Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:27 AM

Chapter 34

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Lei Yin scratched his head helplessly: "well, it's really boring to shoot and assassinate every day. In that case, it won't get stronger at all."

"What? How dare you defy the Navy? "

"I don't despise the Navy. That method may be useful to you, but it doesn't really improve me."

The second lieutenant continued to argue. Captain Lake stopped him: "Lei Yin, I know you have two skills, but you have seriously violated military discipline. Do you know the crime?"

"Well..." Lei Yin scratched her head, but she was helpless. She had to fight with Kapp before she joined the Navy. Moreover, Lei Yin was a casual person and didn't like to be controlled by others. He joined the navy in order to enter the headquarters of marinfando and see the high-level combat power in the new world.

It's not easy to make Lei Yin plead guilty.

But the second lieutenant couldn't help pointing at Lei Yin and yelling: "Captain, this guy doesn't mean to repent at all. Why don't you teach him a lesson?"

Lake thought for a moment and nodded in acquiescence.

At the captain's instruction, 50 or 60 soldiers pulled out their swords and rushed to Lei Yin like a tide...

Lei Yin thought with a smile: just in time, try the new ninja.

Hands up and down fly, has suddenly sealed: "water escape - Dragon bomb technique!"

As soon as the words came out, the head of a water dragon stretched out from Lei Yin's chest, and then rushed over at a speed that the soldiers couldn't react to. Before the people could react, it had been washed away by the water dragon, and all became drowned chickens...

looking at the effect, Lei Yin shook his head dissatisfied: if this move is used on the sea, it should release Pang It's a lot bigger.

Although Lei Yin was not very satisfied, all the soldiers who were drenched in water were shocked.

"This... What is this?"

"Is he... Is he really just a third class soldier?"

"This guy is the devil's fruit power!"

There was an immediate uproar among the defeated soldiers, and captain Lake's face had become very ugly.

I wanted to teach the kid a lesson, but I didn't expect to meet Yama!

Captain Lake sees the situation... Takes the soldiers away like birds and beasts...

as mentioned earlier, the fat Sergeant Baker is a local leader, not only because of his eldest captain lake, but also because captain lake has a cousin named lane, who is a lieutenant colonel in Rogge town.

In the world of pirates, the General Commander in chief of the branch, that is, the colonel, has almost absolute power in the local area, even in charge of life and death. The current colonel in Rogge Town, named Brown, is also a result of his seniority and has no combat strength.

And this commander Ryan is totally different. He was born in Beihai. He joined the Navy at the age of 21. When he was 23, he was promoted to the local captain. In one mission, he captured 31 million Bailey's bounty criminals alive, and was promoted to lieutenant colonel, becoming the second leader of Rogge town.

Brown, on the other hand, is an old Navy man who has been in the Navy for more than 30 years. He has almost never fought a war. He has been in the position of a captain only by virtue of his ordinary qualifications and some interpersonal relationships.

Ryan said he was second in command, but his experience, strength and courage far exceeded that of Colonel brown.

so Roger town is actually Ryan has the final say.

In this world, who has thick arms and hard fists is the boss.

Younger brother and younger brother's younger brother have been cleaned up. Where do you want me to be the eldest brother of the Lieutenant Colonel? Lei Yin, it's against you. Without giving you some lessons, you really don't know who has the final say in Roger town.

In fact, according to Lei Yin's various actions, he is always absent from work and beats his superiors. The navy can expel Lei Yin from the army. However, Ryan and lake are too vindictive. If they are expelled and let people go, who can we go to for revenge?

Since Lei Yin got the grass shaved sword, he has made great progress in strength. He cultivates himself all day and doesn't take part in training.

One day, Ryan, the real ruler of Rogge Town, with some of his confidants, finally came to find Lei Yin's trouble.

This Ryan long with a knot of muscle, head smooth, let a person see on a face of fierce.

"Boy, you are not simple. Just a third class soldier, you beat your two superiors in a row and beat so many people." Ryan touched his bald head.

Lei Yin put the grass shaved sword back into his scabbard and said, "what do you want?"

"Kill you!"

With that, Ryan rushed up, and the soldiers automatically gave up a piece of open space...

"six moves - Lanjiao!"

With the help of momentum, Ryan has accumulated strength on his feet, kicking a foot in the void and drawing a blue chopping stroke...

originally, he was a commander who knew the six movements. Lei Yin thought that his eyes had already changed shape...

three gouyu's wheel eyes, open!After Lei Yin opened the eye of writing wheel, he quickly jumped to the side and dodged the blow. Lane sends out the chop of haze foot to cut the big tree behind into two sections.

At this time, Lei Yin understood that the strength shown by Ryan was probably no less than that of the naval headquarters or the "g branch" school officers.

Seeing that the blow didn't hurt him, Ryan pounded the ground, "six moves - moonwalk!"


I saw him stepping on the air, whistling towards the thunder, at the same time, waving his powerful right fist, suddenly hit, "six moves - iron fist!"


This "iron fist" is an extension of "iron fist" in the six moves. The move used by gabra of cp9 in the original book of pirates.

It seems that Ryan is a master of the six styles, and shows them incisively and vividly.

But, so what?

The power of Lei Yin is beyond his imagination.

That is to say, now, Ryan is not the rival of Raytheon at all.

The reason is very simple. I can play Karp for 20 rounds without losing ground, and I've beaten the commander in the headquarters head-on

These two are enough.

Therefore, Lei Yin did not pay attention to this battle.

As soon as Ryan's "iron fist" comes, Leiyin will seal again, "earthrun - earthflow wall!"

When Ryan's fist suddenly fell, a hard wall appeared on Lei Yin's foot, which blocked his blow

Lei Yin didn't pay attention to him, but made three seals with his hands again, "Yin Zi Yin!"

Then he pressed on the ground, and a fierce big guy appeared in front of him

When Ryan smashed the wall, he saw the big guy.

Lei Yin uses psychics to summon the cat, tiger and Warcraft , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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