Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:58 AM

Chapter 362

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"Tower, you give me pain to die!"

Fester was furious. He took out two fists full of iron spikes and waved a punch to the thunder.

Thunder sound see, between the eyebrows has become purple, start immortal mode, hands gathered with blue cyclone.

"Xianfa fengdun - spiral hand sword!"

When Feist blows his fist, the cyclone in Leiyin's hand also comes out. Before [boxing devil] rushes forward, Feist's Pirate Group is affected by this energy, especially Feist himself. In an instant, there is no corpse left by Leiyin. The whole fester regiment was destroyed.

"The pirate group offering a reward of nearly 300 million is not as good as a group of ants in his hands. What is this guy...

when Robin was still in consternation, Lei Yin took her to the world.

After such a small episode, it also shows that Robin's knowledge is famous. Although there are historical texts in the hands of many pirates, they can't interpret them at all, which leads to a scramble for archaeologists.

Leiyin takes Robin back to the world. After all, Robin is an excellent archaeologist. Now he is the only one in the world who can understand the historical text.

With Lei Yin's army growing stronger and stronger, the day of challenging the Pirate Group is approaching.

This time, because Leiyin promised kaiduo to fight alone in his regiment, he didn't bring a soldier.

The day of fighting kaiduo again comes as scheduled, and Leiyin goes to the base of hundred beasts Pirate Group.

New world, cloud island.

It's cloudy all the year round, and people haven't seen the sun in a day. It's the base of the beast regiment. Kato has led the people of the beast regiment to be well prepared. The sky and the earth are almost black, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression. If you are an ordinary person, you will be suffocated by the atmosphere here.

High in the sky, a young man in white with a top-quality sword on his back came here and slowly fell to the ground.

"Here comes Lei Yin at last!"

Seeing the young man in white coming, Kato stood up from the team with a towering body like a hill. His buffalo like eyes slowly opened and looked directly at Lei Yin. "This will be the last place you've been? Or my burial place? "

Lei Yin raised a smile: "who knows?"

"Little ones! Follow me

Katrina's voice like a thunderbolt spread throughout the battlefield. Suddenly, the animal legions of all kinds of animals turned into all kinds of animals, and came to the thunder. The killing intention was surging and the momentum was surging.

Seeing this, Lei Yin suddenly pulled out the grass shaved sword from his family, and there was a white halo of energy on the edge of the sword: "Wuyi silver sword flickers!"

A white sword like energy, with the potential of cutting mountains and seas, attacked the troops. There was a sudden explosion of thunder on the cloudy sky. The white energy directly cut the ground into a huge gully of more than 1000 meters long. The animals in the process of being cut, such as antlers, tiger tails, wolf heads, ox horns, horseshoes, bird wings, etc., were flying around, and some were even cut into two sections.

The animal legion of Baihu was defeated in an instant, and the battlefield was covered with corpses.

"Thunder! That's enough!"

There was a man and a woman shouting at the same time, killing from both sides. When you look closely, it's earthquake king and wind queen.

"Sword Tiger - earth fissure skill!"

The front foot of earthquake King pounded on the ground, and a crack with the shock wave crossed it...

"wind blade of death!"

The wind disaster queen waves two wings, a translucent blade, from between the wings like a storm to shoot down...

the wind and shock waves, left and right, at the same time, set off a powerful wave, which is full of overwhelming momentum.

A moment ago, Lei Yin's eyebrows had turned purple. He raised his hands, and there was a blue cyclone on them:

"Xianfa fengdun - double hand spiral sword!"

The two blue swords were released at the same time, and the left side collided with the shock wave. There was a huge roar in the void, and the air was buzzing. The blue spiral on the right meets the wind blade, like hundreds of heavy guns exploding in the air, giving off bursts of bright and dazzling light.


at this time, kaidona jumped up like a hill and hit Leiyin's stomach with a fist. Leiyin flashed quickly and also countered with his fist. The impact of both sides even brought a huge wind pressure, blowing the dark clouds in the sky together. The clouds collided, and the sky thundered, and hundreds of thunders burst into our ears Duoli couldn't fight, so he was shocked out.

"Damn it, this guy..."

people are not surprised at Lei Yin's power beyond human imagination.

Kato, wind disaster, earthquake disaster, and animal fruit ability are fighting against Leiyin again...

all of them are fighting against Leiyin , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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