Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:14 AM

Chapter 347

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From the battle of two four emperors, Leiyin and kaidoyo, to the defeat of the Navy, the ten day long war finally ended. It is no exaggeration to say that the scale of this war is definitely larger than the top war in the original work.

At the end of the war, there were less than 40000 people left and less than 150 warships.

The total strength of Lei Yin was 12000 when he came, and less than 800 when he returned. The force of kaiduo was more than 40000, less than 2000 at the end of the war.

Later, shanks and white beard were much better, and the death rate did not reach half.

Although the death rate of Lei yintuan is high, most of the important cadres are still there, so there is little for him.

However, the navy is not the same. Military expenses are needed for conscription, training, and warship manufacturing, as well as the losses caused by all the pacifists destroyed by thunder. What's more, the cost of the two ares has undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to world politics. The losses caused can be said to be astronomical.

In this war, the strength of the navy was greatly damaged.

Or that sentence, I thought it was a mantis hunting cicadas, but I didn't expect the Yellow sparrow to be behind. I thought I could annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop, but I didn't expect people to make dumplings.

In the final analysis, it is still underestimation of the strength of the opponent. However, in fact, according to the normal logic, it is quite possible to annihilate the pirates with the deployment of the Navy this time. But what they didn't expect was that the thunder was too strong.

For Kato, although the loss of troops is not a big problem, Jack's death in the drought among the three disasters still has some losses.

Later generations will call this battle the battle of sligny, which will be recorded in history forever.

Lei Yin led the remnant of less than 800 people to his own territory.

On the way.

Baxter, the three main players of the thunder group, was injured. Someone was dressing his wound, while Darius and Bolen Liuma were too tired to move because of the battle.

The other captains were also injured to varying degrees, but basically nothing serious. Team four, five and seven captains, [golden sniper] Sauter, [mr.3] gal Dino and Mary godlow casually found a place on the deck and went to sleep. Team six captain sandasonia was injured in his right arm and was dealing with the wound.

Within the whole regiment, that is, Lei Yin's spirit was pretty good: "I say everyone, who killed Jack in the drought?"

At that time, it was a big scuffle. Even if hundreds of people died, no one would pay attention to it. It is not until the end of the war that Leiyin knows that Jack died in the hands of the people of Leiyin group.

"Captain, our captain killed him!"

A member of the first team of Lei Yin group said with pride.

"Oh, is that so?"

Lei Yin said, looking at the moving horse lying on the railing over there, because he was too tired after the war, he had already fallen asleep.

Looking at Bolun Liuma, who has fallen asleep over there, Lei Yin shows an invisible smile.

At that time, Lei Yin was the commander of the G-5 branch of the Navy, while Liuma was only a brigadier general under his command.

It's a pity to remember that this guy was not strong enough at that time. He was beaten by brother Ming's "five color line" on his chest.

After he defected from the Navy, this guy didn't know what the reason was, but he was determined to follow him.

Now, with his own efforts, he has killed jack, who has offered a reward of one billion.

"It seems that this guy has been working hard secretly. Now, he is also a powerful swordsman... "After looking at the flowing horse and thinking for a while, Lei Yin turned his eyes to the distance...

a few hours later, the new world, the world.

"You fellow! Finally back! We're all worried about you! "

Baby-5 pours in Lei Yin's arms, crying like a child.

After all, the opponent who went to fight this time was Kato, the most powerful creature in the world. Later, the Navy killed him again. Who would have thought that this war was a near death, and it was surprising that he could come back unscathed.

In addition, baby-5 is a guy with rich feelings and lots of tears. Holding Lei Yin in his arms, he can't stop crying...

he can't stop crying , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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