Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:04 AM

Chapter 356

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New world, SECCO Island, is the last point of "endpoint". The sound of sword collision is heard all the time, bullets are shuttling in the air, artillery is exploding in the flat, and waves of heat are set off. The world Navy and Neo navy are fighting fiercely.

In the east of SECCO Island, a fierce major general with a standard sword was wrestling with a graceful girl. They fought with each other. The young general's sword technique is just fierce and domineering. The young girl's sword technique is fast and light. The sword is like a dragon playing in the water. The sword sting is like a string of flowers in the water.

This young girl is ayin, with long soft blue wavy hair, blue eyes and graceful figure. He was a second lieutenant cadet in the same period as smog, Tina and Leiyin. Later, he set up the "maritime guerrillas" with zefa, and later defected from the Navy with zefa and became a cadre of the [Neo Navy]. She is a superman and a swordswoman.

When Ayn wields her sword, she always brings a pink edge. All of a sudden, the edge of AI Yin's right hand blocked the major general's sword, and her left hand flashed a pink flame. Taking advantage of a gap, the flame shot out and directly hit the major general's body. In his surprised eyes, the major general's body gradually shrank, changed back to the appearance of a teenager, and was easily knocked down by Ayn.

In another place, a man with a long thin horse face and a samurai sword on his back was fighting with another major general.

His name was Binz, and like Ayn, he was zepha's right hand and left hand. [Neo Navy] cadre, a Superman with the ability of [luxuriant fruit], can control the growth of plants.

"Lush! Luxuriant

Binz splashed a handful of green seeds on the ground and let out a shrill cry, like a mantra. All of a sudden, at the foot of the major general, the seeds of plants grow rapidly at the speed visible to the naked eye, and turn into emerald green vines, dancing like green snakes.

Seeing this, the major general seemed to be at a loss. He took up his sword and slashed the vines everywhere. Unexpectedly, the number of vines was very large, and the vines that had been cut off grew up again. The major general's strength was irresistible. His hands and feet were firmly bound, and he was wrapped up in human flesh dumplings.

In the valley.

Zefa danced his mechanical hailou stone arm to launch a stormy attack on the Yellow ape, and the general yellow ape also called out "tiancongyun sword" to fight with him.

All of a sudden, the Yellow ape's foot gathered photons, and the whole right leg became bright and dazzling. He put his sword body on the ground, suddenly jumped up and kicked at zefa's face: "speed of light!"

Zefa saw this and blocked it with his mechanical arm again. There was a violent explosion in the void. The place where the sword edge collided with the stone of the sea building produced bursts of fire.

"Yellow ape, I told you, you are too dependent on the ability of fruit!"

Blocking the edge of the Yellow ape's sword, zefa seemed to look at him with reproachful eyes.

Once upon a time, zefa was the general trainer of the Navy, such as the former three generals red dog, Green Pheasant, yellow ape, and other elite generals such as mole, Huoshaoshan and Doberman. When he was in the Navy, zefa had the worst relationship with the Yellow ape. In addition, zefa has repeatedly accused the Yellow ape of relying too much on the ability of fruit.

"Teacher, although you have left the Navy, your tone is as unpleasant as before." The Yellow ape said and quickly flew back. When the Tiancong cloud sword disappeared in his hands, his hands drew a circle on his chest, shining with bright golden light again:

"eight foot mirror!"

Yellow ape a low drink, a moment, dazzling golden light spray out, straight attack zefa. Zefa couldn't dodge, and once again he hit it with his mechanical arm. There was a fierce collision in the air, and the fire was everywhere. Zefa's hand seemed to be bursting with a golden flower.

Under the constant impact of the golden light, zefa's body moved backward slowly, and his feet even ploughed the ground into two gullies.

Suddenly, the Yellow ape again increased momentum, zefa finally can not support, not only was the top of the fly out, the chest was also hit by the golden light.

When he fell heavily on the ground, zefa frowned tightly and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. He took out a light yellow pill similar to stimulant from his pocket and swallowed it.

Just after taking the pill, zefa felt his power surging up in an instant. The mechanical arm seemed to be full of power and attacked the Yellow ape again.

"Teacher, you are still the same as before. Let me give you some advice. If you are old, don't work as hard as a young man. "

For zefa's frontal attack this time, the Yellow ape did not meet, but continued to step back, arms crossed, index finger and middle finger twisted together, flashing golden light again...

the Yellow ape did not meet zefa's frontal attack this time , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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