Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:40 AM

Chapter 380

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This yallita was the first enemy Luffy met when she went out to sea. She used to be a fat and ugly old woman. She has become extremely charming since she ate the slippery fruit.

And those who took off their cloaks were the men of the Baki Pirate Group. Once, yallita saw that Bucky was chased by sea animals on the pirate ship and saved him. Through chatting, they learned that each other's enemies were Luffy, so they became good friends. After that, they found other members of the group together, and yalita joined the group.

"Who do I think it is? It's Bucky." Luffy put his hands on his waist and looked disapproval.

Bucky's head gets bigger and his teeth get sharper: "Hello! What's your attitude! "

" Bucky, it's the pirate [clown] Bucky! " Many citizens recognized baki, and the people of the baki pirate group showed their ferocious faces with swords and swords one by one. There was a riot in the square.

"Fellow citizens, please don't move. Next, let's show you what I'm good at! Wow, ha, ha, ha...

Bucky laughs wildly, scaring the citizens more like frightened birds.


suddenly, there was a clear and loud sound on the execution platform, and Luffy was directly chained.

"Long time no see, rubber man, loronoya Solon... Is he ok..."

the man who shackled Luffy was kabaji, chief of staff of the Baji Pirate Group. He looked sinister and asked Solon about his situation. Obviously, he was still worried about his defeat in Solon's hands last time.

"Kabaji! Well done!" barky yelled from under the scaffold.

"What... What?" Luffy didn't respond at all. This sudden attack caught him off guard.

At this time, Bucky's face was bloodthirsty and excited: "now, I'm going to execute you in public! You should feel very honored to die in the same place as the pirate king!! Wahaha!"

Luffy, whose head and hands were locked, still looked at Bucky with a silly face: "I'm still watching the death penalty for the first time."

Bucky's head became bigger and he yelled, "you're the one who's going to die!"

at this time, Luffy responded with prominent eyes and long tongue: "ah? What a joke

Bucky yelled, "you're kidding me, aren't you?"

For Luffy, a slow guy, Bucky has no temper.

"I declare that munch-d-luffy, the sinner, has committed the crime of [offending my uncle for his recklessness] and is sentenced to death. Execute immediately!" Bucky's voice echoed in the square of the whole execution platform.

At this time, the straw hat group of four other people arrived at the square of the scaffold one after another, just saw the scene of Luffy on the scaffold.

With the package on his back, uthorp was surprised to see this scene: "there is no navy here, why is Luffy locked on Xingtai?"

Nami looked anxious: "don't say so much, let's go to save him as soon as possible!"

before the words were heard, Sauron and xiangjishi had already rushed up left and right, ready to take back Luffy.

On the execution platform, bakiti's sword was stepping on the shackles, and his face was already showing the pleasure of revenge: "before you die, do you have any last words? But forget it... No one will care about that kind of thing anyway...

Luffy's eyes were solemn, and he yelled: "I want to be the man of the pirate king!"

The language reveals the aura of hegemony, resounding through the sky.

Some of the citizens watching on the outside couldn't help laughing: "it's just here to say such things..."

"what a big talker..."

"is that all you want to say? Son of a bitch! "On the execution platform, Bucky was in a state of emotion, holding a knife and gesticulating.

"Keep people under the knife!"

in the distance, two figures rushed left and right to kill in the Baji Pirate Group and came here.

"Sauron! Xiangji! Come and help me!" Luffy on the scaffold was drinking loudly, calling for his companions.

"Solon, here you are at last! But it's a pity that he's a little late! "Bucky raised his knife, but his face was full of pride.

"Three swords flow tornado!"

Solon waved his sword and rolled out a huge wind pressure, blowing the pirates away.

"Bad! It's too late!"

seeing that there is still a distance from the scaffold, Solon and others can't get close to it.

"Must kill - flaming star!"

uthorp tugged at the catapult, and a lead bullet turned into a burning flame and flew to the scaffold.

However, because he was too far away, the fire had not been put out before.

"Hateful!" said uthorp with a look of helplessness.

"Luffy!" yelled the straw hat group in despair, and Bucky had already taken his knife off.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I'm going to die!" Knowing that he would die, Luffy had a smile on his , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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