Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:16 AM

Chapter 345

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At that time, Leiyin and ACE, a navy and a pirate, were opposite. Leiyin let him go. Although part of it was for Kapp's face, ACE thought he owed Leiyin for his kindness.

You know, at that time, if Lei Yin captured ace, who offered a reward of 260 million yuan, and sent him to the Navy headquarters, he could definitely be promoted to major general or even lieutenant general.

Of course, Lei Yin won't do that, and ACE also deeply cherishes his kindness.

"As I said, I always thought I would meet you again one day."

"Well, me too."

Ace and Leiyin are the same age, and they get together again, which makes people have an indescribable warmth.

"Leiyin kid..."

at this time, white beard spoke.

"What's the matter?"

"If you don't like it, be my son."


Hearing this, Lei Yin almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

I went. How much does the old devil like to take his son?

At this time, ACE also said: "yes, how lonely it is to be the fourth emperor alone. No, you also join us with dad."

Lei Yin: "this... You let me think about it."

Lei Yin said so, but in fact, he politely refused them. Now he is already the fourth emperor of one side, and Lei Yin is not the kind of person who is willing to be subordinated to others. What's more, their situation is different now. Now they have two wives and a son. It's unrealistic for them to take care of others.

At this time, a vulture flew over from afar and landed on the ground in human form.

He was the bald ah San who sent the challenge to Lei Yin at that time.

"Lord Kato? No


"drought, Lord Jack... Was killed by a swordsman of Leiyin Pirate Group!"

"What did you say?"

After hearing this, kaiduo's face, which was a little calm, was angry again. He grabbed the collar of bald ah San and yelled angrily: "Hello! You bastard! What nonsense

Bald ah San, like a chicken, was raised by Sheng Sheng and trembled in the hands of many beasts: "Kai... How big is Kai... Adults, small is small. What he said is true. He doesn't dare to hide it...

" hmm? "

When Kato is angry, Jack's body has been carried up.

Don't say it's Kato. When bald ah San said this, even Lei Yin didn't believe that his subordinates could kill the drought? So who did it?

Even Lei Yin wants to know.

Seeing the drought Jack's body being carried up, Kato's face is more angry and his eyes are more murderous.


kaiduo let out a loud shout and hit it directly. Seeing this, Lei Yin raised his fist to meet him.


A low and stuffy roar, this pair of extremely disproportionate fists hit together, which shocked caderousson back dozens of steps.

"Kato, do you think you can beat me?"

One punch will kaiduo's thunder face does not change, look at him coldly, "victory or defeat is a matter of soldiers, your subordinates are inferior, so they will die."

"Hateful!" Kato stretched out his rough hand to scratch his disheveled hair, but stood up again and rushed toward the thunder.

"Didn't I tell you... You're not my match at all?"

Lei Yin jumps up, turns around and kicks kaiduo on the door. Kaiduo is hit and flies backwards again.

At this time, the faces of the people standing nearby all have more or less the color of amazement. Even the four emperors, who have been galloping in the sea for many years, have their own psychological activities.

White beard: such a young man has such power...

ace's eyes are even bigger: Lei Yin, what kind of training have you experienced in these years?

The cigar in fossa's mouth fell to the ground unconsciously: that guy is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air. He was hit twice like a ball?!

Even more, yizang stayed in the same place: who is this guy?!

Shanks has a dignified face and stands in the same place without saying a word...

although Lei Yin has shown amazing strength on the battlefield, they still can't believe it in a short time when they see a kid in his early twenties who plays down the world's strongest creature twice.

After all, that's Kato!

Shanks and white beard can't do it.

Kaiduo, who was hit again, struggled to stand up from the ground. At this time, Leiyin said: "Hello, kaiduo, let Jack go. It seems that there is something unfinished between you and me."


Leiyin sighed faintly and said, "do you have a piece of red [historical text of road sign] marked with [lourderu]"What are you talking about?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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