Published at 25th of May 2022 08:38:01 AM

Chapter 359

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New world, all nations.

"Who are these two?"

When baby-5 sees Lei Yin coming back with two people, especially when she sees the graceful Ayn, she feels a threat instinctively, just like she saw Hankook before.

"They are my classmates in the youth training camp of the Navy headquarters, and then they joined the guerrillas of Mr. zefa..."

Lei Yin told baby-5 and Hankook the story of them. Baby-5 is kind-hearted and doesn't care about Ayn's existence. She has shed tears before their tragic experience. At the same time, she also expresses her willingness to accept them.

Hankook didn't say anything.

Lei Yin gathered the cadres together and took out the rubbings of the historical signpost text from Zou: "with the one from bigumam, we already have two signpost texts on hand. Even if all the texts are collected, none of us can interpret these texts. So, I want you to think about the clues. "

Chief of staff cliven: "it's said that before [O'Hara] was an island gathered by elite archaeologists, who had been studying ancient historical characters. Zheng Fu was afraid that they would crack the text and reveal the secrets of the world, so he launched the order of killing demons more than ten years ago. I think there must be survivors left, right

Deputy captain Darius: "after all, it's been a long time. I'm afraid it's impossible to verify whether there are any survivors?"

Deputy chief of staff barksjott: "if there were no archaeologists, these words would be like heavenly script to us."

At this time, AI Yinmei's eyes widened and suddenly stood up: "I know... I know there is a survivor of O'Hara."

Hearing the words, they all looked at the new girl.

Lei Yin also looked at her straightforwardly: "Ai Yin, then you tell me."

"Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, was offered a reward of 79 million Bailey at the age of eight. She's a survivor of O'Hara. A few months ago, before Mr. zefa was plotting to destroy [Endpiont], we overheard his whereabouts, and the teacher would lead the army to arrest Robin. But later, teacher zefa was eager to destroy the volcano lake and kill all the pirates in the new world, so he gave up the plan to catch Robin. "

Lei Yin's eyes became bright: "so, where is she now?"

Ayn: "she's in the West Sea... Island, but that's the message a few months ago..."

"Nicole Robin?" Lei Yin felt his chin and murmured to himself. Of course, he knows Robin. When Ayn said that, he felt that things would come to light.

Leiyin patted ayin on the shoulder. "Thank you. This information is very important to me."

After learning this information, Leiyin has a plan in his heart...

in the afternoon, Aiyin makes an appointment with Leiyin alone.

"Do you want to be the king of pirates by collecting the text of historical landmarks?"

Lei Yin smile: "of course, if there is such a good opportunity, why not give it a try?"

Smell speech, AI Yin sighed: "really envy you, there is such a great dream, since zefa teacher was killed, I feel that I have no goal to live."

Hearing this, the smile on Lei Yin's face closed: "what are you talking about? You are still young, and you have your own way to go. No matter how good your relationship with teacher zefa is, you still need to have your own life. Why should you always trust your life to others? "

Lei Yin finished, AI Yinmei's eyes were thoughtful, as if slightly moved.

"You can live here with us. As I said before, time can make you forget all the pain. Even if you can't find the goal of life here, at least we'll go to [lourderu] together, won't we? "

Hearing this, Ayn's look relaxed a little: "thank you, rayon."

Once upon a time in the youth training camp, when Leiyin was a recruit, Ayn was very good to him. So now seeing AI Yin's lonely and frustrated appearance, Lei Yin also wants to pull her out of the abyss of her heart and try her best to comfort her.

All of a sudden, Ayn's face became red. She didn't say anything. She quietly walked over and gently leaned her head against Lei Yin's arms. It's just like when she left the youth training camp to say goodbye to Lei Yin (for a moment, the whole world seems to be very quiet.

After a while, AI Yin left Lei Yin's arms and ran away.

Lei Yin stays in the same place: what is the relationship between himself and AI yin? Comrades in arms? It doesn't seem to count. Friends? Lei Yin sighed, looked up at the sky and felt confused for the first time , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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