Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:51 AM

Chapter 368

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The golden bell is here. That is to say, this area was originally the famous city of sandora on Kaya island. Four hundred years ago, sandora had the reputation of golden town.

When the majestic and gorgeous golden bell is displayed in front of Leiyin's eyes, Leiyin's heart can't help surging.

On the base under the gold clock, there is a stone tablet with neat handwriting, which is the text of historical information.

Lei Yin took out the ink and poured it on, rubbing it down with a rubbings.

Then, his right hand attached to the armed color domineering, jumped up and hit the golden bell.


The bell, which has been silent for 400 years, rings through the whole empty Island, and the beautiful and pleasant sound is constantly echoing in my ears.

Lei Yin's idea suddenly moved and left this fantastic land.

On the poor blue down the yellow spring.

According to the memory of previous life, Lei Yin gradually collected part of the historical information text.

He took these historical texts back to all nations and put them in front of the public.

"Robin, that's all I've got."

Because the stone tablet in the history text is big and hard, so it is not easy to carry. If there is rubbings, the effect is the same.

These rubbings alone have attracted people's attention, and Robin's beautiful eyes are even brighter, just like the eyes of discovering the new world.

Although I didn't see the stone tablet with my own eyes, the handwriting on it was very clear. Although he didn't collect all the rubbings, Robin was very happy to see so many historical texts at one time. He couldn't help reaching out and touching the words on the rubbings, just like touching the stone tablet with his own hands.

It seems that there is only Robin and these rubbings left in the world, and she seems to have lost the existence of outsiders.

"How's it going, Robin?"

"Yeah, yeah, does it say where is lourderu?"

"Hey, these are [historical intelligence text], not [road sign historical text]. How can they point directly to the position of Lavrov?"

"Well, what does it say?"

The cadres of Leiyin group looked at Robin, and they all looked very anxious. They all wanted to know the content of the stone tablet, so they could not help asking.

Robin didn't speak. He just found a piece of paper and a pen and drew on it. At this time, all the cadres gathered around him and tried to see what robin was drawing.

When Lei Yin saw this, he stopped the crowd, put his index finger on his lips, and made a silent gesture, indicating that the crowd should be quiet and don't disturb Robin's thinking.

At the captain's command, everyone calm down. Robin looked at the rubbings and drew pictures on the paper. Finally, the silent Robin finally said, "here's a rubbings, which clearly shows that the fourth stone tablet is in the windless zone of the first half of the great route."

The fourth block?!

That's right. The fourth is the last missing landmark text!

"Where in the windless zone?"

"According to the general description, it should be near the Amazon Lily island..."

hancook was surprised and his eyes widened: "is it on our island?"

"No, I'm not particularly sure, because there are not all the intelligence articles here, so the information is incomplete..."

after hearing the words, the people's mood, which had been raised, became lost again. Robin is talking about the vicinity of daughter's Island, which may be several, dozens or even hundreds of nautical miles around, and he doesn't know whether it is on an island or on the bottom of the sea, so searching like this is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Even though Lei Yin has a strong sense of color and domineering, but the stone tablet is a dead object, can not feel his existence.

However, when Robin turned two more photos, his eyes suddenly brightened: "here is the sign of longitude and latitude."

Chief of staff: I'll get the map

The map of the world is in front of us. Robin draws it according to the position. He draws three points on the great route.

One point is close to the red earth continent, one is on the judicial Island, and the other is on the windless zone.

Lei Yin: "what does that mean? At the center of these three points? "

Darius answered, "or at one of these three points?"

Robin: "there are also a few poems behind [copper wall, iron wall, dragon and tiger, control of life and death, dense hell]."

Everyone got close to the position marked by Robin and the translated poems, and each one fell into meditation.

"Isn't this... Burp! The Navy's triangle? Burp! "One side of Baxter is obviously drunk, blushing, burp wine said.

After barksjott said, we all saw it.

"I see. According to these rough verses and the coordinate points drawn, the position of the last piece should be in...

" Holy Land... Marjoria! "

Fengkeli can't help exclaiming. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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