Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:09 AM

Chapter 351

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Ding Ding Dang....

the sound of sword collision was constantly heard in the air. Although there were many people in the firearm team, they felt a little bit hard when facing Lei Yin's sword.

"This guy... Damn it, everyone put out all their strength!"

A black bear fur clan yelled, and all fur clan's looks changed, and all their Western swords were wrapped with lightning.

This is the unique ability of the fur people. They can wind thunder and lightning around their bodies or weapons to launch attacks. In their words, this country is a country without the weak. Even babies have strong fighting capacity.

One by one, the Western swords wrapped with thunder and lightning stab at the thunder. The combat effectiveness released in this way is at least twice as much as the original. However, I didn't expect that thunder sound would release the thunder attribute chakra in the body. Almost all of them are immune to these attacks.

"Wind escape - Beast wave gale palm!"

He used a stunt, taking advantage of this gap, his hands suddenly seal, a strong wind pressure has been released.

The furs were also unable to resist. They were blown away and scattered. A few of the more powerful ones were also repelled by Leiyin.

"Intruder, give me enough!"

Suddenly, from the rear of the fur clan, a lion fur clan came out with a sword. Lei Yin felt its strong breath and suddenly waved the sword. Lei Yin also waved the sword to fight against it.


A shocking sound of impact reverberated in the air. This blow, suddenly thunder, felt that this blow had great power. Compared with the previous attack of fur clan, it was obviously more powerful.

"Your Highness Sicilian!"

Some fur people shout when they see people coming.

Sicilian, lion fur clan, one of the Three Musketeers in Zou, leader of GouLan Musketeers. No matter what he does, he will do his best, so people call him "Sicilian with all his strength".

The electric arc on the body of the Sicilian Western sword surges wildly, and the sound of "Yiyi" from thunder and lightning is heard all the time. Every time it is waved, it looks like a sword pole of thunder and lightning striking.

"Come on, Sicilian!"

"Down with the invaders!"

The defeated furs cheered for captain Sicilian.

The two men fought for dozens of rounds, and Sicilian's swordsmanship became more and more disorderly. Later, they could not fight.

With a sound of "Dang", Sicilian could no longer hold the sword in his hand, and even the man with the sword flew out directly.

"Captain Sicilian!"

Sicilian fell heavily to the ground in the cry of the fur people.

"Rude man! Don't make mistakes here

All of a sudden, a dog fur clan riding a four legged crocodile, surrounded by some soldiers, slowly came here.

"Duke GouLan!"

Seeing the man coming on his crocodile horse, the eyes of the defeated fur clan just now were shining.

Duke GouLan, the ruler of fur tribe in Zou, one of the double kings of Zou, the king of day, is powerful.

He has the appearance of a dog, wearing sunglasses and wearing the clothes of a European Duke. He is bigger than the average fur people and looks extraordinary.

"Is the leader finally there?"

Leiyin's eyes are staring at GouLan. At this time, GouLan pulls out his sword and jumps down from the crocodile. He jumps in front of Leiyin: "who are you? Why are you here? "

For the question of Duke GouLan, Leiyin just suddenly smiles: "I said, I just come and go one thing."

"No way!"

Duke GouLan stopped drinking, and the electric snake on the sword body had already wound around it. When he waved it, he even made a sharp sound of breaking the air.

The grass shaved sword and the Western sword collided together again, and a full of energy suddenly surged away in all directions, even blowing off some fur Knights' hats.

"I'm worthy of being the leader here. I'm really good at it."

Lei Yin sighed in his heart. The power of the sword was much stronger than that of the fur clan, or even the Musketeer Sicilian.


every time the sword edge collides, the ground under their feet is constantly cracked. If ordinary people were under the pressure of the sword, they would have been cut to pieces.

They hardly pay attention to the skill of wielding swords. When they hit each other with swords, it seems that although their strength is equal, Duke GouLan is more and more frightened.

The white awn of Lei Yin's sword is more and more obvious. He can even feel that Lei Yin's sword is more and more powerful. Even at this time, the dog Lan's face exuded some sweat.

At this time, 5:56 p.m. In the depth of the forest, a group of people slowly moved to this side , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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