Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:39 AM

Chapter 381

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"What are you talking about? ! "Nami exclaimed.

Uthorp: "Luffy! No!"

Sauron and shankish: "Luffy!"

"Wahaha!" Bucky laughed wildly and was about to cut off Luffy's head...


at this time, a fat man with a sword on his back suddenly appeared. He blew up the execution platform with one blow. When the execution platform collapsed, Bucky's body also seemed to bear the pressure With the strength of thousands of Jin, he spat a mouthful of white foam, his eyes turned white, and he was directly knocked to the ground.

Luffy fell from the collapsed scaffold, the straw hat also flew out, and the shackles fell to pieces, but he stood up from the ground like nothing happened, patted the dust on his body, and laughed brightly, "hahaha, I'm still alive, it's really a bargain!"

with that, Luffy picked up the straw hat and buckled it on his head.

Next, yallita and the crew of Bucky's Pirate Group looked at him in surprise.

"The captain was knocked down like this?"

"who is that guy? ! "

" is he also Luffy's crew? "

when you look closely, the man who helped Leiyin just now looks like an uncle with a national face and a sparse beard on his chin.

"I said uncle, thank you so much! Hee hee!" no matter who uncle is, Luffy said thanks.

"It's a small matter. I happened to pass by and see that smog is coming soon. Let's run away quickly!"

in this way, uncle took Lufei and others to run towards the port...

xiangjishi: "you are so strong, uncle."

Luffy: uncle, why did you come to save me

As the six people ran, they could not help asking uncle.

Uncle: "I just passed by here and just saw it. In fact, I'm also a pirate, and I know the strength of smog... "

Nami:" uncle, what's your name? "

Uncle smile: "my name is Yutian."

Uthorp: Thank you very much, Mr. Yutian. But for you, our captain would have died today

Execution platform square.

Bucky gradually recovered, his face was not good-looking, "it's really unreasonable, that damned rubber broom star, actually brought a helper."

Kabaji: Captain, aren't you dead

Bucky turned his head angrily. "What? Do you want me to die?"

Yallita: Bucky, I heard that the Colonel here is from the Navy headquarters. He is very powerful. We have to run away immediately

Unexpectedly, Bucky looked scornful: "hum! Navy or something, I can deal with him with my nose... Who do you call big red nose?! "

" I... I didn't say anything...

suddenly, Bucky suddenly yelled at the crowd like chicken blood: "don't lose heart! Rubber boy can't escape from this island! Little ones! Clean them up and then escape from this island!"

"woo!" Bucky's subordinates all over again to shout.

"Bring me the motorcycle!"

"yes, Captain!"

"Sledding!" Arita uses the fruit's ability to glide barefoot on the ground.

"One wheel juggling!" kabaji was riding a unicycle at high speed.

Mocky galloped on his lion, Ricky.

Like a circus, Bucky and others showed their magic power and quickly chased the straw hat Gang to the port.

Luffy and others didn't run far, so Bucky and others caught up with them.

"Die for me! You rubber bastard! And you, the guy who just hit Ben! "

Bucky was the first to bear the brunt, showing his ferocious claws. Kabaji waved his knife, and the lion leaky was grinding his claws.

Xiangjishi lit a cigarette: "these bastards, they have come here."

Solon didn't speak, wrapping the green turban on his arm around his head.

At this time, Yutian stood in front, showing an intriguing smile, "I said Bucky, don't you recognize me?"

When Bucky saw him, he was stunned. "Who are you?"

Luffy: Oh, so you know this guy, too

"I've been on your boat." Yutian continued.

Bucky: I've been on my boat. Are you out of your mind? I haven't even seen you. "

Yutian: "no wonder you don't remember what I am like now."

Kabaji: "Captain, don't talk to them anymore. We've got to get rid of them."

Bucky showed a sly smile: "yes, I'll kill you all!"

"fall apart..."

before Bucky was in trouble, Yutian flew over at a speed invisible to human eyes. He didn't know what move he used, so he knocked Bucky, kabaji, Mochi, yallita and others to the , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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