Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:34 AM

Chapter 386

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When Lei Yin thought of the scene of crossing over, he couldn't help but have five black lines on his head: "I said Buddha, you didn't arrange me to cross over like that in lourderu, did you?"

Buddha said with a smile: "how about it? Is it mysterious? "

Lei Yin's head enlarged: "what's the mystery? I almost thought I was dead! "

Buddha:" don't complain, you guys. Is it a bad thing that you have such strength at the age of 11 in this world? "

Hearing Buddha's words, Lei Yin touched his chin and thought, what Buddha said is not unreasonable.

"Well, go to the world, I also want to see how strong you can be..." the Buddha said and waved his hand, and the thunder disappeared in the main hall of the Buddha's ancestral hall.

After Lei Yin left.

Civet Sword Fairy said to Buddha, "it seems that he can't remember anything about his family."

Buddha: "it seems that I have completely eliminated his memory."

It turns out that in order to make Lei Yin have no worries, Buddha eliminated his memories of Hankook, baby-5 and his children, so as not to distract him in this world.

"Let him concentrate on growing up. As long as he becomes strong, he can do whatever he wants."

Huoying world, Muye village Ninja school.

"Hey, did you hear that the guy at the end of the crane came back to life yesterday?"

"I also know that it's going to be buried soon, and all of a sudden it's coming out of the coffin."

"That sounds scary."

"Can't it be the legendary reincarnation of the filthy earth?"

"How can it be? It's forbidden. How can someone in Muye village use it?"

"That guy will come back to life, isn't he a monster?"

"It's very possible, just like the Nine Tailed monster Naruto."

Ninja students in the children are talking, at this time, Lei Yin came into the classroom.

"He... He's coming!"

when the children saw him, they all looked like ghosts.

"Hateful, it's this look again!" Naruto on one side can't help thinking of himself when he sees people's strange look at Lei Yin.

Everyone knows that there is a fox demon in Naruto's body. Because of this, both the adults and children in the village hate him and think that he is the fox demon.

Lei Yin doesn't care about that. He sits in his seat and looks around. He finds many familiar faces, such as whirlpool Naruto, Yu Zhibo Sasuke, chunye Sakura, Li Luoke, rixiangningci, and rihata...

these people are all 11 or 12 years old. It seems that they are going through the time when he Naruto is about to graduate from school.

It wasn't long before class began. A teacher came in from the door. It was iluka.

"I've talked about the six basic e-level Ninja techniques many times, now let's review them..."

when iluka was lecturing on the stage, the children below didn't have many listeners.

Hatta looks at Naruto shyly, not knowing what he is thinking, but Naruto looks at Sakura chunye. Sakura chunye looks at Sasuke. Sasuke is one of the few students who listen to the class seriously. Some of the other students are chatting, some of them bow their heads and don't know what they are doing, while Lei Yin sleeps on the table.

"You all give me more than enough!"

suddenly, iluka got angry and slapped the desk, and a loud voice spread throughout the classroom.

Iruka's temper is very good, many students are the first time to see him so angry, it is these students do too much.

"Stand up for me, one by one! If you don't pass the test, I won't spare you!"

it's almost the first time that I saw the teacher's anger. The students were shocked and stood up one after another. The first thing as like as two peas,

, is the spring wild cherry, whose hands are flying up and down, and his eyebrows are wrinkled, and they become a split body like themselves.

"Qualified, next!"

the next one is ri Chutian. She looks shy, her hands tremble, and she turns into a thin self.

"A little thin, but you have worked hard, continue to refuel, Chutian students." Although hatada's separation is not very satisfactory, but iluka did not say anything, with a kind smile on his face.

"Yuzhibo Sasuke!"

when he called his name, Sasuke jumped up with an arrow step, which attracted countless girls' voices.

"Cut! What a showman. " Naruto drags his chin and murmurs.

Sasuke made a quick print and changed into three parts.

"It's worthy of Sasuke!"

In the eyes of admiration, Sasuke slowly stepped down.

"Next... Thunder!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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