Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:57 AM

Chapter 363

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"No matter how many times you come, it's useless."

Lei Yin suddenly stares at the beast group that is pounding again, and his hands and fingers are crossed: "the art of multi wood separation!"

Suddenly, thousands of "thunder sounds" appeared on the battlefield, drinking loudly and going to the public.

Each sub body, together with leiyinbenzun, is a state of immortal mode, and each sub body's hands are gathered with a bluish yellow Cyclone:

"xianfaleidun - super large jade spiral pill!"

All of a sudden, a cyclone with a diameter several times larger than that of a football is dragged on each separate hand, and the terrible electric snake "Yiyi" is still twining on these cyclones.

This is a new move developed by Lei Yin, which injects chakra of Lei attribute into spiral pill cyclone. With the energy of magic chakra, its power is more than ten times.

A roar of explosion and a strong voltage directly shocked the sky for nine days. Even those who were able to offer a reward of about 500 million or 600 million were killed by the cyclone, causing a lot of electrical injuries, which made the already defeated legion of beasts more scattered.

Among the three disasters, the situation of king and queen was slightly better. They were paralyzed by electricity and almost couldn't move. They were scorched in many places and almost lost the ability to compete with thunder.

Only kaiduo, a beast, felt general paralysis and did not cause any substantial damage.

Seeing this scene, Lei Yin showed a satisfied smile: "Kato, now, there are only two of us left."

It turns out that all this is calculated by Lei Yin. Even at the level of three disasters, he is just like slaughtering dogs and chickens.

The best situation is kaiduo. He just feels paralyzed and doesn't have any substantial damage.

After a while, Kato suddenly shook his body, and the feeling of paralysis gradually disappeared.

"Thunder sound!"

All of a sudden, Kato let out a loud drink, which was like the sound of a bell moving directly above the sky. Then, he pounded the ground, like a monster with a red buff moving at a high speed. Every step made the nearby ground crack continuously.

When he ran to Leiyin, kaiduo almost concentrated most of his strength on a fist as big as a millstone. Leiyin saw that his right fist was also armed and aggressive. He quickly moved and hit kaiduo on the front door with one punch:

"six style aoyi - bahuangtiekuai boxing!"

directly bypassed kaiduo's attack, which hit kaiduo and hit him all at once He staggered out.

Kato fell heavily on the ground, making a deep hole in the distance.

Then, Kato climbed out of the pit and scratched his rough hair: "Stinky kid, you can make me look like this."

Hearing the words, Lei Yin ignored his words, and her eyes gradually changed shape:

"eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes - open!"

"Must be able to - the fourth form!"

Suddenly, the blue ghost appeared again, and the bright blue body was more powerful than the general.

"Is that another move?"

Kato looks at suzo in front of him. This is his familiar figure. Kaiduo and Leiyin have been fighting for several times. At the beginning, they met once in the Navy headquarters, and once in sligny island. Almost every time they fought with kaiduo, Leiyin would summon suzo.

In xuzuo's hands, there was a cyclone again. Under the background of cloudy sky, the earth below was shining blue:

"xianfasuzuo - super large jade spiral pill!"

"Boom" a loud bang, the cyclone will directly fly out of Kato, fly out nearly kilometers before stopping.

This kind of situation has happened many times before, but every time it happened, Kato still couldn't believe it.

This blow still did not cause any damage to kaiduo. When he slowly got up from the ground, Leiyin had already flew to kaiduo's near.

"Kato, someone wants me to take down your head. What do you say to do?"

"If you think you have this ability, try it!"

Although Kato said this, he was still suspicious in his heart.

Suddenly, Lei Yin put his hands together, and a strong breath moved directly above the sky. Between the dark clouds, there was more than a flash of thunder, and even a blue flame, which changed the color of the clouds.

An unprecedented energy is surging between heaven and earth.

[heaven and earth fall, mountains shake, mountains fall; the sky falls, the earth gushes with Golden Lotus! 】

a Buddha statue, which is ten times larger than the previous one, rises slowly from the ground, shaking the whole ground of Yinyun island.

"What... What is this?"

Many animals see this scene, and there is an unprecedented color of fear in their eyes.

"Immortal Dharma Mudun - true number thousand hands - Top Buddha!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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