Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:55 AM

Chapter 365

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Empty island is just a legend. People have heard of this place, but not many people believe it. And even if you know it, it's hard for ordinary people to get there.

This is the real landing.

Thunder is rising in the process, the huge current has been washed to the white sea.

In flight, a huge guy was moving in the current. Suddenly, he found the existence of Leiyin, the direction of swimming suddenly changed, and he swam towards Leiyin.

When he swam near, Lei Yin found that it was a boa constrictor hundreds of meters long. His eyes were ferocious, and he opened his mouth. A bloody stench came to his nose, and he wanted to swallow the tiny creature Lei Yin.

Seeing this, Lei Yin's face didn't change, and his body stagnated in the air. He drew out his grass shaved sword to draw out a light sword, and directly cut off the head of the sea python. A blood light gushed out, mixed with the sea water, and the light red liquid was washed directly into the sky.

During the flight, Lei Yin was constantly attacked by all kinds of sea king. Without a word, he died under the blade of grass shaved sword.

Finally, the water beside Lei Yin is getting lighter and lighter, and a burst of air breaking sound comes out. He gradually goes away from the current and falls on a piece of soft clouds.

It seems that this is the white sea.

Muttered to himself, Lei Yin stood up and looked around.

According to his memory of the original, the white sea is 3000 meters above the white sea. The general route is to go through the gate of heaven in the white sea, and then take the swift shrimp to get to the destination through the Yunhe road.

Lei Yin stepped on the clouds like cotton clouds, feeling unspeakable comfort. At this time, he began to think about his two baby-5 and Hankook. If he brought one of them, it would be a very romantic thing for a couple to walk on the poetic clouds.

In fact, it's not that Lei Yin doesn't want to bring them here, but that although the scenery of the empty island is beautiful, it's not a matter of words to get on the island. In addition, his two women are both demons. It's even worse if they are touched by the current.

And even if it's reciting one, it's not hard for Lei Yin, but if it brings one, the other will be dissatisfied.

What's more, Lei Yin doesn't want them to take risks with such a dangerous thing.

"Outsiders, if they want to enter the empty Island, must pay 1 billion axstol."

Unknowingly, he came to the gate of heaven. Behind the gatekeeper, there was a pair of short white wings.

Ten thousand exestoles is equivalent to one Bailey, and one billion exestoles is equivalent to one hundred thousand Bailey in Qinghai.

Thunder sound hears speech, certainly won't honestly give him money, but suddenly smile: "if not, what would you do?"

The gatekeeper was a little angry when he heard the words: "if you don't have money, you won't be allowed to enter!"

"What if I have to go in?"

Seeing Lei Yin's attitude, there was obvious hostility in the gatekeeper's eyes: "if you insist on breaking in, you will commit the crime of [illegal entry into the country], and the crime level is 11. According to the law, you will be arrested by the law enforcers and fined 10 times."

"It's an interesting country."

Lei Yin is still relaxed, but the next moment, his eyes suddenly stare, a huge wave of air surging away in all directions, the guards directly fell to the ground, mouth foaming more than...

on the golden boat ark motto of time and space Island, a man with long earlobes and four drums on his back is eating apples leisurely, suddenly, he stopped The action of eating apple, frown tight, do not know what to perceive.

"There are foreigners invading the island. Seize it!"

The Raiders of the team of gods found Lei Yin, and the winged people drank at Lei Yin with fireguns, handguns and swords.

As before, his eyes glared, and almost all the people who searched for Lei Yin fell to the ground, their eyes turned white and their mouth frothed.

And the leader of the team of God was not stunned - this is Leiyin deliberately. At this time, Lei Yin walked over and pulled up his collar, glaring at him: "Hello! I'm looking for enilu, and I say, "where is he now?"

God's team leader's eyes were terrified and his body trembled - it was the aftereffect of overlord's color. If it wasn't for Lei Yin's deliberate control, the team leader would have lost consciousness.

"He... He... He is...

the leader of the God team stammered out, and Lei Yin released him.

Instead of riding the swift shrimp, thunder soared into the sky and flew to the high altitude pointed by the team leader... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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