a great devil who wanted his life.

"This guy... Is a monster equivalent to white beard!"

"Everyone, run away..."

the attack of Lei Yin made the army which had been engaged in scuffle more chaotic.

"Asshole! You give me enough!"

All of a sudden, a fat figure came out, a punch in the past, blocked the thunder attack.

He was dressed in a dark green suit, bald, with a white mustache and a birthmark on his forehead.

It's one of the five old stars!

In the face of the strength of the thunder too strong, the five star mustache face dignified, some vigilant looking at him.

And Lei Yin saw this just a smile: "even the world's top leaders are out, really let me some surprise ah."

"To deal with you guys who have committed heinous crimes, we must use the most powerful fighting force, especially you and white beard..."

Lei Yin smiles: "let me see the strength of the five old stars!"

With that, the old star of the mustard dodged and left the spot almost at the speed of disappearing. Lei Yin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt his existence with his powerful power of seeing and hearing. Suddenly, his eyes changed, and Lei Yin also disappeared in the same place.


There was a low roar. When people found them, they were already in the low air, their fists against each other.

After the collision of energy, they both fell to the ground.

Standing opposite again, they both looked dignified.

"Two sections of flying thunder god!"

All of a sudden, the thunder whispered and came at a faster speed, and the five star mustard also speeded up the speed, and they fought together again...

what is the ability of the five star mustard? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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