Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:19 AM

Chapter 342

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Sligny Island, Southeast.

The energy of the collision of two thunderbolts is more dazzling than that of Yao sun.

They almost did not retreat, the body did not move a bit, this blow is almost equal impact.

All of a sudden, the head in the middle of the animal like three dogs converged with red heat, condensed on its mouth, and then shot out abruptly and blasted to xuzuo again.

Lei Yin had already seen the clue at the moment before. During the printing process, xuzuo also gathered a high fever:

"Xianfa xuzuo Huodun Dayan bullet!"

The sudden impact of two high heat waves made the sky of sligny Island glowing red, and the whole island was affected by the waste heat.

The two sides caused strong destructive force, even the far away is fighting shanks and steel empty all stop to watch the distant thunder and five old star duel.

All of a sudden, the poisonous snakes on the three dogs were dancing more and more fiercely, one by one like ghosts beating, and then the three mouths of the three dogs opened together, and three terrible lights gathered in their mouths.

Not only Lei Yin, but also the surroundings of the battlefield felt an obvious sense of evil spirit and killing.

Seeing this, Lei Yin no longer hesitated. He stretched out two fingers of his right hand, and xuzuo also made the same action. There is a strong white halo on the fingertips of the two fingers. This energy makes the earth tremble slightly, and even some stones and soil rise slowly from the ground, just like gods.

"Hell - judgment!"

All of a sudden, the three heads of the three dogs are full of energy. Ice, fire and thunder are intertwined together. The poisonous snake on the dog is brawling, and the venom is also mixed in it...

[the silver blade cuts through the sky, cutting everything in the world into dust! 】

"xianfasuzuo - aoyi - silver sword flashing!"

Looking at the terrible energy coming from the opposite side, the white light gathered at xuzuo's fingertips suddenly came out, as if the endless halo had gathered, and the wind and cloud had changed color. This amazing strike could not be described by words at all!

With the S-level upanistic ninja and the power of xuzuo Neng, Lei Yin used his most powerful move, surpassing the previous attack.

This blow, even the space is a little distorted!

Two extremely powerful forces collided in this way.

It's silent.

As if nothing had happened, as if time had solidified at this moment.

At the next moment, two streams of impact energy sent out the sound of thunderbolt, which moved straight above the nine days, like the roar of the Buddha, as if the end of the world came to the world.

The aftereffects of the energy collision are constantly rippling in all directions, and even bring up waves of wind pressure. The people on the battlefield are looking at the battle between the two gods in front of them. There are many people who don't know how many strong winds and waves they have seen, and their faces are full of horror and incredible looks.

Between heaven and earth, the white halo even tears the clouds, as if the sky is also divided into two parts by this energy.

The white energy is like a dragon crossing the river. It not only destroys the energy of the five star star mustard, but also traverses a terrible abyss between the two people, directly dividing the whole isle of sligny into two and spreading to the sky!


With a flash of blood, the three dogs vomited a large amount of scarlet at the mouth, and their body gradually shrunk to its original shape.

"Five old stars!"

Around the admiral in the eyes of the incomparable fear of anxiously shouting, mustard five old star and spit out two mouthfuls of blood, breath gradually weak.

In the distance, shanks had stopped fighting because of the shock and had a panoramic view of the scene just now.

"Lei Yin, how strong are you?"

Even he, the four emperors who have been galloping in the sea for many years, sighed from the bottom of his heart. You know, from the beginning, he fought with the commander-in-chief of the Navy, ganggukong. Although he had the upper hand, he was basically tied. If you let yourself fight with a five-year-old star, he may not be able to win.

What's more, Leiyin did it after consuming so much physical strength.

Shanks thought that he didn't dare to think about it any more...

on the north side of the sea, Ben Beckman was holding a cigar. Although his face was calm, his heart was still a little shocked: this guy was definitely more than white beard at that time... It seems that there is a wonderful monster on the sea.

Kaiduo looks fierce and looks at the ghost like blue beard in the southeast. Zorro thinks: it seems that in this world, only that kid has the possibility to kill me...

white beard holds a razor and wipes the blood from the corner of his mouth. He also watches the scene of the battle between Leiyin and the five star mustard all the time. After Leiyin completely defeats his opponent, he can't help sighing It seems that my time is really over. In retrospect, it's a long journey...

it's a long journey , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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