Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:37 AM

Chapter 383

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Next, Smog's elemental body launched a stormy attack on rainfield, but failed to hurt rainfield.

Fighting is like two children playing, because the strength of one side is beyond words.

In the battle, Yutian's face is always wearing a smile, and smog is sweating.

"Have you had enough? Captain smog? "Yutian smiles. Just now, he almost didn't give a hand. He just pushed it out with a light palm and hit Smog's chest. That's how he hit smog dozens of meters away and fell heavily on the ground.

"Can we go now?" Yutian didn't even pull out his sword. It was like a cat playing with a mouse. He easily defeated smog. When the Navy saw this, no one dared to step forward.

It's no use for them to go up even if smog is so strong.

The original pursuit of escape, into the now leisurely leave, Yutian with Lufei and others on board.

The straw hat group took the rain field, and the ship continued to sail.

On the golden merry.

"Uncle Yutian, who are you on earth? I don't think you are an ordinary character at all!" Nami looked at him with some doubts in her eyes.

"Anyway, uncle is a good man! He has saved us several times in a row." Lufei patted Yutian's shoulder with no head and no brain, and he laughed brightly.

"This uncle must be a person with a way to come..." uthorp murmured to himself.

Luffy: "if you don't dislike it, you can add..."

"no! No!" before Luffy finished, Nami breathed out her voice.

When people looked at it, there was a torrential rain and a strong wind.

"Quick! Close the sails!"

Nami roared, and xiangjishi did it immediately.

"This is the entrance to the great route, so the environment will be very bad!" Nami continued.

"The entrance to the great route? Really?" Luffy, as if completely unaware of the danger, exclaimed excitedly.

"Of course, but it's too dangerous to get out of here now!" cried uthorp.

"Three blade flow..."

Solon was about to launch a disaster when he saw the rain field waving his hand at the stern of the ship, and a strong wind pressure spurted out, driving the whole ship forward at a high speed.

In a short time, the ship came out of the stormy land.

The sky cleared up again, it was sunny and windy.

Solon couldn't help but turn his head to Yutian: "uncle, who are you? Why do you want to save us?"

Yutian showed a strange smile: "if you want to know...

Yutian crossed his hands," touch ", a cloud of smoke flashed, and the fat uncle turned into a young handsome young man, an ordinary treasure behind him The sword has also been turned into an excellent sword.

Luffy's eyes were shining like a two missing person: "sugoy! Uncle is so powerful, he can change his body! Come again! Come again! Ha ha ha!"

when Nami saw Yutian's appearance, her eyes gradually changed, showing extreme fear, and she sat down on the ground directly: "you... You... Are you?!"

never seen Nami so scared, so Solon felt that things were not good and pulled out Three knives at the waist.

"Namisan, don't be afraid. I will protect you to the death."

Xiangjishi side to make an offensive gesture, said at the same time.

Seeing Nami's abnormal appearance, uthorp's legs trembled: "Nami, who is this guy?"

Luffy turned his head: "Hello! I say you, uncle, you just can change your body. Don't you have to react so much? "

"Lu... Lufei! You know the situation, this guy is Sihuang [rebel general] Leiyin!" Nami almost screamed.

"What... What?!"

people were shocked when they heard the words.

It turned out that Leiyin had nothing to do, just passing by the sea area near Rogge Town, saw the straw hat group and followed them all the way here.

Because the appearance of Leiyin changed history, by this time bigumam no longer existed, and Chiu also became marshal.

A few days ago, Lei Yin just defeated the red dog, the marshal of the Department, and won this year's sky gold. He was offered a reward of 2.65 billion Bailey, which made him famous all over the world.

At this time, it was less than half a year for Luffy to go to sea.

Luffy also foolishly tilted his head: "rebel general Lei yin? Who is it?"

Xiangjishi hit Luffy on the head: "he defeated the fourth emperor of the marshal, it's the fourth emperor!"

Luffy was shocked: "it's the fourth emperor!"

Solon: "Hello! Are you too slow? "

Nami had the courage to say, "well, what are you going to do with us?"

Lei Yin grinned: "your captain has been offered a reward of 30 million Bailey to become the highest reward pirate in the East China Sea. I'm here to take his head..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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