Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:42 AM

Chapter 378

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Marine headquarters, marlin Fando.

Admirals gather here in the majestic conference hall.

"In this way, those branches in the East China Sea can no longer deal with that group of people."

Major brennuel of the headquarters: "the reward is 20 million Aron, 16 million Chloe, 15 million Bucky... In the East China Sea, where the average reward is only 3 million Bailey, these ten million level pirate groups are destroyed in their hands."

"The 30 million wanted for the first time should be strangled in the cradle to prevent future trouble." A major general slapped the reward order of munch-d-luffy on the table, his face filled with indignation.

"As long as there are evil forces on the sea, we must try our best to expel them... In the name of absolute justice!"

East China Sea, on the golden Meryl.

"Damn, who's stealing our grain?" xiangjishi ran out of the kitchen, angrily holding a frying spoon and watching from left to right on the boat.

Luffy and uthorp, with their mouths full of food, ran about on the deck.

"Luffy, uthorp, you two bastards! It's really you. That's the grain we left behind from Guci island for storage!" xiangjishi jumped over and was going to beat them.

"Red dog, marshal of the Navy headquarters, personally escorted 8.6 billion Bailey's gold in the sky, which was robbed. Now four emperors [rebel general] Lei Yin offered a reward of 2.65 billion Bailey, becoming the world's second criminal..."

Nami sat on the beach chair, reading the contents of the latest issue of the newspaper.

On the deck, "Dong Dong Dong" incessantly, xiangjishi with a frying spoon desperately chased after Luffy and usop, making a lot of noise.

Nami yelled angrily: "you guys! Be quiet for me!"

after hearing the words, the three of them immediately stopped chasing and frolicking. Xiangjishi turned to Nami, her eyes turned into peach heart shape, her legs trembled like noodles: "namisang - the attentive namisang is so cute - I prepared dessert for you in the kitchen, and I'll get it for you right away"

the three of them were very angry "It's so noisy! You color cook!" Solon, who was practicing, said with disgust.

"What are you talking about?" xiangjishi turned to scold.

"Cook, have you got a lice on your tongue? I'm so tired of getting up early in the morning to make a lot of noise!

"you damned green algae head! Believe it or not, I'll kick you to death?"

"I'll chop you up, you color cook!"

two people "point to point" one is emitting red light, the other is emitting blue light (daily bickering).

"Three swords flow..."

"kicking skills - smashing..."

"all be quiet for me!"

at this time, Nami jumps over and hits them on the head with one punch, smashing a big bag on Sauron's head and xiangjishi's head, and then smashing them on the deck.

(it seems that Nami is the strongest person on the ship...)

"we are going to Rogge town soon. We have to reserve some supplies." Said Nami.

Uthorp: "Rogge town? It sounds familiar. That's the one..."

shankish lit a cigarette and took a puff: "it's called [the town of beginning and end], where the pirate king gor-d-roger was born and died."

"Gol-d-roger?" hearing the name of the pirate king, Luffy's rubber neck stretched out and his mouth was almost full of meat.

When xiangjishi saw it, he was furious again: "Luffy! You guy! You are stealing meat again! That's everyone's ration!"

Luffy looked silly and cute: "anyway, it's almost in town. Let's buy more."

Xiangjishi: "all four of us can't eat as much as you."

Luffy: "as the saying goes, you have to eat when you are hungry."

Uthorp: Hello! Luffy! How did you eat my share? "

Sauron:" mine too... I don't even have breakfast... Luffy! I'm going to chop you to death! "

Nami:" shut up! The boat is off course! Hurry to turn the rudder right! "

shangis:" yes ~ namisan ~ "

in the very lively atmosphere, five people set sail to Rogge town.

Rogge Town port.

"Wow! What a big town

Seeing the hustle and bustle of the street, Luffy raised his fists and yelled.

Solon: is this where the era of Pirates began

Uthorp picked up the package and said, "I'm going to buy some equipment."

Xiangjishi: "it seems that we can buy some good ingredients here."

Luffy: "I'll go to the execution platform to have a look!"

Solon felt the only Sabre left at his waist and looked at Nami: "I also have something to buy."

Nami said with a smile, "I can lend you money, but it costs three times the interest."

Although a face of reluctance, but soron still asked Nami borrowed 100000 Bailey.We're going to split up for a while and do our own business.

But at this time, in a corner, a pair of eyes have been fixed on the straw hat group...

at this time, a pair of eyes have been fixed on the straw hat group , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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