Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:23 AM

Chapter 337

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Looking at his [Lei Dun pseudo dark] being offset, Lei Yin is a little surprised.

"Is he the power of lightning?"

Among the pirates, one is enilu, the God of the empty Island, and the other is munch-d-dragon, the father of Lufei, who is suspected by the sea fans. He may have the ability to produce wind, rain and thunder.

Five old stars are really the hidden characters in the world of pirates.

Leiyin is in a short period of wishful thinking, a fireball appears in the other hand of the five star star mustard, and falls towards Leiyin. Leiyin sees this, gathers the white energy between his fingers, cuts the fireball into two sections in the void, makes two roars and blasts two holes.

"And the power of fire?"

Seeing Lei Yin's slightly stunned expression, the old star with a moustache grinned, "boy, you are not the only one with so many strange abilities."

After all, the opponent is a five-year-old star. His strength should not be under the four emperors. Suddenly he bit his finger and drew a charm on the ground with blood. Then he suddenly patted on the ground!


in a moment, with a piercing hiss, a giant snake with eight heads and eight tails appeared on the battlefield out of thin air.

It's the S-level forbidden skill, the skill of eight Qi!

The eight headed giant snake is spreading its teeth, and the saliva on its teeth drops on the ground, which makes people shiver.

The five old stars of the mustard saw this, and a touch of surprise flashed in their eyes. At the next moment, the heads of Baqi snake came to bite him.

In the face of this scene, the five-star did not hide or escape. Suddenly, he became a giant almost equal to his height. He saw the eight Qi snake. One of the two snake heads was broken by lightning, and the other was burned by blazing fire!

"This... This is!"

"This is the fruit of the five old stars."

"It's a mirage."

"Worthy of being the highest head of the world!"

Many navies are very excited to see the ability of the five star star mustard. However, when the pirates see the shock, there is a look of loss in their eyes.

The animal is animal breed dog, fruit hell three head dog form!

The thunder and fire just now came out of two of the three dogs' heads.

"It's worthy of five old stars. Have you left the best fruit for yourself? A lightning, a flame, what is the remaining ability? "

Although the five old stars show the ability beyond the imagination of ordinary people, there is a trace of banter in Lei Yin's eyes and he mutters.

At this time, the three headed dog suddenly jumped up and pressed the big snake with only six heads under his feet. The big snake scrambled to bite and made a terrible "hissing" sound.

One snake head went forward to bite the neck of the three dogs, and one of the three dogs was faster than the other, and one bit off the snake head; the other bit the leg of the three dogs, and was bitten in two; the others came to fight sumo, one of the three dogs spit fire, the other spit thunder, and all the snake heads were broken.

So Baqi snake was played between the thigh and palm by three dogs, and the three dogs almost didn't get hurt.

"It's interesting."

Although the eight Qi snake summoned by Lei Yin failed, there was no disappointment in his eyes, but he was excited.

At this time, the left head of the three dogs spit out a circle of hot flames, and the fire instantly engulfs the thunder, wrapping it in it.

"Aoyi - silver sword flashing!"

Suddenly, Lei Yin's right index finger and middle finger gathered a circle of white energy halo, suddenly waved, and even directly divided the fire into two sections!

Just as the flame was about to die out, the golden light in the mouth of the middle head of the three dogs was flashing:

"hell thunder pillar!"

With a click, the thunder voice had no time to dodge, but it was covered in the huge thunder pillar.

"Is... Successful?"

"This four emperor kid, finally..."

just when many people think that Leiyin, who has been fighting for a long time, has been smashed by Leizhu, Leiyin stands in the same place almost intact.

His body is also wrapped with golden light, "Yiyi" sound.

It turns out that at the moment before the five-star attack, Lei Yin has covered the whole body of chakra with Lei attribute. Even if Lei Zhu bombards, his thunder chakra neutralizes Lei Zhu's power.

"But... Damn it!"

"it's still nothing?"

"Is this guy invincible?"

The crowd once again made incredible sounds. It is impossible for ordinary people to be unhurt under such lightning attack.

"Hell - extremely cold!"

When the three dogs saw that the lightning attack was ineffective, their right head spat out a chill. This time also hit, Leiyin, will be frozen into a crystal clear ice sculptureHas Lei Yin defeated several powerful enemies in succession? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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