Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:23 AM

Chapter 38

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"Water escape - the art of water dragon bullet!"

With this move, the water is surging, and a large exaggerated water dragon roars away to the sharks. The sharks see the situation, and almost have no time to react, so they are scattered and knocked unconscious

After all, the big tiger sharks are just a kind of creature. Although they are ferocious in nature, how ever have they seen such a scene? Shark in front of the water dragon summoned by thunder sound is insignificant.

After the battle of Leiyin, there are less than ten sharks left. At this time, Leiyin's hands are gathering a blue cyclone, brewing a final blow to the shark

"Big jade - spiral pill!"

First, Lei Yin moved to the sharks with the flying thunder chopper. Then, the blue chakra cyclone suddenly fell

With a deafening roar, [Dayu spiral pill] smashed a whirlpool with a diameter of more than ten meters on the sea.

At this time, the soldiers who had been hiding in the cabin ran to the bow of the ship. When they looked at it again, almost all the sharks were killed by the explosion, or their flesh and blood were blurred.

In the eyes of the navy soldiers, Lei Yin steps back to the ship.

"Only one person wiped out the whole shark group..."

"Is this guy really just a third class soldier?"

"This battle scene is like a dream."

This boy, who is sacred?!

T Penn originally thought that thunder at most is to block and repel these sharks, but he didn't expect to be able to do so.

It seems that it is not unreasonable that lieutenant general Kapp can take a fancy to him.

Since Leiyin hanged the sharks, the Navy's eyes changed from disdain to awe.

After two days at sea, we saw an island.

"Let's have a rest here."

Lei Yin just said lightly. The soldiers immediately anchored and obeyed his orders.

Since the soldiers saw the powerful strength of Raytheon, his prestige on the warship even surpassed that of Captain T. Penn.

Money? right? military rank?

In this world, these are secondary, as long as there is strength, the above three are handy.

Therefore, even if Lei Yin is a third class soldier, we all know very well that this boy's future is limitless.

What's more, if there was no thunder in the past two days, they would have become the meals of sharks.

The soldiers on the ship were all convinced of him.

When he heard that Lei Yin wanted to go to the island for rest, T. Penn didn't refute. He said, "Mr. Lei Yin, the influence of the great route is complicated. We only have a mere 20 people. In my opinion, we should all wear casual clothes to the island."

In fact, Penn is right. The world is so big, who knows what ghost lives on the island? But they have to go to the island to buy some food and fresh water resources to prevent food shortage. What's more, originally, he didn't come out to carry out any major task. He just sent people to the Navy headquarters. Peng en and Lei Yin are not afraid. For the sake of the safety of these ordinary navies, it's better to be careful.

Lei Yin said, "well, Mr. Penn, what you said is very reasonable. Let's all change into casual clothes."

In order not to attract people's attention, the navies scattered and went to buy food and fresh water respectively, while Lei Yin, a man, was going to buy some food to go back. We agreed to buy good things and meet on the ship in two hours.

After going to the island, I found that this is a relatively prosperous small town. The streets are bustling with traffic.

Lei Yin looked around on the street and saw a deli. Just as he was going in, a small man stopped him.

Looking at Lei Yin, the little man rubbed his hands and said, "Sir, I think you are dignified and magnanimous. Are you interested in participating in our auction?"

Seeing that this guy's foreword didn't match his later words, Lei Yin was puzzled: "auction, why do you want me to go?"

The little man thought for a moment: "ha ha, you are also a straightforward person. To tell you the truth, I think the sword behind you is good. If it is in our auction, it should be able to get a good price."

Indeed, the grass shaved sword on Lei Yin's back looks very delicate from a distance. When you look closer, the scabbard still emits a faint blue smell, which makes it a peerless sword.

In this world, swordsmen attach great importance to the quality of swords. Otherwise, there would not be twelve, twenty-one or fifty swordsmen.

Famous swordsman with swordsman, a good sword can definitely get a good price.

"You mean you want to auction my sword?"

"That's right. We'll take five percent of the money from the auction."

Lei Yin thought about it for a while and guessed that it was 7788.

So Lei Yin decided to go with them to the auction hall.

In the world of pirate king, there are two kinds of Auctions: one is legal and recognized by the government, for example, the population auction in the No. 1 area of the shambaldi islands; the other is illegal, with private armed groups, for example, the auction that Leiyin is going toI don't know how to turn around a few doors. The little man came into the auction hall with thunder. Looking around, there were only dozens of people sitting. The light in the audience was dim, which made people know that it was an underground trading place.

In the front row of the audience, there is a fat man with a face full of jewels. Next to him, there is a young woman who is fashionable, beautiful and charming. The fat man's hand is groping on the woman's leg.

Lei Yin sat in the last row. The little man came up to him and asked, "Sir, is this sword still on sale?"

"Wait, I'll see first." Thunder tone light way.

The little man thought for a moment and said, "well, sir, the auction will start soon. If you have any favorite goods, you can bid with us."

"I see."

With that, a host with moxigan head and sunglasses stepped onto the auction table, "sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time, but I think today's products will not disappoint you."

"Next, let's show you the first product."

With that, two people in black uniforms pushed an iron cage to the front of the stage. The staff lifted the red cloth on the cage and there was a girl inside.

To be exact, she is a beautiful girl. At this time, her thin and white hands and feet are in cold shackles. Her eyes are desperate, as if she is not willing to accept the bleak life in the future.

"She is a professional model from Beihai. With her beautiful face and long black hair, she can become the daily entertainment object of all the bosses. Her rock bottom price is One million Bailey , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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