Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:26 AM

Chapter 35

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How to kill a chicken with a butcher's knife?

Lei Yin thinks so.

If you do it yourself, you can get rid of him soon. What's more, he also wants to see the strength of cat and tiger in this world, and he can improve his fighting experience.

And the navy to see out of thin air cats and tigers, has been scared half, even commander Ryan have temporarily stopped the pace of attack.

What the hell is this kid?

Summon the fruit power?

While everyone was guessing in silence, the cat and tiger roared and pounced on Ryan...

"six moves - shave!"

When Ryan saw the situation, he quickly dodged it with [shaving], and the cat and tiger jumped into the air.

However, although Ryan used "shaving", Lei Yin, who was watching the battle, saw his escape track clearly.

Because, what Leiyin now opens is sanguoyu's writing wheel eye.

The eye of writing wheel of sangouyu?!

Since Leiyin's return from [Shengfuling] cultivation, he has learned a lot of Ninjutsu from [Shuidun] and [tudun] with cimao Jianxian. His strength has been greatly improved, and his chakra value has also been greatly improved. Moreover, with these days of cultivation, Leiyin finds that he can open sangouyu.

This is also because the speed of Ryan's [shaving] is not very fast, so his actions are captured by thunder.

"He's over there!"

Leiyin points with his hand. Without any hesitation, cat and tiger Warcraft directly releases the B-level "water dragon bullet" in the direction Leiyin points to. The huge water dragon roars away and directly shows Ryan. By the time everyone saw it, Ryan had become a drowned chicken.

Seeing the situation, the cat and tiger beast pounce on it again. However, to everyone's surprise, Lei Yin flies with both hands and unties the channeling. The cat and tiger beast disappears in the same place and goes back to the Holy Buddha ridge.

Leiyin walked slowly towards lane, who was covered with water. Lane stood up and shook the water on his body.

Seeing the terrifying strength of Lei Yin, all the navies are silent. How dare they step forward?

Ryan looked at the boy in front of him, with a look of fear: "who are you, boy?"

"I'm not a dimensional person with you." Lei Yin said lightly.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this sentence. Lei Yin is not a member of the pirate king world, no matter in strength or origin.

Hearing the words, Ryan's self-esteem was greatly provoked and said angrily, "don't be proud, boy, I'll kill you myself!"

Lei Yin suddenly said with a smile: "you'd better save your strength. I have ten thousand ways to defeat you. If you want to try, I'll accompany you at any time, commander."

When Lei Yin said these words, he didn't seem to be joking at all. We all saw the strength just shown. This kind of "magic" like monsters can't be dealt with by ordinary people.

Is this like a third class soldier talking to a Navy Lieutenant?

Since Ryan joined the Navy, he has always been praised and honored. How ever has he been insulted like this?

What's more, the opponent is just a third class soldier?!

Lt. Col. lane was a little angry: "you... You... I'm going to get you out of the Navy!"

Lei Yin is still a faint smile: "whatever you like."

In this way, in a rage, Ryan left with the soldiers, while Leiyin was still practicing in the open space, as if nothing had happened.

What Ryan said is not a joke. As a local commander and actual local ruler, he still has such power.

"Lei Yin, a third-class soldier in the Navy, has no military law. He despises his superiors, beats his comrades, and is expelled from the naval base immediately according to law. He will never be employed!"

The above remarks are Ryan's submission and a punishment to Lei Yin.

Small sample, a small third class soldier, but also against you, even you can't rectify, how can I be a lieutenant commander? If I can't beat you, I'll drive you out of the Navy and ruin your future! That's what Ryan thinks.

If you think about it, it's also true that he's a Navy Lieutenant Commander, the actual local authority. For him, such a thing is of course... No way!

No way?!

It was a captain who rejected his decision.

This captain is not an ordinary captain, but a captain of the Navy headquarters.

He was not only the captain of this department, but also the captain sent by lieutenant general Kapp himself.

Now, everything is clear.

When Kapp left, he didn't leave Leiyin alone in Rogge town. Instead, he sent a captain to watch Leiyin and don't let him do anything too extraordinary. However, the local senior officers in Rogge town did not know anything about this. They only knew that the captain was sent to inspect by the headquarters, which was equivalent to "supervising the army".

Kapp didn't expect that thunder would bring Rogge town out.

However, the captain did not tell Kapp about these things, just silently watching what Leiyin had done. Because the captain thinks that what Lei Yin has done is right.When Kapp left, he told the captain to keep an eye on Lei Yin. This guy has unfathomable strength and unimaginable potential. The captain certainly did not dare to neglect such an order. So he knows everything Lei Yin does here.

In the commander's office at the naval base in Rogge.

Ryan said solemnly to the captain, "Mr. Penn, this guy has no military skills and beats his boss. Will such a man stay in the Navy?"

That's right. The captain was T. Penn, who was later known as the "chopper", and was then a captain of Kapp's Navy headquarters. He has a long horse face, looks a little scary, and lost a tooth, but he is a straightforward, full of a sense of justice, the catchphrase is "do all kinds of good every day.". In the original, he is the captain of the Navy sent to escort Nicole Robin. However, it was many years later that he became a colonel.

T pen tapped the table with his index finger and said faintly, "do you think I don't know?"


"He beat Sergeant Beck because Beck bullied civilians on the street. He saw injustice and helped them. He beat captain lake because lake was his big brother. They wanted to bully more people than others, but they didn't expect that their opponents were so powerful. Instead, they were beaten in the face. As for the reason why you were beaten, I don't need to say? Commander lane

Ryan's speechless.

Who is Kapp? The power is comparable to the old fellow of the admiral of the Navy. As the saying goes: the prime minister's seven grade official. T-penn is Kapp's man. Don't say Penn is a captain. Even if it's a corporal, commander lane has to listen.

And Ryan is not a fool. There must be something wrong with the fact that the people in the Navy actually went to protect a third class soldier.

Ryan suddenly realized that, weakly asked t pen: "Mr. pen, who is this boy?"

"He's the man that general Kapp likes..."

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