Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:59 AM

Chapter 361

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Seeing Robin's face of seeing a ghost, he was even more frightened than seeing the great general Green Pheasant. Lei Yin was embarrassed to tease her again: "well, don't beat around the bush. I really have business to come to you."


"I have a lot of ancient characters in my hand. I want you to help me decipher them."

Robin smell speech, look just a little bit slow: "it seems that I can't refuse?"

In front of Lei Yin's overwhelming strength, Robin himself felt that he had no way.

Unexpectedly, Lei Yin said, "what I have in my hand are the historical text of signposts and the historical text of intelligence that many pirates dream of. Isn't that what you want?"

Robin was shocked: "why do you know what I want?"

Lei Yin smiles: "isn't this what every archaeologist wants?"

Indeed, what Lei Yin said is right. Many archaeologists want to uncover the 100 year blank history that Zhengfu has been trying to hide. Robin is one of them. It is Robin's dream to see the text of history.

Lei Yin's face became more serious: "to tell you the truth, my next goal is to reach the" final island "of lourderu, so I will try my best to gather all the [historical texts]. So my dream needs your help, and your dream also needs to rely on a strong force to achieve

Lei Yin's words are very reasonable, while Robin is lost in thought.

Seeing Robin who was still hesitant, Lei Yin said: "I sincerely invite you to join me and help me. I will certainly help you realize your dream and do my best to protect you. Can you be my partner, Nicole Robin? "

This speech, Robin finally moved, the four emperors far from the imagination of so vicious. He could seize himself by force and then coerce himself into translating historical texts. He not only failed to do so, but also regarded himself as a partner.

"Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force it." Lei Yin continued.

It's Robin's greatest dream in this life that Lei Yin treats him so kindly and finds out the 100 year history hidden in the world politics by reading history text. But she also knows that with her own strength, even if she grows up for 50 years, she can't realize her dream at all.

"With pleasure."

This time, Robin finally gave out her charming smile to Lei Yin.

In this way, the two became partners.

Just as there was harmony in the tavern, the door of the tavern was kicked open.

"Nicole Robin, it's hard for us to find you. Haha..."

a bald man with big ears, broad face, square face and five scars broke in with a group of pirates holding knives and guns.

The bald head is the leader of the crowd, Feist, the west sea pirate, offering a reward of 285 million Bailey. It is said that he can make 60 punches in one second, and his body skill is strong, so he is named "boxing devil".

Fester heard that Nicole robin was on Locke island in the West Sea, and his dream was to become a pirate king. He had two rubbings of historical texts in his hand, so he followed him here. He wanted to catch Robin and help him interpret historical texts for his own use.

"Oh, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha

Feist's vice captain is a tall, thin man with a goatee. He looks up and down at Robin, with a dirty smile on his face: "Nicole Robin, not only can she interpret historical texts, but also is a very good woman."

"She's definitely an easy-to-use woman!"


these people are laughing one by one, and they are not good at it.

But they ignored a big problem.

They are not as knowledgeable and intelligent as Robin. They can remember important people and events when they see the newspaper, so they can recognize Lei Yin at once.

They didn't care about the skinny boy next to Robin.

"Hey, I advise you to keep your mouth clean for me!" Next to Lei Yin, he finally spoke, and his eyes were filled with anger when he heard the filthy words of the pirates.

"Well, Tamar, where are you from?" Feist said, holding his head high and walking towards Leiyin.

"It's not Robin's little lover, is it? Ha ha... The captain must treat the boy well. " The vice captain touched his moustache and said a word more.

Feist went to Leiyin and looked at him with a condescending look: "do you know who Laozi is? Do you want to die? "

Lei Yin slightly repressed his anger: "you are a group of garbage, scum...

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