Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:35 AM

Chapter 385

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"Am I... Dead?"

When Lei Yin woke up again, he found that it was still dark all around.

Not only that, he also felt that the dark space was still moving.

Lei Yin moved his body and found that it was blocked up, down, front, back, left and right.

Lei Yin was about to struggle, when he suddenly felt the dark narrow space falling down, "Dong", as if it was on the ground.

"It's a pity that the child died at the age of eleven."

"Yes, his father's life is only a tolerance, and his mother is the next tolerance. The task three months ago was killed by a rebel in Wuyin village."

"So the child died of depression."

"Others say he committed suicide."

"Ah... What a miserable child..."

in this dark and narrow space, the voice of people talking and sighing outside Leiyin was heard faintly.

All of a sudden, Lei Yin felt a headache, and many years of memory appeared in his mind: the owner of this body, also known as Lei Yin, is 11 years old, a student of Muye village Ninja school. His parents were killed by the traitor of Wuyin village three months ago, and he could not bear the pain to commit suicide...

it seems that this time, he passed through the world of fire and shadow!

however, Lei Yin's life is very difficult The sound always feels like something is missing.

Just thinking about this, suddenly, the dark narrow space moved again.

"Let's go down to the coffin."

"Let the poor child rest in peace."

There was another voice outside.

"Damn, do you really think I'm dead?"

Thunder sound thinks like this, one punch broke above barrier, flies out.

"What's the matter?"

suddenly, Lei Yin came out and saw four people with digging tools and a coffin with a broken lid under it.

It turns out that these people just wanted to bury themselves.

"You... You...

" resurrected? ! "


Lei Yin understood that this time she was crossing the world of fire shadow, and her soul was crossing another corpse with the same name.

It seems that Buddha's words are true. In order to make the thunder sound stronger, Buddha himself sent it to the world of fire shadow.

Lei Yin wants to ask the truth, but his mind moves and he arrives at the Holy Buddha ridge again.

Inside the main hall of the Buddha and the beaver temple.

"I knew you came back for me." The Buddha sitting in the center of the main hall closed his eyes, and the voice of the bell came again.

"Then you must know what I'm here for... I just want to ask, why do you want me to wear the body of an eleven year old kid?" Lei Yin frowned and twisted her body, which was much smaller than before. Her tone was slightly censured.

Buddha smiles: "what happened to the 11-year-old kid? Your ability has not diminished at all

"Is it?"

After listening to Buddha's words, Leiyin moves his mind again, and the personal information given by the system appears in front of his eyes:


gender: male

age: 11 years old (Huoying world)

Ninja level: ghosts and gods high level

blood following limit or human pillar force: Eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, whirlpool blood following limit, one tail shouhe - two tails youLV - three tails Jifu perfect human pillar power.

Skills: Xianfa Mudun - true thousand hands - Top Buddha and silver sword flashing (s level), Baqi skill (s level), most Shuidun; most Huodun; most Leidun; most tudun; most fengdun; most Mudun Ninja; lizhijianwu and other extended swordsmanship; lizhijianbo and other extended swordsmanship; Sabre pulling and chopping and other extended swordsmanship; feileishen section 2 (a level); white blade (Advanced) It's a level; helix pill (a level); big jade helix pill (a level); multiple shadow separation (a level); sword shadow separation in hand (a level); channeling thunder light sword (B level); lion's continuous bullet (C level); six e-level basic Ninja; ice escape icicle (B level); one knife flow rhino strike; overlord color domineering; armed color domineering; seeing and hearing color domineering, etc.

Item list (forbearance, weapons): Seal scroll × 2, kuwu × 12000, grass shaved sword, hand sword × 7200

psychic beast: cat tiger beast, shouhe, Youlu, Jifu, Baqi snake

immortal mode: civet cat fairy family's Fairy Art in Shengfuling has awakened! Mudun fairy art has awakened.

Chakra volume: 1.922 billion, 1.922 billion

money: 20000 Liang

after looking at the personal data of the system, there are three differences. The first is age; the second is Ninja level. Previously, it was just the level of ghosts and gods. Now, each level is divided into four small levels, namely, primary level, medium level, high level and peak level. The third is the amount of money. In the world of fire shadow, the monetary unit is two, one or two equals ten yuan. Originally in the world of pirates, he had two billion Baileys. When he came to the world of fire shadow, it was equivalent to twenty thousand taels.It seems that the system is quite humanized, at least it doesn't have to enrich its own pockets just because of the change of the world... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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