Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:24 AM

Chapter 336

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To the West.

Marco kicked the green cow on the side of the abdomen, green cow mouth spit blood, all of a sudden out of 30 meters away.

At this time, the team leader [diamond] jotz has arrived.

Although the five hundred beast regiment and the blue orangutan army had a slight advantage, they were also defeated by the Navy giant army.

The general green bull stood up from the ground, just catching up with the shock of jotz. Green bull summoned a wooden fist to fight, but it was not as hard as jotz's diamond fist, and it was suddenly broken.

Marco and joz, two of them, forced the green bull into a dilemma...

the position near the sea in the north.

Kaiduo punches darmesia to fly, while Ben Beckman injures Huang ape.

"Ben Beckman, you still stink like that." Cato looked at the Navy, but said so.

Ben Beckman looked at Cato and suddenly laughed: "they are all old guys, so don't work like young people, don't you think?"

Kato: I've said that. You're still such a fart

"Ha ha..."

speaking, the red hair Pirate Group and Kato are old acquaintances. In order to fight for territory, or Kai ran to fight alone, there was no less fighting between the two sides.

In this way, Ben Beckman and Kato are "old acquaintances". In the past, they always appear as opponents. Now both sides are allies. This kind of relationship has undergone subtle changes.

Near the sea in the north, the great general huangape was wounded, and lieutenant general dalmetia was also beaten by Keduo, almost losing his fighting ability...

to the East.

Eagle eye and beasta crossed each other. Under the collision of these two swords, the earth abruptly split and turned into a long abyss, spreading to both sides.

All of a sudden, there was a flash of blood between his ribs, and his body seemed to be a little unsteady, shaking for two times.

"Sure enough, you are the strongest swordsman in the world!"

The injured bistar did not have any painful expression, but showed a smile.

Hawk Eye mikhok smell speech, slightly turned his head: "the victory has not been divided, you are not so easy to give up the man, right?"

Beasta turned his body, and his face was even more smiling. He continued to wave his double swords regardless of the wound on his body. A sharp sword air was surging in all directions, and the rose flowers flowing out of his side were more and more dense, as if tens of thousands of sharp daggers were floating in the air. Even people standing at a distance could feel the skin tingling slightly.

Looking at bistar who didn't give up fighting because of his injury, a smile from the heart appeared on his eagle eye face.

At the next moment, eagle eye took back his smile again. A fierce color flashed in his sharp eyes. Suddenly, a strong sword appeared on his body. He shot at Doufu and went straight to Tianlai!

Next, maybe it's the last shot.

A duel between two of the world's top swordsmen.

They had not yet put out their swords, but their swordsmanship was surging. Under the pressure of the two powerful swords, even the air resonated and trembled.

"Er Dao Liu aoyi - Rosa verdict!"

After a while of preparation, beasta took the lead in wielding his sword. In a moment, millions of rose petals looked like millions of sharp swords, but the millions of swords seemed to condense into a sword, coming straight at the eagle's eye with strong sword pressure.

Under the pressure of this magnificent sword, as the world's first swordsman, Hawkeye did not step back. In the face of this strong blow, it was also a respect for the opponent. Hawkeye concentrated almost all the power of Kendo in one point. On the black sword night, a sword awn that made people look to the extreme appeared!

Bistar wielded his sword, but eagle eye's sword came first. They attacked each other again, as if endless swords were coming together, and heaven and earth seemed to turn into a ray of Aurora.

I saw the eagle eye's extreme sword cut through the rose petals of bistaru's blade. Although the sword was a lot dimmer, it still hit bistaru head-on.


Bistar vomited blood from his mouth and cut a sword mark on his chest, which was almost bone visible.

[foil] after all, bistar was defeated by Hawkeye, the strongest swordsman in the world, and fell to the ground heavily.


Seeing the fallen bistar, ACE, who had killed Blackbeard, called his name and ran anxiously to the southeast.

Lei Yin and the five star star mustard had a fierce physical confrontation. They were almost between Bo Zhongxing and Lei Yin in terms of speed and strength.

Thunder sound see, hands suddenly seal, hands appeared five ray.

Accept the anger of thunder and lightning! 】

"Lei Dun - pseudo dark!"

Lei Yin drinks softly, and the five rays of thunder in his hand gather into a golden sharp spear, which stabs the five old stars like a golden dragon. Unexpectedly, a ball shaped lightning ball appears in the palm of the five old stars, which suddenly collides with [pseudo dark]!

"This guy, is it the power of lightning?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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