Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:10 AM

Chapter 350

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Zou, whale forest, 5:20 p.m.

The pilots in the air are black, and they look at the thunder sound which has been regarded as the object in the bag. It seems that each eye can emit light.

There's a lot of "buzz" in the air. If ordinary people see such a battle, they will be scared out of their wits.

At the next moment, as if it had been discussed in advance, the "air pilots" came to Leiyin everywhere. Leiyin's eyes flashed coldly, and his hand had finished the seal very quickly:

"Huodun - haohuoqiu skill!"

A flash of fire suddenly burst out, and those flying in the air were burned to scorched earth before they even had time to be afraid. Almost all of the dark areas turned into flames and fell on the ground. However, the lucky ones who were not burned had to fly away.

After such a small episode, Lei Yin continued to walk forward, seeing that he was getting closer to the whale forest.

"Hey, what do you do, monkey?"

Suddenly, a black monkey less than 1.2 meters tall, holding a Western sword, looking at the thunder.

The short stature and the covetous eyes not only did not make Lei Yin hostile, but also made him feel that the monkey in front of him was quite funny:

"this is the fur clan. Does it seem that I was found?"

Looking at Lei Yin's relaxed face, he made the fur monkey look even more angry: "Hey, what are you doing here, monkey?"

Hearing this guy's question, Lei Yin chuckled: "you are so funny. Do you want to add" monkey "after every sentence?"

After hearing this, the monkey fur clan finally couldn't hold down their anger. The edge of the Western sword pointed at Lei Yin: "damn invaders, don't laugh at me

After that, he drew his sword and went straight to the thunder.

Lei Yin, however, just stretched out her right hand. Her index finger and middle finger caught the sword of the monkey fur clan. The sword of the monkey fur clan swayed from side to side, but could not move.

"Damn you, let go of it

The monkey fur clan yelled, struggling to draw the sword, even his face overflowed with sweat.

Lei Yin didn't say anything. With a little bit of force, he directly bounced the monkey fur family out, making it very relaxed.

"Hey, what are you doing, you guy?"

When the monkey fur clan was shot away, another group of fur clan appeared, including raccoon, goat, buffalo, lion, tiger, black dog, gray wolf and other animals. Each fur clan wore a medieval knight's hat with plush hair on its head and a Western sword on its waist.

This is the Musketeer team, which is responsible for protecting the elite warrior group of Zou during the day. If you put them in the ordinary people, each of them can be a hundred powerful fighters.

"Nothing. I'm just here to get something."

"Rude man, get out of here!" A gray wolf fur clan suddenly pulled out his sword and went straight to Leiyin. Seeing this, other fur clan soldiers of the musket team also pulled out their swords one after another, and more than a hundred Western swords chopped at Leiyin one after another.

Seeing this scene, Lei Yin also pulled out his grass shaved sword. A blade of sword Qi passed by, and many soldiers who were attacking avoided one after another. However, those who did not evade were hit by the blade Qi and fell to the ground.

After the sword Qi was released, other fur people didn't give up their attacking steps. The Western sword roared, cut or stabbed the body of thunder. In a moment, it was like a hedgehog, full of holes.

Did it work?

You're kidding!

Just when the fur nationality Musketeers thought that Leiyin was easily defeated, Leiyin's body suddenly turned into a smoke and disappeared.

It turns out that Lei Yin has already called the shadow part before, and what they cut off is just a shadow part of Lei Yin.

"You guys, you are really desperate!"

At this time, Lei Yin had already stood behind them, holding his arms in front of his chest and jokingly said.

"This asshole!"

"who the hell is this guy? What are you doing here? "

"How dare you look down on us?"

"In other words, it's a separation. Isn't this guy a ninja?"

Seeing the lost part and the original one suddenly appeared behind him, the fur people talked about it one by one. They watched Leiyin one by one, and then took up arms to attack him.

this time, Leiyin didn't use the part, but also waved his razor.


in the void, there was a clear sword sound. Under the stormy attack of the Musketeers, Leiyin also raised his sword to fight calmly...

the sound of the sword came from the sky , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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