Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:22 AM

Chapter 338

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Holding the sword, the five old stars launched a stormy sword attack on white beard, who resisted the attack with concussion.

Suddenly, white beard coughed violently, and the power of shock wave seemed to weaken.

The next moment, white beard's left fist suddenly appeared a white halo, and a crack like a broken mirror appeared again in the battle circle. The five old stars' eyes flashed, waved their swords for a moment, and withdrew from his attack range.

Then, white beard rotated the razor in his hand for a circle, and suddenly the column was on the ground. A gust of wind blew by, and the clothes moved in the wind. Just standing there in this way, he revealed the imperial spirit of dominating the world and coming all over the world, which was beyond the reach of ordinary people.


Some people didn't notice that after the attack, although white beard stood there as steady as Mount Tai, his chest fluctuated violently.

At this time, the five-star sword pushed his glasses, slightly measured his vision, and his eyes showed a sense of chilling. He held the sword with one hand, and the spirit of the sword soared to the sky, as if the whole person had turned into a sword, but he had the feeling of a sea of corpses.

"Did you concentrate sword Qi and evil spirit together?"

At this time, many people feel that the five old stars not only have the invincible sword spirit of the top swordsman, which is enough to look down on the eagle's eyes, but also have the evil spirit like a devil in hell, stepping on thousands of evil spirits. This evil spirit, just like cattle and sheep seeing the cruel butcher with blood on their hands, will definitely make ordinary people lose consciousness.

Before the sword came out, a strong sword idea had swept all over the place. There was a red blood light like a flame on the sword. The five old stars had already waved the blade:

"Shura hell - the judgment of the demon king!"

Five old stars drink a low, that is like the blood of sword Qi, already run through and come, as if want to cut everything in front of you, all for nothing.

White beard saw this, and his eyes flashed a little dignified. It seemed that he felt something bad. He put the razor on the ground, clenched his fists, and the white halo appeared on it. The air in the battle circle had been shattered.

The blood color of the sword came out from the body of the sword. It was like a blood dragon coming from hell. With the roaring sound of breaking the air, the sword Qi tore the earth and swept across the front.

The red sword air collided with the shock wave of white beard again. First, it gave a roar of crying ghosts and gods, and then it was like a thunderbolt. In the battle circle, people affected by the sword spirit felt the endless evil spirit from hell, like countless terrible ghosts and spirits whining in their ears.

In the early times, Guiche was a very evil sword. If the swordsman was not strong enough, he would die as a saber. And these evil spirits are not only released by the five old stars, but also part of those who are unwilling to complain and moan after their death.

All of a sudden, white beard yelled. The shock wave made the air vibrate and resisted the sword spirit. All of a sudden, five old stars hand a loose, the first generation ghost almost fell to the ground, he was shocked back more than ten steps, covering the chest, feel like the chest was heavily punched.

"White beard, it seems that your shaking power is not as strong as before..."

at the same time, the blood red sword Qi runs across, which seems to tear the clouds and the sky in the battle circle in two, and the ground where you pass is cut out of a terrible abyss hundreds of meters long. The sword Qi cut through the shock wave and directly met white beard.


Although the sword Qi was weakened, it hit white beard. Suddenly, white beard spat blood at his mouth, held a razor in his hand, loosened his right leg, and almost half knelt on the ground.




seeing that the situation here is not good, the crew of the white bearded Pirate Group have issued anxious exclamations one after another, and some captains who have been out of the battle have come running towards this side.

White beard is injured?!!

It's not only the pirates who can't believe it, it's even the navy who can't believe it for a while.

At this time, white beard was nearly 70 years old, suffering from a variety of diseases. He was carrying dozens of bottles all day. Compared with his prime years, his strength was greatly reduced. Moreover, the strength of the monsters created before with Berger punk is no less than that of a four emperor ares robot. Their physical strength has been depleted, and their ability to shake fruits is not as strong as when they first arrived.

What's more, his opponent is the wulaoxing, who stands at the top of the world's political system and has unfathomable strength. What's more, the move just now is the strongest sword strike of wulaoxing with sword!

It can be said that white beard can hold up to now, which is enough to call the word "monster"!

After the defeat of white beard, there was a commotion on the battlefield again...

in the end, there was a commotion on the battlefield , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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